Broken Roads

I wish that I could stand isometric view because there's a bunch of them like this one where the other aspects look like something I might enjoy. Unfortunately it's one of those things that's a deal breaker unless I can zoom way in close over the shoulder for a pseudo third person view and play most of the game that way.

This looks a lot like Wasteland 2 which I bought years ago and still haven't played other than the couple hours I put into the demo.
The reviews are pretty average so far
I'll still buy it but will wait for some bug fixes first
It's pretty good, modest bc limited budget but worth it under $30 IMO. Good for the devs for addressing a lot of criticisms in their recent patch and they said theyre going to keep improving it. I've played maybe 15hrs, not sure how much of the main story I've completed. Plays pretty well on a controller.

I most like the gorgeous 2D art and the Australian setting and culture. The writing is good, quests range from pretty good to merely okay, combat is mostly dull.

I'd say it's one to buy on a sale if you like old school Fallout and Wastleand and don't require innovation in the games you play. If you like supporting new indie devs all the more reason to give it a shot.
Good to hear, peppergomez. I will pick it up one of these days, if I can ever flush out my queue of games that haven't been tried yet.
Have to say after about 20hrs, it starts to get boring, but it's worth it I guess for $15-20 on a sale if you like older school RPGs
I'm not that inspired to finish it though