Battlefield VII (In Development)


Mar 8, 2007
It looks like Battlefield 2042 is wrapping up with this last Season 7. Therefore, I am opening a new thread dedicated to the next gen Battlefield that has been acknowledged by EA.

Hopefully more to come.
Give me BF4 and the BF3 close quarters maps with destruction, dedicated servers, clan run custom servers like we had back in the BF3 and BF4 days. I miss my bolt action only servers, pistol only, knife only, etc.

Just make Portal good and its own thing. Port all the maps and eliminate the arbitrary restrictions.

Still weird there will be a year and a half between ending BF2042 and the next Battlefield.
Honestly, I'd rather have a modern-graphics remake of BF 1942. Bad Company 2 was the last good BF game, IMO. I tried to like BF3 but the unlocks and other BS were too much.
Here is what I want:

- Modern setting.
- Custom servers.
- Proper vehicle based Conquest Large, with lots of vehicles. Custom servers can set spawn times/numbers like in BF3/4.
- Real weapons and real names. Don't be lame like Call of Duty.
- Proper server browser.
- Infantry only, team death match on smaller maps/sections like BF4.
- No heroes, no seasons.
- No silly cosmetics. If you're too stupid to know what that looks like, watch the ample Ukraine war footage. It comes out daily, zero excuse to not get it right DICE/EA.
- No insane unlocks. I want to play the game, not fuck around with unlocks or menus. I don't want to level up to unlock the unlocker, which requires me to go out of my way to unlock things and play/do things I don't want to do.
- Dozens upon dozens of guns. None of this 16 guns at release nonsense. You can do big updates and add more over time of course.
- Animations - look at Modern Warfare 2019. Do that quality.
- Make sure it is polished at release. Some bugs are okay, but not the typical bullshit. I couldn't play BF2042 for months post release.
- Crossplay, consider removing it from the PC version. At least initially. BF3/4 had a stable player base without it.
- No perks or other weird hero stuff. Sensible classes with sensible things like an ammo box or medkit.
- No battle royale or warzone or whatever the popular crappy game mode is for Fortnite and its clones.

They will never do half of those things, and the other half they will mess up and not do. I expect a dumpster fire Fortnite clone.
Here is what I want:

- Modern setting.
- Custom servers.
- Proper vehicle based Conquest Large, with lots of vehicles. Custom servers can set spawn times/numbers like in BF3/4.
- Real weapons and real names. Don't be lame like Call of Duty.
- Proper server browser.
- Infantry only, team death match on smaller maps/sections like BF4.
- No heroes, no seasons.
- No silly cosmetics. If you're too stupid to know what that looks like, watch the ample Ukraine war footage. It comes out daily, zero excuse to not get it right DICE/EA.
- No insane unlocks. I want to play the game, not fuck around with unlocks or menus. I don't want to level up to unlock the unlocker, which requires me to go out of my way to unlock things and play/do things I don't want to do.
- Dozens upon dozens of guns. None of this 16 guns at release nonsense. You can do big updates and add more over time of course.
- Animations - look at Modern Warfare 2019. Do that quality.
- Make sure it is polished at release. Some bugs are okay, but not the typical bullshit. I couldn't play BF2042 for months post release.
- Crossplay, consider removing it from the PC version. At least initially. BF3/4 had a stable player base without it.
- No perks or other weird hero stuff. Sensible classes with sensible things like an ammo box or medkit.
- No battle royale or warzone or whatever the popular crappy game mode is for Fortnite and its clones.
Here is what I want:

- Modern setting.
- Custom servers.
- Proper vehicle based Conquest Large, with lots of vehicles. Custom servers can set spawn times/numbers like in BF3/4.
- Real weapons and real names. Don't be lame like Call of Duty.
- Proper server browser.
- Infantry only, team death match on smaller maps/sections like BF4.
- No heroes, no seasons.
- No silly cosmetics. If you're too stupid to know what that looks like, watch the ample Ukraine war footage. It comes out daily, zero excuse to not get it right DICE/EA.
- No insane unlocks. I want to play the game, not fuck around with unlocks or menus. I don't want to level up to unlock the unlocker, which requires me to go out of my way to unlock things and play/do things I don't want to do.
- Dozens upon dozens of guns. None of this 16 guns at release nonsense. You can do big updates and add more over time of course.
- Animations - look at Modern Warfare 2019. Do that quality.
- Make sure it is polished at release. Some bugs are okay, but not the typical bullshit. I couldn't play BF2042 for months post release.
- Crossplay, consider removing it from the PC version. At least initially. BF3/4 had a stable player base without it.
- No perks or other weird hero stuff. Sensible classes with sensible things like an ammo box or medkit.
- No battle royale or warzone or whatever the popular crappy game mode is for Fortnite and its clones.
I Highly doubt it'll be called VII. May want to change the thread title to just "Next battlefield", "Battlefield 2025-26". Or something.
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Wondering if Battlefield can take a snippet from Helldivers 2 with it's ongoing live service of map changes. Full fledged and ongoing war campaign that's player driven.
Battlefield seems to have lost what made it fun back in the day.

