Ageia PhysX and Windows 10


Jan 18, 2016
I wonder if PhysX works on Windows 10
It still probably makes more sense to install separate Windows 7 without Nvidia PhysX enabled for those few games that works only on Ageia...

What is your experience with this?
And is it worth to use PhysX for games which use both PPU and GPU PhysX?

Anyway I bought used Ageia card for about 30$ to because I saw Infernal supports it and I wonder if I should maybe prepare Windows 7 installation beforehand to test it in timely fashion.
Wait, what? A modern Geforce will out-accelerate any Ageia PPU card so why would you want to run with one?
Wait, what? A modern Geforce will out-accelerate any Ageia PPU card so why would you want to run with one?
1. Not all games which support PhysX support GPU PhysX
I heard that there is some kind of driver for that but it doesn't really work that well, not everything is supported and there can be other issues with it.
Real card seems to be the only proper way to experience these games the way they were intended.

2. It is very cheap. Probably as cheap as it will ever be.

3. Some day it will be rare collector item.
Maybe it isn't that rare today because there were two on actions in my country at the same time, but some day it will surely be.

4. It will add advanced relativistic and quantum physic to all games.
Because this device is kinda old it makes me wonder if they properly implemented trigger energy for creating Higghs boson...
Only way to find out: go to LHC map in Minecraft and run actual experiments :cat:
Yeah I get the collectability and novelty aspect of it. I just wasn't aware that there would be any difference between running a GPU or PPU for Physx. If that is true for some titles, it's another field similar to the old Voodoo cards I guess. Anyways, good luck and have fun! :D
So, me running a GT 610 1GB for Physx along side my GTX 750 Ti won't help? Darn.
I do not think GT 610 would improve PhysX performance in games which already support GPU PhysX and it would certainly be useless for getting effects missing from GPU PhysX or games which do not work with it at all.

There were some tests where they tested using secondary GPU for PhysX and using low end cards gave worse performance than using single card to do both. Only using relatively good GPU to offload calculations was beneficial. Like should you upgrade main GPU then 750Ti could be perfect PhysX card
But it might as well for some games not be

Imho it is too much bother.
Games which support both Ageia PhysX and GPU PhysX and for which there is no difference in effects between it might as well be better to not use Ageia card and stick to GPU
Posts like this one make me wonder what it'd be like if i still run games.. well, "modern" games at that.

I'm now wondering if Radeon cards even support NewGreedia's gimmicks? I think i once setup Physx for my brother on his 7xxx, but i may be mistaken.
And yeah, yeah, i know.. at least they gave us Hairworks(tm) so there's that.
When i heard of it, my first thought was shampoo commercials, followed by porn movies. Could definitely see it having a role there.

Anyway, my apologies for the OOT.
4. It will add advanced relativistic and quantum physic to all games.
Because this device is kinda old it makes me wonder if they properly implemented trigger energy for creating Higghs boson...
Only way to find out: go to LHC map in Minecraft and run actual experiments :cat:
lmao As a person who knows enough about the higher end science, I appreciated this load of BS for that fact and for delivering it in such a dry way (I, too, have a very dry sense of humor).

I'm now wondering if Radeon cards even support NewGreedia's gimmicks? I think i once setup Physx for my brother on his 7xxx, but i may be mistaken.
And yeah, yeah, i know.. at least they gave us Hairworks(tm) so there's that.
As I recall, AMD had even said they've managed to emulate CUDA and had it running on their cards. However, it's no surprise that nothing came from it. Not because I don't believe AMD managed to, even if it was slow, but because it'd have brought down the wrath of nV far far heavier than what we witnessed with GPP!

Also, while there is Hairworks, you sure you're not thinking of AMD's TressFX? Which was no doubt named because of this... heh
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it'd have brought down the wrath

It's funny, 'cause i'm struggling with an ATI, err, AMD card right now, lol. As in your post is funny, but oh, the irony of the timing ^^
(missing the 'extra' settings under Preferences in the Radeon suite, cannot change pixel format)
((am this close to big statements, such as 'never AMD again' and so on.. which i've uttered before, but here i am again!))
There used to be a registry hack that would allow nVidia PhysX drivers to work (on an Nvidia card) when you were using an AMD card for the main display. I don't know if it still works or not - hardly anything actually uses PhysX GPU support anymore.
If I remember correctly, the Ageia PPU was about on par with a NVIDIA Series 8 8500GT 256MB GPU from 2007.
There are a few games which will only run with a PPU and not a GPU for PhysX, OP is right for sure, but those games are all no newer than from ~2007 at the absolute latest.

I get it for the historic/legacy/soon-to-be-retro and collectors aspects, but beyond that, the Ageia PPU is worthless for anything within the last 10 years.
Even when acting as a FPU for FP32, it only gets around 20 GFLOPS at best, and has 128MB of dedicated GDDR2/3 VRAM, so even in the scientific area, it won't take one very far.

However, for the retro aspect, I say go for it, and props for XoR_ for getting one! (y)
I might have to pick up one myself, especially one from BFG Tech, may that company RIP.

Damn you XoR_ and your stupid retro bullshit... because of you I went out and got the PCI *and* the PCI-E Ageia PPUs.
At this rate, you're going to make me go broke! :D
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It's funny, 'cause i'm struggling with an ATI, err, AMD card right now, lol. As in your post is funny, but oh, the irony of the timing ^^
(missing the 'extra' settings under Preferences in the Radeon suite, cannot change pixel format)
((am this close to big statements, such as 'never AMD again' and so on.. which i've uttered before, but here i am again!))
No I agree, I've also had the same issue with those Preferences!! I don't know whats up with them. They seem to come and go from time to time and only work on certain driver versions, and certain displays.
I love AMD on both sides, but I won't pretend their software/driver folks do some incredibly weird shit that can be rather frustrating!

I wish I was at home to tell you what Catalyst version I'm using on it because prior to that one I was also missing the Pixel Format and Bit Depth options; however, it is currently there! So I dunno what's up with it frankly :| Definitely feel your pain though.
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what Catalyst version I'm using

Fixed it by downloading the new unified drivers! Q2 2018! Can finally have HDMI with full RGB 4:4:4!
Everything works like a charm, am stressing it under Prime/Unig as we speak :D

To get back on topic, as this rig is not for me and she does game, do i need to install PhysX in Win10? And if so, any pointers please?
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Got a Ageia card in my A10-7870k with a 660TI and one in my I5 6500 w 1070 they both work and play actual Games that were made for a PPU in windows 10.. I don't care what Nvidia Fanboys say physx effects are better on the Ageia card if the games were originally made for the PPU....
Got a Ageia card in my A10-7870k with a 660TI and one in my I5 6500 w 1070 they both work and play actual Games that were made for a PPU in windows 10.. I don't care what Nvidia Fanboys say physx effects are better on the Ageia card if the games were originally made for the PPU....

Are there videos of the differences on games that support both?
Got a Ageia card in my A10-7870k with a 660TI and one in my I5 6500 w 1070 they both work and play actual Games that were made for a PPU in windows 10.. I don't care what Nvidia Fanboys say physx effects are better on the Ageia card if the games were originally made for the PPU....

Citation needed...
It does not work because the WDDM 2 drivers aren't ready yet for the GTX 460 it's still at WDDM 1. WIN 10 will not run both driver models concurrently. No choice right now but to either run both as WDDM 1 with a WIN 7/8 driver or wait until later this year for a ver 2 driver for the 460...