
megapixels aren't everything, just remember that... especially if the phone needs to write 8mp of data per shot, more shutter lag?

Yes, but in the world of phones that most have 1-2mp or 3 at most, an 8mp one is usually quite a bit superior if it is a good one. There are some out there that will fake the high mps, but there are some that are truly much better and some of those Casio's and Sony's are.

I just saw that ATT just launched the Sony C905a...probably going to be one of the best ones on the market. Look up some of the videos of it on youtube, it really is a Sony camera paired with a phone. Only thing it lacks is optical zoom or else it really could be a full on pocket camera.
The camera on my n95 is very nice, 5mp and takes great pictures, works better than most of my friends cameras, And the n82 has the same camera with a better flash and a lens cover, I still like my n95 but the n82 would be a great option and can be found cheaper and has the whole gps location of photos option. I would check out reviews.cnet.com and go to the cell phone section, they normally give pretty decent reviews. The N97 also has a 5mp camera, n86 has 8mp, and samsung just came out with a 8+mp camera but to mixed reviews
yeah I dunno. Haven't looked into that phone yet. T-mobile does have the memoir which is 8 megapixel and the behold which has a xenon flash and 5 mp camer and then they also have the motoactv that has a 5 megapixel camera on it made by Kodak.
The memoir looks a bit more modern than the SE one as it has a touchscreen and a bit more modern interface for the phone side of things...but as far as the camera side its hard to really tell. Both look like they have a lot of options and features.

I do like how the SE covers the camera components up though with the sliding door.
What I'm looking for can probably best be described as a compact camera with a phone bolted on to it. I don't care about the phone features as long as I can call people and send SMS. However what I do care about is the quality of the pictures so what are the best options out there?

We're still a long way from that imo, 'specially in the US market... As far as I know the vast majority of the heavily camera-oriented phones still don't have any kind of optical zoom so even if they have a relatively decent lens (usually the biggest weakness in a phone camera), no zoom still makes it a weak camera overall. Hell, many lack a decent flash (or just have a small LED for a flash). That being said, the Sony C905 looks neat and I think AT&T's carrying it over here.

I'm sticking with a phone (that often doubles as my MP3 player) + camera for the time being, 'specially with many compact/sub-compact cameras now being able to capture 720p video clips and having 28mm wide angle lens and/or 5x zooms. My cheap Sony Ericsson W580i does take pretty decent 2MP shots though, colors are usually relatively accurate and the shots are rarely washed out or over saturated, I was pleasantly surprised with the camera on such a cheap phone... Compared to most of my friend's cell phone shots anyway (Nokias, iPhones, other SE phones even, etc.).

It seems to vary so much amongst the cheaper phones... Some of the larger SE flip phones take horrible shots, you'd think there'd be room for a better lens compared to my smaller slider model. Some of the recent bargain Nokias I've seen take worse looking shots than the old Nokia 6102 I had before this SE, even if they're higher res images.
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Just purchase a point and shoot. The images from camera phones are so mediocre that they are not even worth using.
megapixels are overrated. Unless you plan on actually taking it to a lab and printing large prints 2 or 3 megapixels is all you need for a decent sized image. If you're looking to take your prints to a lab, forget the camera phone.

Some of the Nokias are supposedly decent.

Go here and type in the phones you're considering: http://www.flickr.com/
The new iphone photos look damn good if you ask me. http://www.flickr.com/groups/iphone3gs/pool/
The Samsungs mentioned in the above link also look good to me.
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