File/directory based music player for Android?


Mar 29, 2006
I have a mirror of my music in /sdcard/Music/music/ as plain files (all bought). There are also playlists in winamp format (which is just one filename per line).

What is a good Android program to play these? I think I once used actual Winamp on Android, but there seem to be only fake ones available now.

Desired features:
  • Directory-based play
  • Including recursive directories (depth > 1)
  • Support for flac files
  • As mentioned, ideally reading winamp playlists, or some other playlist format I can make from a program
I use simple music player. I got it on f-droid, but it's probably on google store?
I use simple music player. I got it on f-droid, but it's probably on google store?
Seems to be a lot of complaints that the user can't define a single music folder and it plays all found files. Has this been fixed?
It has a couple different ways to list: playlist, folders, artists, albums, tracks.
You can exclude in the folders one, and it seems to work in the tracks listing (that's usually all I use), you can also play a folder from the folder lists or new playlist>some folder.
uOpt what did you end up using/finding to work out for you?

None of the options posted so far worked for me on Pixel 8 Pro / Android 14. Multiple players were just hanging instead of playing after selecting a song. I don't know whether that is because of some OS incompatibility or because I have too many songs. A bit odd actually, but either way - the search continues. Any other recommendations welcome.

There were also players that wouldn't recursively pick up a directory and all of its subdirectories.
Ok, thanks for the reply. I'm using Foobar2000 to browse my media server by "Music Folder". Not ideal but it gets the job done albeit awkwardly.

I'm looking for an alternative myself. Post back if you find something that works for you.
Foobar2000 is still in testing here. It always says "0 tracks, 0 albums", even after I add my music folder manually. Right now it is indexing again, so maybe it just needs a complete pass over the collection.
Weird that Poweramp didn't work out. How many songs do you have?
About 12000. Any modern program should handle that.

Maybe it is because I don't have metadata inside the mp3s.

Maybe so. I've got about 1/2 that many and it works fine for my situation. I'm super meticulous with my metadata, album art, file names, etc. though.
Oh, ewww. Gotta fix that. Proper metadata has been the way for two decades+.

I'm sure there are other (maybe better?) options for tagging your music, but MusicBrainz Picard should work.

I have my own software that could add the metadata from the filename (where it currently resides for me). But I'm reluctant to touch all these files and the filename based scheme worked so far including in my car.

And there will be some metadata-less files left over. I would prefer to know beforehand how many of those will knock the players out. Maybe I should ask the foobar2000 author.
I have my own software that could add the metadata from the filename (where it currently resides for me). But I'm reluctant to touch all these files and the filename based scheme worked so far including in my car.

And there will be some metadata-less files left over. I would prefer to know beforehand how many of those will knock the players out. Maybe I should ask the foobar2000 author.

Make copies of a sampling of your library and try out various taggers.

Picard is nice because it utilizes the very consistent MusicBrainz DB. You don't have to worry about variations in naming, capitalization, substitutions (e.g., 'and' vs. '&'), etc. for titles and artists. The acoustic fingerprinting also works well when I've played with it.