27GL850-B any solid leads on stock


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 23, 2001
Looks to be sold out everywhere... B&H has November for a stock date.

BTW from a feel prospective how much different is 144hz vs 60 in day to day and gaming feel. I am itching to upgrade my old Catleap 1440p IPS display. Getting back into gaming and moving to 90hz on my phone was a big jump so I can't imagine 60->144hz. And with Freesync and g-sync compatible for the VRR it seems to be the monitor to get thats affordable on the gaming side.

EDIT** Put my order in at Amazon so lets see what date they give me for shipping.
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Since you mention affordability look at this possible alternative I posted here - https://hardforum.com/threads/looki...s-gsync-comp-monitor.1986375/#post-1044329955

Some people might fee the LG is more affordable but I think that it (the entire segment) really is kind of overpriced especially also given HDMI 2.1 adoption by TVs on the horizon.

I have a 27GL850 on back order for I guess the equivalent of $450 USD but I'm really thinking of just cancelling it. Seems too expensive over the above option or even the smaller 23-25in high refresh 1080p displays now available and or upcoming. I can pair one of those with likely a 4k TV for almost the same price as one 27GL850, or just wait it out for HDMI 2.1 TVs to push everything down.

There was also a lot of hype over the 27GL850 but with time to think it does have drawbacks as well that are giving me more pause.
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I canceled my order to see what the ViewSonic brings. I think the key for me is going to hinge if gsync will work or not.