DELL XPS or Alienware?

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Feb 18, 2005
I've been configuring systems about same price, should I go with Dell XPS Gen4 or an Alienware, never been with either company, always built my own. I'm just not wanting to build a computer I want it to come built :p Let me know what you guys think.
You might really want to reconsider if you can build your own systems. For example, the Dell BIOS won't let you change any timings and voltages. Alienware is horribly overpriced, but I haven't actually bought anything from them.
i probably wont be overclocking or anything as i have no need. i also kind of like the whole onsite repair
Alienware probably makes a better system, but if you're patient you can catch one of the big Dell sales and get a good deal on the XPS
Why not just get someone like to custom build you one, probably way cheaper.. and just as good.. ;)
Haven't had experience with either as well, but I would probably go Dell and try to get a good deal, like a reduced price 2405 widescreen LCD to go with it. You could probably find some coupons or codes to reduce the price, too.
Third'ed. Monarch will build you a better machine on the cheap. And then you can pick the parts that are the best bang for your buck, not total overkill with a further inflated price tag.
Neither, for the same price you can get a 9100 from Dell with a dual core processor and a 256MB 6800 with 2GB of ram. The XPS is a good value too. Alienware is overpriced, plus they have that stupid ass case. Dell's are quiet, and the XPS gen 1 I had with a 700Mhz P3 is STILL running strong and that thing saw all kinds of abuse. Dell's are well tested high performance machines.
I wouldn't go with neither personally. The only place I would get a prebuilt from is Monarch computers since you can completely customize it and they don't overprice it.
i just priced a few systems on monarch and its just as much as alienware
alienware i had an x2, monarch i had 4000+ and it was more. 1gig ram corsair, 6800gt,160gig hitachi hd, dvdrom, dvdrw
if you really arent gonna at least attempt to build your own system, i choose dell only because i hate alienware more.

i'd say alienware to get there "cool" cases

seriously if i had to pick i'd get whatevers cheaper
Both are overrated and overpriced

As suggested your own or find someone to build one for you.
as i said im not wanting to build my own, i dont want to look around for what i want, easier to order and have it here, also has a nice warranty on it. i was just asking if people would prefer alienware or dell xps/9100 (their 9100 now has pentium d).
you must select which parts you want either way. building your own just gives you more options.

its extremely simple. you could just start a thread in 'General Hardware' stating your budget and any brand preferences, and have the rest of the [H]ard do the work for you.

if you arent even gonna attempt to build your own PC, then you arent [H]ard... youre oft. and thats ad... :(
Just build your own. For a cheaper price you can probably build one just as good as any Dell or Alienware.
astern said:
Just build your own. For a cheaper price you can probably build one just as good as any Dell or Alienware.

I think he said like 4 times he didn't want to build his own even though it was cheaper :p .

Anyway, if you're buying a machine like this to play games, then go Alienware because Dell only deals with Intel and AMD is better for games. That being said, you can probably get a better deal on a Dell with some of the huge coupons that come out. The P4 D's don't look like they game particularly well :rolleyes: .
some of you people have a 5 second reading span or you just read the topic and state your mind. i said ive built pcs before (built 5 for myself, even 4 that i can think of for other people). all i was asking for who would you go with alienware or dell. was just wanting feedback or info if anyone has been with either of these people.
Think of this way...
You buy a pre-built, you pay for a worse system.

For the same price of a pre-built you can get a BETTER system.

I don't get why anybody would NOT want to build their own system if they knew how... it's such a thrill/fun time. Also, Dell uses shitty motherboards, and you can't do anything about it.

If you absolutely won't build, for whatever reason... go monarch... much better support, will ship faster than both companies, and guaranteed BETTER components.
main reason for not wanting to build a new system, im busy the next 4 weeks i dont see myself having 2+ hours of freetime to sit down build a computer. i just want to order and go, and ill probably just go monarch once they get amd x2 in. much easier for me.
go with monarch. yeah building is fun and cheaper, but if u dont have time, there is nothing u can do about it.........
Performance = Alienware
Price = Dell
Looks = Alienware
Support = Alienware
Quality = Alienware

If you have enough spare cash, I'd get the Alienware. Of course, I'd still build my own over either of those..but that's up to you.
What about a XPS laptop from dell.

I would go for an Alienwear for a Desktop.

But maybe you should think about a Dell XPS Laptop.
kirbyrj said:
I think he said like 4 times he didn't want to build his own even though it was cheaper :p .

Anyway, if you're buying a machine like this to play games, then go Alienware because Dell only deals with Intel and AMD is better for games. That being said, you can probably get a better deal on a Dell with some of the huge coupons that come out. The P4 D's don't look like they game particularly well :rolleyes: .

You have to understand that many average users won't realized that. In fact, when they get their hands on the "Gaming" system with a P4, they will say, "Wow, it's fast!" In reality, it is fast anyway. An Athlon 64 / FX / X2 is only faster. But I really doubt you'd actually see a big discerning difference when playing between two identical but different processors (depending on the game/software).

Only go with Alienware if you do have the cash and you have an absolute necessity with service and support. I've gotten one and I'm quite satisfied.

TSS Modder said:

if you arent even gonna attempt to build your own PC, then you arent [H]ard... youre oft. and thats ad... :(

What a fucking thread crap. Troll somewhere else. :mad: Some people simply *do not* have the time to spend hours messing around with their PC and simply want to get their important work done, computer machine be damned.

Personally, I'd really really go for an Alienware. Only if price is a severe problem for you, should you go for a Dell, because upgrading parts on a Dell is a complete no-no. Just keep that in mind and you shouldn't have any problems finding the right PC for you. Good luck. :)
I bet he doesn't even use his computer for anything productive, just puts dumb looking fan grilles on it. Eat my dual Xeon Dell's dust.
BossNoodleKaboodle said:
Dell's are quiet, and the XPS gen 1 I had with a 700Mhz P3 is STILL running strong and that thing saw all kinds of abuse. Dell's are well tested high performance machines.
youre comparing a 700mhz p3, which put out a max of about 25w and could be passivly cooled to a pentium4 EE which puts out ~100-120w of heat? plus a high end graphics card putting out another buttload of heat... do you see the flaw in this argument? now, i havent dealt with a current gen XPS system myself, but I have heard (from users on this forum) that under heavy load, those fans ramp up and become very loud, which is something i am not willing to deal with, as a consumer.
1c3d0g said:
What a fucking thread crap. Troll somewhere else. :mad: Some people simply *do not* have the time to spend hours messing around with their PC and simply want to get their important work done, computer machine be damned.

Personally, I'd really really go for an Alienware. Only if price is a severe problem for you, should you go for a Dell, because upgrading parts on a Dell is a complete no-no. Just keep that in mind and you shouldn't have any problems finding the right PC for you. Good luck. :)
or go with monarchcomputer
TSS Modder said:
if you arent even gonna attempt to build your own PC, then you arent [H]ard... youre oft. and thats ad... :(

So you have the time to build all the computers in my family at no profit and give them free support as well? I guess if you can't do that then you are soft too eh?
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