The main thing I'm referring to is static assets near bases, such as anti aircraft guns, artillery guns, etc to help you hold off the enemy.

The latest battlefield, with flares on aircraft you have to pick a support guy that has a stinger or whatever, and it still takes 5 missiles to down a jet... And you only have 3... So, you need multiple people firing at it simultaneously. If that doesn't' happen it just attacks forever unless downed by another jet.

There is no concept of defending a base... There is no advantage. let the enemy take it. then when they move to the next, jump back in and retake it... More points than even trying to shoot the guys.

I think there is a single map which was a port of an old bad company map that has those static assets in the latest battlefield.
The latest battlefield, with flares on aircraft you have to pick a support guy that has a stinger or whatever, and it still takes 5 missiles to down a jet...
BFV was the same, you get super skilled people in a plane and they just rack up kills, rockets go way further than AA, and it takes way too many shots to bring them down.

I just want wonky battlefield physics to return, like let me blow myself up across the entire map.
Portal is one of the best things about BF2042 and I feel they could have allowed far more customizations with it.

Portal should be enhanced on the next iteration IMHO
BFV was the same, you get super skilled people in a plane and they just rack up kills, rockets go way further than AA, and it takes way too many shots to bring them down.

I just want wonky battlefield physics to return, like let me blow myself up across the entire map.
Portal>Hardcore servers

two shot kills on tanks, one shot heli kills with RPGS
Portal is just a half baked way to attempt to replay better Battlefields. If they make a proper game you won't need Portal in the first place. If they want to do WWII stuff, well, that can be a DLC or another game.

I also think DICE more or less sucks and always has, except for a small period (BFBC2 to BF4). BF2 was quite floaty and had bad driving and weapon handling compared to other games like Red Orchestra.

I know they'll make countless dumb decisions. With BF3/4 they competed both with Call of Duty with Domination and Teamdeath Match, Gun Game, and whatnot. But it also had Conquest Large and Rush, which were unique and more vehicle based modes. It was essentially two games in one. A brilliant idea that catered to two groups with some overlap. You'd think they'd follow the same idea again but I doubt they can figure that out.
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Portal is just a half baked way to attempt to replay better Battlefields. If they make a proper game you won't need Portal in the first place. If they want to do WWII stuff, well, that can be a DLC or another game.

It's hard to dispute this with how Portal AND BF2042 base game was released. However, much like the base 2042 game, Portal too evolved into having much more freedom to customize and play BF the way you want to.

2042 in its current state is a HUGE difference from when it was first released. More weapons, more customizations, more maps, more modes, more fluid mechanics, etc. Just overall more fun.

Portal is and should be viewed similarly as Garry's Mod is to Half-Life 2, Far Cry Map Editor is to Far Cry 4, and so forth. A tool used to play well beyond the base games vision and concept.

And with how some of you already mentioned /requested to bring back a new 1942, or BF3 or whatever your favorite BF game was, Portal can potentially bring that to life - if done correctly. Portal has the potential to be something amazing, it's just not quite there yet.
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I wonder how much of a leap in graphics/physics we will see. Will this next game target the next gen consoles? 🤔

Do we know what engine they are using?
I wonder how much of a leap in graphics/physics we will see. Will this next game target the next gen consoles? 🤔

Do we know what engine they are using?

Doubt it will target next gen consoles, those are due around 2027-2028.
I would just ask that they grab a DVD copy of BF2 and 2142, play it for a few months, learn everything about those games, then add the destruction of BC2 and additional gameplay of BF4, and then just mash it all together with a real BF fan base approving each decision.

In reality, we'll get none of that. BF2 and 2142 had active servers for damn near a decade, and held people's attention through fun and balanced gameplay, not 500 weapons and attachments, and other miscellaneous garbage.
I would just ask that they grab a DVD copy of BF2 and 2142, play it for a few months, learn everything about those games, then add the destruction of BC2 and additional gameplay of BF4, and then just mash it all together with a real BF fan base approving each decision.

