Im really stuck between these three motherboards.. Intel noob

Below Ambient

Dec 5, 2001
Im a long term AMD fan.. given the stupidly horrible AM5 platform one of my friends sold me his nicely binned 5.5ghz 12900k. I have it running in a disappointing Strix A D4 z690 mobo... needless to say there is something wrong with the motherboard, and honestly cant tune the timings at all.. of course i scored the board from marketplace for a stupid low amount of money so no big loss.. I plan on RMA'ing the mobo to Asus, but first I need to figure out which mobo I want, since im planning to just do it right this time and go with DDR5

I just purchased a gskill 6800 kit and am stuck between the Evga Dark, Unify X, and Apex motherboards. I know they are stupid expensive, but my plan is eventually to do a little sub ambient benchmarking, and mess with raptor lake...

my main concern is achieving very high memory overclocks, and 5.5+ on chilled water... the cpu i have does 5.4 easy on an ambient open loop and I run 5.3 daily due to temps.. 5.4 is doable, but 5.3 is plenty since I dont really need the extra 100mhz unless im benchmarking

I could really use some hands on experience regarding these three motherboards and why you are using the board of your choice, or your experience with another option so long as its above 7k ram speed...

Could also use anything clever you've discovered
Im a long term AMD fan.. given the stupidly horrible AM5 platform one of my friends sold me his nicely binned 5.5ghz 12900k. I have it running in a disappointing Strix A D4 z690 mobo... needless to say there is something wrong with the motherboard, and honestly cant tune the timings at all.. of course i scored the board from marketplace for a stupid low amount of money so no big loss.. I plan on RMA'ing the mobo to Asus, but first I need to figure out which mobo I want, since im planning to just do it right this time and go with DDR5

I just purchased a gskill 6800 kit and am stuck between the Evga Dark, Unify X, and Apex motherboards. I know they are stupid expensive, but my plan is eventually to do a little sub ambient benchmarking, and mess with raptor lake...

my main concern is achieving very high memory overclocks, and 5.5+ on chilled water... the cpu i have does 5.4 easy on an ambient open loop and I run 5.3 daily due to temps.. 5.4 is doable, but 5.3 is plenty since I dont really need the extra 100mhz unless im benchmarking

I could really use some hands on experience regarding these three motherboards and why you are using the board of your choice, or your experience with another option so long as its above 7k ram speed...

Could also use anything clever you've discovered

Yep AM5 you're stuck at 6000 to stay 1:1 FCLK unless you want to fiddle with lots of settings for minimal gains.

Dark/Apex can't go wrong with either, although at places like OCN, Apex will seem uber popular simply because ASUS has shipped far more quantity worldwide. Early production Apex Z690 allegedly had an issue with mem OC stability that ASUS silently revised but didn't acknowledge.

First step is determining die type. If you bought the 6800 kit new its probably Hynix A. The number above barcode on modules will either end in 20A (A die) or 20M (M die). Then obviously grab latest 2.03 DarkKP BIOS from EVGA forums, and the latest ELEET X1 tool.

7600 C32/C34 is easy even on decent 4 slot 690/790 motherboards. Pushing to 7800, 8000, 8400, 8600 C34/36 is where the trial and error process begins for finding what's going to bottleneck first - IMC Generation (Alder Lake/Raptor Lake), G.Skill's binning too tight and not leaving much OC room beyond XMP spec, etc. And then deciding how much time, money and sanity to spend to overcome it.

You'll also want to check out the OCN DDR5 thread even though parsing it can be tiring due to it moving as fast as a chat channel.
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