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  • hey there, its me, the guy that wanted the Retaliator, well turns out i got the money for my car and i was wondering if i could make the purchase for the Retaliator through you? Thanks
    Email: [email protected]
    Forum Username: Pettycar
    Community Moniker: Pettycar

    Thanks a bunch! please send me purchasing instructions.
    Hi i want to change from my Digital Freelancer VB ( 125 ) to Rear Admiral OB ( 250 ).
    So following your method, i must gift my package to you then provide paypal 125 dollars for the difference, correct ?
    Hey there i have recieved a freelancer package from your offer page but it was purchased by a friend who gifted it to me. Ahh the love! :) Anyway, i would love to be put on your list for and contests and such. I am trying to get the cash together to get the retaliator package on the weekend, so that would be cool.

    Thanks for reading
    Pettycar (Kevin) email [email protected]
    Hey there ! I've sent you an e-mail but I don't know if you received it so give me a sign if you did :D Have great night and hope to hear from you soon ! ;)

    I don't know if I'm going to be checking back here like every 5 seconds but if you could send me a pm? Or if that's too much trouble don't worry about it I'll just do my best and check here as often as I can! Thanks again.
    tnynyn - I am indeed still purchasing the packages. However, the package you linked there (one of the New Backer) versions , is one of the items that recent backers can purchase as well, including yourself. I just include them in general as a comparison to the price and features of the Original Backer packages, which include additional perks like Lifetime insurance, Alpha and Beta access etc... If you would like to discuss further, please contact me via Private Message or email - sadly these visitor messages are not a very good way to communicate, and with yours I don't seem to have the option to "view conversation" just between the two of us. So please contact me for more info. Thank you.

    Just wondering if you are still doing the packages? I'd like to purchase the:

    New Backer "Digital Scout" - $30 = "RSI Aurora" ship, 1000 Game Credits, 2 Months Insurance, Squadron 42 Digital Download, Star Citizen Digital Download

    let me know if its still available. Thanks!
    Hey Xaeos.

    I finally decided to give Star Citizen a try. A friend of mine (Koldshiver) recently did a transaction with you and had alot of good things to say about it.

    Anyway, I am looking to get the Next Generation Aurora package with LTI for $45.00 + tip! My friend gave me your email, so after I send this message, I will be contacting you there. =D
    Hey, Xaeos.

    I too provide at-cost LTI laundering for people over at another forum (I recognise IRSmurf from there), and while it doesn't take long to do an individual package, it sure can add up! I just wanted to say good on you for being so generous to members of this community. It makes me so mad when I see people trying to charge for helping out.

    See you in space!*

    *In a couple of years time
    I also recently joined because of your offer.... i didn't know about star citizen until about a month ago( it blew me away) and missed out on the good deals. I already purchased the Arbiter package with no LTI, but have been looking to upgrade to the constellation package instead( been hesitant because i don't want it w/o LTI). Although i'd like keep my 325a. Question: will you still do this even though im new here? how would i upgrade the package?
    no i thing i dont have to wait... i saw some of the interviews of Chris Roberts and im quite sure hes going to do a good job ... and i ALWAYS wanted to play a game like this (i tired eve but i want to fly manually with a joystick in first person) so ill take the freelancer seems like a rly good choice overall
    good cargo, upgradable decent shields and weapons
    so this one:
    Original Backer "Digital Freelancer - LTI" - $110 = "MISC Freelancer" ship, 5000 game credits, LIFETIME Insurance, Digital Game Soundtrack, Digital Star Map, Digital Engineering Manual, Alpha Access, Beta Access, Squadron 42 Digital Download, Star Citizen Digital Download
    ok.. i guess its going to be bread and water this month il take the freelancer xD (curse the gaming obsession ^^)
    Because if i can still upgrade my Aurora lifetime assurance to an Freelancer/cutlass with lifetime assurance i thing this would be the smartes way for me
    I thing the Cutlass just looks fucking awesome but there is the Problem with the 10t cargo limit dont rly know if this is gonna be enough(though it probably will be able to defend itself from pirates). The freelancer on the other hand looks cool too and has the big 20t cargo limit but i dont know if its gonna be the primary target of pirates in the game because of that.
    The decision is so hard!!!! So what would u suggest?

