$4000 RTX 4090

I had a Matrix Plat GTX 580 back in the day... $4000 is a little too rich for my blood.
I had a Matrix Plat GTX 580 back in the day... $4000 is a little too rich for my blood.
Man, that would buy dual 'normal' 4090s! I think I'd do that with $4000....oh wait, maybe not....but, you could....oh wait, you Americanos could probably buy 3?
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What is the actual point of this? I doubt it performes must better if anything over a strip or even a tuf. I doubt it will be worth anything as a collectors item.
There's always a sucker born every minute! Makes no sense it will probably perform close or slightly better then some of the top tier 4090's.
There's always a sucker born every minute! Makes no sense it will probably perform close or slightly better then some of the top tier 4090's.
Asus certainly knows there's a bunch of suckers out there who can't wait to waste money on this, haha.
There's always a sucker born every minute! Makes no sense it will probably perform close or slightly better then some of the top tier 4090's.
Did you watch the video? It's within the same performance. It's actually faster than the Strix, except when OC'ed.


So, I am all for buying AIB cards for better components, more power phases, etc. to get that OC headroom (It's who I am, first thing I did with my 4090 was find the max OC). But as over-engineered as these cards were for cooling on just air, why would anyone buy that for over 2x the price to get the same performance?
At a certain point it could start to be asking what the point of an expensive watch when a Casio do really well or a phone track time synced with some nuclear timer system.

There is no point to glass on desktop and a lot of things, it is a symbol of wealth/art piece.
At a certain point it could start to be asking what the point of an expensive watch when a Casio do really well or a phone track time synced with some nuclear timer system.

There is no point to glass on desktop and a lot of things, it is a symbol of wealth/art piece.
Expensive gpus are hardly a "symbol of wealth".

People put these things on payment plans all the time
People put these things on payment plans all the time
House and Cars are almost always on payment plans and can still be (for the older generation when it was less the case, but for the younger a Mercedez-Bmw even if it was not paid cash can be seen as a way to display wealth)

Smartphone are and very often bought via service provider payment plans and you do not need to cost that much, specially if it is ostensibly useless (think expensive solar glasses/watches or the cheapest but still $200-$300 Gucci-Dior items), $3000-$4000 with a good $1000 just for show start to be a bit.

I would go in a limb an would predict that the buyer of such item has an higher chance to have his computer on display (on the desk with a visible interior), appear in picture-stream in some way, mentioned on some platform signature, etc.. than the average.
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Expensive gpus are hardly a "symbol of wealth".

People put these things on payment plans all the time
But I heard a rumor that the crowned Prince of Saudi Arabia has an entire wall made out of these to show his wealth. :p
All these poor jealous people.
House and Cars are almost always on payment plans and can still be (for the older generation when it was less the case, but for the younger a Mercedez-Bmw even if it was not paid cash can be seen as a way to promote wealth)

Smartphone are and very often bought via service provider payment plans and you do not need to cost that much, specially if it is ostensibly useless (think expensive solar glasses/watches or the cheapest but still $200-$300 Gucci-Dior items), $3000-$4000 with a good $1000 just for show start to be a bit.

I would go in a limb an would predict that the buyer of such item has an higher chance to have his computer on display (on the desk with a visible interior), appear in picture-stream in some way, mentioned on some platform signature, etc.. than the average.
If you're on payment plans and 1 emergency from having to sell said "symbol of wealth", then it's just fake and irresponsible buying.

Seen too many "selling 4k PC I just put together a month ago because X (medical, kid, lost job, etc)" to equate expensive PC parts with actual wealth.
What is the actual point of this? I doubt it performes must better if anything over a strip or even a tuf. I doubt it will be worth anything as a collectors item.
It's a showpiece of overengineering. Every facet is maxed.

Basically a 5090Ti-Lite for a certain segment of buyers. I wouldn't buy one, but "makes no sense" is missing the point.
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"Slower than lower model unless overclocked"

What a fail.
I'm going off Der8auer's review and haven't seen HUB's, but it's a binned die and by "every facet is maxed" I was including the hardware component level - power delivery, it's all intentionally overkill electrically.

FPS benches are all that matter to most people, but some people get a thrill out of overengineered things - not all of which are apparent from FPS benches.

The assessment I'm most interested in is Buildzoid's, but I doubt ASUS sampled him one.
I'm going off Der8auer's review and haven't seen HUB's, but it's a binned die and by "every facet is maxed" I was including the hardware component level - power delivery, it's all intentionally overkill electrically.

FPS benches are all that matter to most people, but some people get a thrill out of overengineered things - not all of which are apparent from FPS benches.

The assessment I'm most interested in is Buildzoid's, but I doubt ASUS sampled him one.
Over engineered isn't an inherently good thing. If it brings zero benefit then it's just wasteful engineering and hence only good for ego and therefore quite useless.
I'm going off Der8auer's review and haven't seen HUB's, but it's a binned die and by "every facet is maxed" I was including the hardware component level - power delivery, it's all intentionally overkill electrically.

FPS benches are all that matter to most people, but some people get a thrill out of overengineered things - not all of which are apparent from FPS benches.

The assessment I'm most interested in is Buildzoid's, but I doubt ASUS sampled him one.

Buildzoid makes like $1400 a month from his Patreon. He sure as heck is not going to be spending 3 months worth of Patreon on this. Maybe one of his fans will take detailed pictures of both sides and then send it to him.

