For sale thread

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Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 7, 2008
Hey, I got the email asking if I knew about the item for sale under my alias.

That isn't me folks. I did change my password.

I do not have a 4090 for sale guys, don't bite on that. I sure as hell wouldn't sell one for $1000 either, or post without heat.

Good catch whoever emailed me.
Hey, I got the email asking if I knew about the item for sale under my alias.

That isn't me folks. I did change my password.

I do not have a 4090 for sale guys, don't bite on that. I sure as hell wouldn't sell one for $1000 either, or post without heat.

Good catch whoever emailed me.
Any idea how they got your PW? The IP that was used traced back to Dallas, TX.

Did you have an EVGA forums account that used the same PW?
Any idea how they got your PW? The IP that was used traced back to Dallas, TX.

Did you have an EVGA forums account that used the same PW?
No, I didn't have an EVGA forum account. Not on a lot of forums really. For 15 years the password was probably an over simple one that may not have been difficult to guess. To lazy to have changed it till yesterday. Lesson learned and 2fa active. Going through and changing a few other passwords on stuff as well due to paranoia....
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