iPhone 10 and syncing notes to Windows


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 17, 2000
Whats the trick to make it work!? I installed iCloud on my PC but I don't see them. Saw some info online and matched settings nada.

PS: I just want to make a copy of my iPhone notes locally, etc.
Are your notes in some sort of proprietary format?

Can you use Google Drive or MS One Drive instead of iCloud?

Personally, I found iCloud goofy when trying to copy files back and forth off of my Windows machine.
Are your notes in some sort of proprietary format?

Can you use Google Drive or MS One Drive instead of iCloud?

Personally, I found iCloud goofy when trying to copy files back and forth off of my Windows machine.

No but they are on my work iPhone and its not exactly something I can just recreate in 5 mins. Can I import it into Google Drive or MS one Drive from my iphone!?