    I want to mention the "Digital Scout - LTI" - $35 = "RSI Aurora" too because its so cheap and i want your opinion on it
    i thing it looks *weird* at best and i dont rly get the wiki which says cargo 5-10t (do i would have to upgrade it to get the 10t?)
    But it rly has the benefit that its so cheap and in the end nobody knows how good the game will rly be in the end.
    So if i would chose this one could i still upgrade my account to a freelancer or a cutlass model WITH LIFETIME Insuranc lets say in summer 2014?
    Thx for the long reply.
    Im rly leaning towards the Freelancer ship (though it is with 84 euro still kinda expensive for me) the problem i have with the 300 series is the 8t cargo limit. So my question now is which ship do u thing would be best for me. I know its hard to say but im gonna write down what i want my focus in this game to be.
    I want to be a player who has his focus on trading and mining/exploration (but i do want to have big space fights with my guild/alliance). So i narrowed it down to thes packages
    Original Backer special, "Digital Pirate / Avast Ye Matey - LTI" - $110
    Original Backer "Digital Freelancer - LTI" - $110 = "MISC Freelancer"
    I just made an account here because of your offer in this thread.
    I just recently saw this game and im rly stunned by it but i missed the opportunity to get these rly good offers with the lifetime assurance.
    So my questions now is are u also offering this for someone like me who is new to this forum? And if so what package would u suggest for me? Im a 23 year old student and as a student i dont rly have the big bucks in my pocket so im searching for the most efficient package in the range from 0 to 100 euro (0 to 130 dollar) im thinking
    "Digital Freelancer - LTI" - $110 = "MISC Freelancer" would be best.
    Awating your response (with high hopes xD)
    Can I please take the liberty of doing the same thing with a buccaneer and an arbiter package? If I gift them to you can you melt them down and resend them back to me with the super insurance please? I can then forward them to my friend when he makes his SC account, right? Thanks so much.

    Umm also I don't understand the concierge thing at all-- is it a ship? Is there a reason why I would like to have it? Sorry for dumb questions.
    I scream for joy! Thanks so much. Since I'm so incredibly sucky at fighting games this is pretty much the only way I can be sure I won't end up driving a scootypuff junior.

    Thankyou so much!! I hope you get your concierge status soon - I know another person that thinks of joining Star Citizen so I will send him your way if its not too much trouble.

    *Mad hugs*


    I recently got the new "Rear Admiral" Package on the Star Citizen site gifted to me, which came with 4 months insurance on the constellation. Is there any way to fix this to be Lifetime insurance like your packages? Can I exchange them for credits? I don't really understand meltdown. Is there a loss involved?

    This thing you're doing for the community is really cool by the way.

    I did, indeed add "nospam". I'll send another excluding that part, so that you have my email address (the same by which I registered for H). And I'll go ahead and gift $250 to [email protected] via Paypal. Thank you for such a quick reply.
    I am newly registered to RSI and I found your post on H regarding the purchase of original SC packages. Although I'm not a member of H, I'm hopeful that you'll consider selling a package to me. I read your terms from H dated 07/21/13 and I am happy to submit payment by whichever method is most convenient for you. I am interested in the Rear Admiral Package, cut and pasted below. If you're willing to purchase the package for me, please respond with any additional instructions. I represent a pool of folks that work in the DC area, who are all avid gamers. I would be happy to share my positive experience with you, once complete. Thanks for helping to supply some future Citizens.

    Original Backer "Rear Admiral - LTI" - $250 = "RSI Constellation" ship, 10,000 Game Credits, LIFETIME Insurance, Deluxe Silver Collector's Box, Spaceship USB Drive, CD Game Soundtrack, Glossy FoldUp Star Map, 5 Starship Blueprints, 3 Inch Model of RSI Constellation... etc.


    This following is a duplicate message that I originally sent to [email protected], in response to your forum post a couple weeks ago. I've registered here, in case I have the wrong addres. I'm posting 2 messages, due to character limit.
    Are you still involved in Vendetta? I just purchased X3R, and X3TC, and came across your old post about Vendetta. Looks interesting.
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