Copied drive problems


Limp Gawd
Jan 15, 2019
So i built a new system upgrading everything to ddr5, but i needed a new m.2 drive with more room so i copied my old drive to the new one i forget the program i used but it was one that was highly recommended to me from people on this site, so anyway, the copy went perfect but it is not working perfect.
I am having alot of problems the computer freezes also reboots on its own, games keep crashing. So on here under hardware we tried everything figured it was a hardware issue with the new system. So last night i put the old drive back in and it ran perfect the system so thats when i realized something must of went wrong with the copy.
So anyone have any suggestions what i can try to correct this ? A clean install is not an option. I did update the bios on the new drive and all drivers are up to date, i have uninstalled alot of drivers and reinstalled them trying to fix it but did not work.
Only other info i can give is startup takes like 10 min and to reboot, when i did put the old drive in startup was in like 1 min. THANKS!!
You don't know yet whether your problem is a bad copy or a bad SSD.
You don't know yet whether your problem is a bad copy or a bad SSD.
My guess would be a bad hard disk.

OP, it's a new drive... Install it in your system alone and install windows as a new install to test the drive. If it's wonky, it's the new drive. If it's fine, it's the copy.
This is true i do not know could be a bad drive but i can not delete this drive i would have to copy it first to another drive i got too much stuff to loose, what is a good software to copy i fogot the one i used and i must of deleted it i do not see it on here. I understand if i copy and the problems was with the copy they will carry over and then i have no choice but to do a clean install, i just can not do it now a clean install...
Sorry guys if i ask dumb ? i am not to good with this stuff. If i buy a new m.2 drive and do a clean install and leave my drive now the one with the problems as the second drive i can make shortcuts to the progams on there no? But will i still get the problems from that drive even if its just a second drive?
This is true i do not know could be a bad drive but i can not delete this drive i would have to copy it first to another drive i got too much stuff to loose, what is a good software to copy i fogot the one i used and i must of deleted it i do not see it on here. I understand if i copy and the problems was with the copy they will carry over and then i have no choice but to do a clean install, i just can not do it now a clean install...

How much stuff do you have to lose on the new drive that wasn't on the old drive?

If you really need bulk storage, grab a spinning drive, you get the best bytes/$ there. You can copy your new data to it, and then muck around with the m.2 disk.
Sorry guys if i ask dumb ? i am not to good with this stuff. If i buy a new m.2 drive and do a clean install and leave my drive now the one with the problems as the second drive i can make shortcuts to the progams on there no? But will i still get the problems from that drive even if its just a second drive?

no and probably.

get the system running on the drive that works, all by itself. then clone it to your new drive. remove both and install the new drive alone, boot. add old drive as secondary drive and you should be good to go. if not, you new drive is probably faulty.
How much stuff do you have to lose on the new drive that wasn't on the old drive?

If you really need bulk storage, grab a spinning drive, you get the best bytes/$ there. You can copy your new data to it, and then muck around with the m.2 disk.
Its not so much with the programs, but also i got a ton of web sites that all the passwords are saved i got a ton of sites and my fault never wrote down all the passwords so its everything together it will be a nightmare. Problem is u guys know how to save all this shit or move it and do this and that i do not know what i am doing... Now got a new problem it just does not stop lol i put the old drive in slot 2 m.2 the faulty drive still in slot 1 in the bios it shows the 2 drive but windows does not see it !!! Can not catch a break!!! lol
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no and probably.

get the system running on the drive that works, all by itself. then clone it to your new drive. remove both and install the new drive alone, boot. add old drive as secondary drive and you should be good to go. if not, you new drive is probably faulty.
So your saying like in general a game i have on my new drive i will not be able to use it if i have the new install as the first drive?
So i just ran and bought a new 2tb samsug 980 pro same as my old drive i put the old drive in i had enuff room to add most the programs i installed on the faulty drive i did the drivers update cause this is the new hardware so i am going to clone this drive to the new one i just bought the 2tb the old one was 1tb ok but here is a problem they are both in the computer and like before it is not seeing both drives just the c drive why? in the bios its there both drives but not in windows. Also should i do the bios update i had an asus alos mb before rog strix just this one is the new ddr5 board?
So your saying like in general a game i have on my new drive i will not be able to use it if i have the new install as the first drive?
if its cloned successfully the games will run fine.
if you install a fresh os on a different drive, programs/games may not work from the other drive as they are not installed correctly. you can point most game frontends(steam etc) to the install folder and it will make the needed adjustments.

re your passwords: is they are in your browser and you turn on syncing they will come back on a fresh install, when you turn on syncing again. BUT that requires an account for whichever browser you use.
if its cloned successfully the games will run fine.
if you install a fresh os on a different drive, programs/games may not work from the other drive as they are not installed correctly. you can point most game frontends(steam etc) to the install folder and it will make the needed adjustments.

re your passwords: is they are in your browser and you turn on syncing they will come back on a fresh install, when you turn on syncing again. BUT that requires an account for whichever browser you use.
omg yes u right as i am reading your reply i do remember seeing all the passwords!! So i want to just clone the old good drive to the new one i bought today and if it works then just maybe the faulty drive was the drive its self is bad lets see, but i can not clone anything windows will not see any other drive i put in one the c drive how am i going to find it? like i said u see the 2 drives in the bios whats going on?
Just realized also i updated the drivers chipset and so on, so the old ones are from the ddr4 board and stuff but should i have uninstalled them then installed instead of just updating them?
you dont clone from within windows, you need something like aomei backupper (free) on a usb stick to clone it outside of windows. just make sure you can boot from the drive you want to clone on its own, no other drives connected. if the system works fine with the single source drive, connect the other one and clone to it. power off, swap the new drive into place of the old and leave the old one disconnected. make sure it boots. if its boots correctly you can add the old drive back in as storage or put it in a safe spot as a backup.