
[H]ard DC'er of the Year 2021
Dec 27, 2015
Certainly this is not part of the [H] strategy but just to let you guys know that I'll be shutting down all rigs this evening as I'll be heading overseas, about half a globe away. My other half says that we should turn-off anything that is "non-essential" so unfortunately the rigs are included.

It is a fun year for me, at least. I will still be checking the forums and will be back in action after the new year....

Take care and have a happy holidays.
Dang! Just when we start producing more than China we lose a big gun.

Enjoy the trip man and take care.
Easy solution, take them with you!

Kidding, kidding. You should just send them to Skillz for the month :D

Enjoy the trip!
Make sure to still use your phones..... lol.
Safe trip !

Where are you going ?
Finally got decent internet connection. Going through a few countries in South East Asia. Currently at a nice beach in Burma (Myanmar). Will be back home on new year day. Meantime, enjoying myself :D:p:D:p:D:p

At sunset.

Our hotel:


Local seafood... yummy. Crab and grilled fish.


Looks like he was eating out of the trash can though. I would take Siberia with a nice hot pizza over that any
/looks at tropical photos from pututu
... way nicer than Seoul was!! FFS it was COLD there. Was kind of hoping they'd send me to Singapore for a little bit to warm up prior to coming home; but alas. ;)

And, Gilthanis, I agree... except for the Siberia part. :p Am sure it was lovely, pututu, but I've never been a seafood person. (My wife, on the other hand, would likely be in heaven eating that stuff!)
fastgeek, I'm one of those really hot blooded types. Seeing a picture of the beach and I begin to sweat. And I hate sweating. I'm also one of the pickiest eaters you will ever meet...
DUDE! We'd either get along great... or hate each other... I'm not sure which. :ROFLMAO: At least in regards to being a seriously picky eater. Mind you, I'm not skin and bones as I love the stuff that makes one fat... so as I like to say "I'm a picky 'fat' boy". :LOL:

Now as for the beach. I rather enjoy the beach; or at least seeing it. Love seeing the ocean. Always like driving along the coast. Now actually GOING to the beach? Or getting in the ocean? Meh. Not so much. :cautious:

BTW, wouldn't cold blooded be more accurate? I'm trying to make sense of the hot blooded bit. :)
Hot blooded meaning I've got rather warm body temps most of the time.

travel safe! The seafood and the swimming pool look wonderful!