
[H]ard|DCer of the Year - 2014
Jan 29, 2006
Since I am an admin at DC-Vault I need to make it very clear up front. I will NEVER suggest adding nor removing projects simply to improve our standing. When it comes to this, I make those suggestions for the sake of bettering the competition even if it hurts us. History will show that I have indeed done this.

However, I wanted this to be a place where people could openly express tactics whether shady or fair for improving the team's standing.

One shady tactic in the past was to create teams at projects that were less popular and run a single work unit so that team makes it to the roster. The reason this helps our team is because with every new team added it reduces the point difference between position. So, if someone were in 1st place, their points do not change. But if you are in 2nd or further, your points will adjust based on number of teams. The more teams, the more total points each position is worth in total but the less points between 1st and 2nd will be. Same between 2nd and 3rd. Etc... There have been members in the past consider doing this as it would be much easier in some projects to lessen the gap. It isn't a realistic gain, but it does manipulate things a bit. Here is why. If in a project you have no intention in running, you can spend a couple thousand points to get the Vault point difference to only a few points that would be easier than putting in a couple million points just to gain a couple Vault points. I'm not great with math but if someone needs a better break down, I could probably come up with an example.
I would imaging it would be easy enough to programmatically not use teams who have less than a certain threshold of points. You could show them, but with an asterisk next to their name, stating they need to crunch more to be awarded DCVault standing points for this project.

Use some sort of fancy math, based on standard deviations away from the mean, or something similar. Basically low lying outliers shouldn't be computed in.
Well...the problem is that DC-Vault...pretty much will not change other than adding/removing projects. I have already fought that fight. The original owner that coded everything pretty much has nothing to do with it anymore. Allegedly real life stuff taking priority, but when I was told that it was a few years back. However, that guy still has nothing to do with it. So, there are a few owners or individuals with that title. The only real active one is Rusty. And he relies on me heavily to keep up on the projects. So, if I didn't pretty much run things... it would die or rarely show its face. So, no coding from the owners as Rusty is fluent. I had suggested in the past various ideas for getting income to pay a coder to re-vamp, but didn't seem to go anywhere.
Based on your previous comments in other threads I figured that big of a proposed change would not happen.

There is access to the servers?
I have no access to them. I merely have access to an additional forum for the admins to discuss things...