Games that made you cry (NO SPOILERS).

At was at a younger age when literal crying in front of art was much rarer than today so maybe not actual tears, but ending of Gabriel Knight 3 and the first Mafia game are 2 that come to mind has really moving.
Cyberpunk 2077 and Life Is Strange are definitely the ones I've cried at the most. Also,
Witcher 3
Elden Ring
Elder Scrolls IV
Mirrors Edge Catalyst
Metro Exodus
Far Cry 4
Far Cry 5
Night in the Woods
Dragon Age Inquisition

Probably a lot more that aren't coming to mind rn. I think I may have cried at Doom Eternal? lol
Life is Strange
Gone Home
Tell Me Why
Dragon Age Inquisition
Cyberpunk 2077
Kentucky Route Zero

Many more. It's not particularly difficult.
Scenes in a movie, or certain pieces of music can bring a tear to my eye if I am feeling it. I dont recall being moved by a game, but I have such a short attention span I find it hard to play for extended periods.
Final Fantast X - The ending kills me
MGS3 - The ending kills me
MGS5 - It didn't have an ending and it kills me.
Planetarian : Reverie of a Little Planet
Its a VN and I dont think its available on steam anymore, but I have it on my old account. Cried like a bitch at points.

Narcissu, same deal, except I think its on Steam still. I played it many years ago, so I have no memory of it.
I never cried playing a game, I'm far too manly.

But how about games where I made someone else cry?

Halo, Halo 2, Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike Source, Team Fortress, Team Fortress 2, StarCraft Brood War, StarCraft 2, Smite, Fortnite, ARK Survival Evolved, Puyo Puyo, probably a lot more and I just didn't know it.
Never cried. Wtf kind of pussy millennial shit is this?

J/K 👀

I think only time I felt something was in RDR2 when my horse died or Witcher 3 when Roach died accidentally.
I spent $57 for Space Hawk for Intellivision on a vacation to the U.S in 1983'ish. That was like my life savings at the time and I think the clerks fucked up the CAD exchange as it took near an hour and three of them despite being close to the border!
I tried to love that game. I tried to impress my friends with my great USA bought cart acquisition. NOPE!
I just cried and cried.
Thanks for the memory OP!
Diablo 4
Just a waste of time

gave me real bad nausea

Ultima Online
When my house got looted in Yew and GM couldn't help.

Ikari Warriors 2
when it took a week if begging to get it back from a guy who stole it from me in Middle school.

Losing all my money in Arcade games
Mass Effect 3 because of how abominably horrible the ending was.