Recent content by N_L

  1. N

    7900xtx with weird artifacts

    Just an update, recently got my warranty claim fulfilled and got a new card, no issues whatsoever like before! On the one hand, I'm so pleased but on the other it sucks I had to do all this research to be sure (and not even 100%) they'll accept it in the end but oh well :)
  2. N

    7900xtx with weird artifacts

    Fingers crossed, running the game kinda gimped atm with all sort of workarounds but yeah that's unrelated. Did a few tests, overclocked, underclocked, voltage up, voltage down in CP2077, and monitored my temp, here are the pics, the game ran fine, fully maxed settings and the pic was while in...
  3. N

    7900xtx with weird artifacts

    I did not consider that when picking the PSU, this one was the best choice out of the bunch back then that was available sigh it only has 4 PCIe/cpu slots and one 12-pin. Even if I get 3rd cable all 4 are already used, I can disconnect 1 CPU to test but still not ideal to run like that, and yeah...
  4. N

    7900xtx with weird artifacts

    Yes, I tried one from march and this has been happening on various versions ever since june of last year. Now im trying to get new cable (16 pin to 2x8 pin) and see if that does something
  5. N

    7900xtx with weird artifacts

    Nothing :| Not really, just had it in that situation when I noticed for other apps just software for keyboard, mouse, gpu and think thats about it
  6. N

    7900xtx with weird artifacts

    Here's a rundown of everything I've tried before and recently, in no particular order. If anyone has any idea what else to try let me know. I plan to keep trying new games until I find enough where it happens consistently and then I can send it back because all the stress and benchmarks are...
  7. N

    Should I get this monitor?

    Really couldn't find anything else, been searching for weeks. I'm picking it up in the morning, if it's too much I'll return in and just wait some more or save almost double the money for asus rog or pb one.
  8. N

    Should I get this monitor?

    I need some help with picking the monitor. My requirements are ips, 1440p, 27". Can't get rog swift pb asus because they are either unavailable or too expensive here. Thought about Korean one but the wait time, pretty much no warranty, no scaler etc just doesn't cut it for me right now. So...
  9. N

    Which monitor should I get?

    So I should get some good IPS 27" 1440p panel (that hopefully has scaler and use it for all my needs until I can get a good and cheaper 120/144hz secondary screen which I'll use mostly for my PC games, or when I do enough research about Korean monitors order one just for PC while I keep other...
  10. N

    Which monitor should I get?

    Read up on and now I understand TN vs IPS which just makes it harder to chose. Picking one means sacrificing the other. It boils down to slower IPS with better colors, maybe 27" one with 1440p resolution versus faster 120/144hz monitor. Frame rate I'm not sure, I have a single 7970 at the moment...
  11. N

    Which monitor should I get?

    I've spent whole night reading up on this and not any closer to figuring it out so I'm gonna write down what my use is and maybe someone can help me out. I have old(2008) benq monitor that has served me well but I was always annoyed how washed out colors looked, now I'll just use it as...
  12. N

    7970 running hot?

    I have, it's seen in the video :o
  13. N

    7970 running hot?

    Here's video of airflow now, what do you guys think? See how the bottom intake fan's cover has little curve toward gpu, think that's cool thing they did :)
  14. N

    7970 running hot?

    First of here are some pics and my ideas and you guys can tell if it's a good way to go: hdd rack from other side: space between gpu and sound card: potential fan place: Ok so I tried putting that fan...
  15. N

    7970 running hot?

    I do not, going to open my case again, connect different fans, see where they go and what I can do. I'm gonna turn them on now and see how it goes. They were making weird noises last time even after cleaning and oiling so I might replace them. Problem about left one is I think it will blow...