In reality, we'll get none of that. BF2 and 2142 had active servers for damn near a decade, and held people's attention through fun and balanced gameplay, not 500 weapons and attachments, and other miscellaneous garbage.
Yeah, I don't understand what is so hard about this. They need to stop chasing trends and get back to basics.
Dear EA,

You want to make money? You want kick ass reviews? Recreate us Battlefield 4. Nothing else.

The world.

Ill rather have 2142 back. I quite enjoyed Titan mode, the mech's, etc. Tired of all the modern themes or past themes such as WW2. Give me something futuristic, not based on history, and just fun to play.
Ill rather have 2142 back. I quite enjoyed Titan mode, the mech's, etc. Tired of all the modern themes or past themes such as WW2. Give me something futuristic, not based on history, and just fun to play.
Then we need Titanfall 3 and a better Battlefield. :)
Then we need Titanfall 3
The only other game that would be harder to create a follow up to in terms of pressure to get it right and not fail the fans would be Half Life 3.

Battlefield has let down fans so consistently its almost their business model now.
Ill rather have 2142 back. I quite enjoyed Titan mode, the mech's, etc. Tired of all the modern themes or past themes such as WW2. Give me something futuristic, not based on history, and just fun to play.

This was the genius of 2142

They weren't beholden to jets and shit that are utterly impossible to balance. They had the creative freedom to just make fun shit that was perfect gameplay wise. They need that, with the modern gunplay.

It doesn't even need to be futuristic. The original BF1 trailer was so batshit insane I legitimately thought they were going some goofy bonkers over the top alternative history route like Wolfenstein. Just do SOMETHING new and interesting please.
I would just ask that they grab a DVD copy of BF2 and 2142, play it for a few months, learn everything about those games, then add the destruction of BC2 and additional gameplay of BF4, and then just mash it all together with a real BF fan base approving each decision.

In reality, we'll get none of that. BF2 and 2142 had active servers for damn near a decade, and held people's attention through fun and balanced gameplay, not 500 weapons and attachments, and other miscellaneous garbage.
How do we make ea aware of this. Those were the best bf games. 1 and v were ok, but they fumbled V a bit, then fell down the stairs with 2042
This was the genius of 2142

They weren't beholden to jets and shit that are utterly impossible to balance. They had the creative freedom to just make fun shit that was perfect gameplay wise. They need that, with the modern gunplay.

It doesn't even need to be futuristic. The original BF1 trailer was so batshit insane I legitimately thought they were going some goofy bonkers over the top alternative history route like Wolfenstein. Just do SOMETHING new and interesting please.

I'll never tire of modern setting. It is the best setting. As long as they don't short change a modern setting game with issues and little content they can always do modern, future, modern, old, etc.
Dumbfuck, clueless and just plain out of touch ceo said something about it having a fantastic live service.

That can mean just new maps or temporary modes every so often. It doesn't automatically mean something bad :rolleyes:.
That can mean just new maps or temporary modes every so often. It doesn't automatically mean something bad :rolleyes:.

Old games had free updates and bug fixing post launch and it was not a "live service". Live service means something else. A much more monetized approach where the game grows into something else over time rather than having a clear vision, with prioritization on making more things that can be sold. Example: Call of Duty MW 2019 was advertised as an authentic game. Then they released some out of theme characters. People preferred spending money on the crazy looking characters. So they threw the whole "authentic re-imagining of Call of Duty" out the window within a few months. It got more crazy from there, with semi-transparent skeletons animals players, and even blinding colored "fire" bullets.

BF2042 looks similar but not quite as bad. Compare this GI Joe cartoon looking retard with his "shoot me here" red face mask and red-blue camo gun:


The above makes me wonder if they hire autistic children as artists.

This is what Armored Kill for BF3 brought us:



Outside of maybe one questionable camo, not a single clown car to be seen. As much as people complained about the paid maps I never had a problem in BF3/4 finding servers. If you have a good game people will play it. While I do think maps should be available for free they're going to ask you for more money regardless. I'd rather pay $40 for 4-5 quality DLC packs than the shit they spew today. It comes down to you get what you pay for. For those that want free to play gibberish like Fortnite/Apex, they can play that or a dozen other dress 'em up style games.
Outside of maybe one questionable camo, not a single clown car to be seen. As much as people complained about the paid maps I never had a problem in BF3/4 finding servers. If you have a good game people will play it. While I do think maps should be available for free they're going to ask you for more money regardless. I'd rather pay $40 for 4-5 quality DLC packs than the shit they spew today. It comes down to you get what you pay for. For those that want free to play gibberish like Fortnite/Apex, they can play that or a dozen other dress 'em up style games.
Agreed. I never had a problem with paid map packs or finding servers for them. I'd rather they did that than psychotic outfits.