F@H WU's


Jul 8, 2005
Fired up HFM.net to check stats this a.m. with a cup of joe. 5 overtakes and 1 threat today and 95.1k WU's and I'm really looking forward to the 100K mark which I think is more notable than 2B pernts which can be had rather easily nowadays with a few powerful GPU's. Just out of curiosity I decided to check the all users page and forward to top of page 11 to see how long until I get back in top 1000. There's a user 5 places ahead of me with 829k WU's ! Now his/her team is listed as IBM and they might have a 'few' CPU cores to play with but their ppd isn't all that high so it's been a persistent effort. Hats off to them and a Merry Christmas to all & the [H]orde !