F***ing Virtual Box!


[H]ard|DCOTM x4 aka "That Company"
Jun 6, 2000
I've been at this way too long. It's late, I'm tired and haven't eaten in 11 hours. I've tried everything I can think of to get B+VB working nicely on that E7 box with Server 2012 R2. Nothing works. Cosmo will boot the VM and then sit at a line about DHCP. Funny thing is one VM actually did boot all the way up once; but the other three were just sitting there. I'm just going to paste the log output in hopes that one of you know WTF is going on with this damned thing.

Note: had to use pastebin since the logs are too long for the forum! :p


Just to be clear. I've tried nuking everything. I've restarted BOINC by itself. I've restarted the system. I've restarted the VMs w/o touching BOINC. I've updated VB. Have even installed the "preview" version of BOINC. Zip. Zilch. Zero.

Will fight with this more tomorrow... or maybe I'll try the Linux B+VB and see if it's less painful than this POS. :(
I might be missing the obvious... but I'm not running any kind of Hyper-V VMs right now. I did install Ubuntu in VBox as a test, and it runs fine, can access the network, etc. Also, at one point a Cosmo VBox VM did start completely and I witnessed it pass the "DHCP" stopping point; so there's that. Did find a thread on C@H from folks having the exact same problem; but nothing ever came of it. Think I might go necro it.
So are you running VB straight on 2012 R2 then trying to install Ubuntu+Boinc+VB in VB without using Hyper-V at all?
Correct. The OS never saw VM stuff until I installed the BOINC + VBox package.

Only mentioned the Ubuntu test VM to establish that VBox was able to access the network properly.
Try it in Hyper-V instead and see if it works. If it doesn't then just expose the VM, do one of the network options and it should work.
Looks like we only have a chance at maybe one more position at Cosmology. For us to have a chance at overtaking OcUK, we really need everything hammering away at LHC. I will leave that up to you guys on how you want to play it. I may be missing something, but I think breaking LHC is the only chance we got left. We have about 1.5 days of work time left.
fastgeek, did you try the Numa Aware setup I linked? It is Ubuntu but should work to use all of those cores.
Looks like we only have a chance at maybe one more position at Cosmology. For us to have a chance at overtaking OcUK, we really need everything hammering away at LHC. I will leave that up to you guys on how you want to play it. I may be missing something, but I think breaking LHC is the only chance we got left. We have about 1.5 days of work time left.

Yep, as pututu has mentioned Atlas credits per completed unit have gradually halved over the last couple of days. After being neck and neck for a while, we've been passed by team USA and our chance to overtake OcUK appears to be slipping away.

If anybody's got any patience remaining with LHC, and anything left to throw at it, now would be an absolutely bloody marvellous time :)
My patience is wearing very, very thin. Installed Ubuntu on the E7 box. Then installed BOINC, VBox (from their site) and then added LHC. While VBox in Ubuntu doesn't show the running VMs like Windows does, it's clear from 'top' that the VBoxHeadless tasks aren't running like they're supposed to. The LHC Atlas units are bombing out after 16 minutes. One Cosmo Planck snuck in before I could suspend the project and it's doing that "ETA days and days" things another user saw. Rebooted, no difference. Seriously, I don't know WTF is going on, but this B+VB shit is proving to be way more of a headache than I expected.

And then, to add insult to injury, I constantly need to get the PW for this private forum. Sure would be nice if they'd make it something fairly easy to remember vs. having to find it and C/P. :p
I have the PW saved on a notepad so I dont have to keep going back to find it.

Ive had 2 ATLAS so far. 1 completed in 24 hours and the other is still running after 26 & 1/2 hours.
use a browser that saves it. FF is working for me..lol

Yes the VB stuff is obnoxious. And this is one of the big reasons I have managed to keep the VB only projects out of DC-Vault. Now that most have merged with each other... it has snuck in. lol It is also why I made sure to explain how to de-select them in preferences just in case someone had VB installed and started pulling work unexpectedly.
And I'm still not pulling work from LHC. One suggestion I was given was to possibly connect using the old LHC Six Track link, but I'm not messing with that.

pschoefer always tries to defend the choices for the Pentathlon even when obviously bad. Last year they chose CSG which was nohwere near stable at that time and had work shortages. Sure enough... they chose it anyways because Travis (admin) said he would have plenty of work. If anyone has ever dealt with Travis (which I have) knows that he can over commit and bite of more than he can chew at times.
They did take one or two of my suggestions last year. They do have a point about limitation of projects and not wanting things to just be same old same old..but you have to have projects that can be stable with work. cutting back on bunker time could help a lot.
It took me a few times to get Atlas running properly on my home machine; but since then it seems to be fine. BTW, Gilthanis, I'm not sure I'd trust that ancient Ubuntu appliance to work properly on a modern MP system. Maybe it'll be fine; but would be worried about issues I don't have time to track down. Not to mention, in all honesty, I'm really not well versed in troubleshooting Linux. :) Am making one last ditch effort on the E7 machine by installing Server 2016 and will see if I can get Atlas to run. My plan is to install VBox first and get it all setup; then DL 7.6.22 BOINC and configure it. To the best of my knowledge that should be fine.
Hey man...don't sweat it. You've done a ton already. People don't realize how much I have learned about PC hardware and OS's simply through using BOINC. It is crazy what we pick up just to donate our time and resources.
My Atlas points keep getting lower and lower on all the rigs....
Same. Although it finally finished the one ATLAS WU after about 28 hours...... Think I will be sticking to non-VBox apps unless its for a competition
And I'm still not pulling work from LHC. One suggestion I was given was to possibly connect using the old LHC Six Track link, but I'm not messing with that.

pschoefer always tries to defend the choices for the Pentathlon even when obviously bad. Last year they chose CSG which was nohwere near stable at that time and had work shortages. Sure enough... they chose it anyways because Travis (admin) said he would have plenty of work. If anyone has ever dealt with Travis (which I have) knows that he can over commit and bite of more than he can chew at times.

On their website SG mentions about transparency.
To keep it as transparent as possible, we will publish the suggestions of every team when announcing the final project
. I would like to see each team suggestions. Can we obtain this in the name of transparency?
Got tired of having cores sit idle. Thought it'd fix itself by now so I put 1 core back on OZ for now.
I gave up on LHC VM WUs. Fuck that shit. :p Am starting to think it's a firewall issue at work. Cosmo Planck was doing the same damn shit, too. So disabled all the VM capable crap at the project page. LHC says no 6T available, so turned on Cosmo. Even with 2016 it was still doing the same ~55% CPU usage BS. On a whim I started changing affinity settings for the WU executable... and after changing pretty much ALL of them, have the CPU usage at ~97%. Of course it'll likely be FUBAR once these WUs finish... but I'll take the small victory all the same. (Wish I'd thought to kill off the VM work on Cosmo while still in Ubuntu; would be interesting to see how that did) Anyway, long F'ing day (WannaCry is making me WannaScrem. No infections, but customers are freaking out) and I haven't seen much of my wife or son all week. I'm still at work and am outta here!
News just in. WannaScrem is a new version 2 and only requires free level of antivirus.

20 million infected on day 1