If any of you are collectors, this is basically where the GPU makers and general PC component manufacturers are realizing (or already have realized and are pushing the boundaries) that the value proposition of something doesn't necessarily matter at all. People will simply pay for having "the ridiculous best version of the best thing", or to show off. Even if it performs/looks/whatever like <=5% better or something. Just like how some people will pay thousands for a very hard to find "best version of <insert collectors item here>". When the base product already costs $1.6k, people's logic seems to go flying out the window. If they sell enough of these, prepare for having super high margin "slightly better than the best" components (I guess kind of like the 3090 Ti was lol? Well not quite, it's worse.) releasing from manufacturers over time.

Personally, I wouldn't even buy anything ASUS to begin with because of the horror stories with their RMA, so these people are aliens to me. But give it a couple of weeks after release and you'll probably see a bunch of upvoted builds on PCPartpicker where they decided to just go "over the top" and paid like 10k for their entire computer, with this card in it. It'll probably a disco light show, and will make sure to have as much tempered glass as possible (another symptom of our age: useless tempered glass). Nevermind that you could essentially buy 2 4090s and then full water loop both of them for the price of this crap.
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Yeah but like....it's not even 5% faster. It isn't even 1% faster. It was literally the same fps or even lower lol.

This is all that really matters to most people. Stock to stock, it outperforms the other highest binned over the top card (yeah I know... big whoop). For OC performance, it's probably also guaranteed to achieve the overclock performance that you see on that chart. The Strix might be like what... 0.5-2% (insert shocked noises) slower or something if you don't get as good of a binned card as they're reviewing?

Who actually cares? Well, whoever is going to end up buying this, I guess. And there will be someone that buys it just because it's got "Platinum" in the name. I guarantee it.

You know what would actually make it a somewhat attractive value proposition to me (well, no, I would never buy it even if it did)? I think if one of these 4090s built a custom PCB and got rid of that stupid 12VHPWR connector and replaced it with 4 standard 8 pin plugs, I would actually mildly consider it, even if it was a bit overpriced. Because that stupid tiny connector handling 450-600W bothers the crap out of me. It's why I can't seriously look at buying a 4090. That thing just looks like a ticking time bomb to me.
I think if one of these 4090s built a custom PCB and got rid of that stupid 12VHPWR connector and replaced it with 4 standard 8 pin plugs
That point would actually be interesting. If someone were to like the big overengineered look, I'd think 4 power cables would look cooler and also be more reliable.
This is for people with lots of money that like to spend that money on nice expensive things. I don't see the problem.
pricing aside, do like the feature of wiring being hid in the tube sleeving. Is that new or has that been a thing?

part of the video where he talks about it:

View: https://youtu.be/eT765FI8Jqg?si=tAQkMRCVnCW9kAIE&t=201

Pretty sure the Suprim X Liquid has the wiring in the sleeving as well. There is still some wiring sticking out on the actual fans themselves, but it's wrapped neatly around them. It's also less than half the price, though it probably has worse VRM and VRAM temps (I'm just assuming).

I'm not sure that wiring in the sleeving is worth any extra money to begin with, considering you could easily rig it yourself, but that's another matter.

This is for people with lots of money that like to spend that money on nice expensive things. I don't see the problem.

It's more or less pointless. It doesn't really offer any advantages at all. It's basically just spending more to spend more. You could literally buy 2 4090s and then put them underwater for less money. And they would probably take up less space, too...

But yes, people will buy it for that <=1-5% performance bump. Or just the bragging rights. "Look, I can spend money lol"

Some people will buy it just because Hardware Unboxed called it dumb.
Step 1: Find $2000
Step 2: Buy an ASUS Strix OC
Step 3: Find another $150-$300ish
Step 4: Put on your own waterblock
Step 5: Profit???
Very nicely built card! For some I can see them appreciating the build quality, more an art thing. As for practicality for gaming, AI, productivity work, a waste of money but the added cost for some folks is insignificant, a drop in the bucket. At least it has 2 HDMI 2.1 ports, about the only downside I have with the 4090's is the limited 1.4a display ports.
This'll actually sell like a hotcake at $2000. Historically, Matrix Platinum OC was ASUS's version of HoF/KiNGPiN which's widely very well received.
I would go in a limb an would predict that the buyer of such item has an higher chance to have his computer on display (on the desk with a visible interior), appear in picture-stream in some way, mentioned on some platform signature, etc.. than the average.

Your machine would look way cooler with any other RTX 4090 using a full cover water block and full custom cooling loop. Which, the cost of this stupid thing would cover with money to spare.

The pricing on this is fucking stupid. I don't see how even ASUS can justify this one.
Okay, $4000 - it's a showpiece card so whatever. But what kills it for me is the thickness and length of the AIO tubing. Sure they need to make it compatible with a wide variety of cases, but even in the fairly large midtower Hardware Unboxed reviewed it in there was a ton of slack tubing just crammed at the bottom of the case. That looks cringey as hell, so unless you put this front-mounted in a gigantic Corsair 7000-sized case it's going to look awkward.

The PCB on this looks amazing, maybe ASUS could sell a $3,000 version with a RGB water block so people could manage their own tubing. For that kind of money I just don't want ugly ass black tubes littering my case *especially for a white build*.