[Leak/Rumor] Valve Deckard - Wireless VR/AR


[H]F Junkie
Apr 20, 2013
(Possibly) Valve's Next Big VR Thing.

Leaked/rumored/tentative info. Will be updated as more materializes. Recently datamined SteamVR code has unearthed the following.

  • 2K/4K per eye, Micro OLED panels. May be rotated to allow wider FOV
  • Varifocal lenses confirmed, apparently with support for an OpenXR option that communicates depth for objects
  • New custom Qualcomm SoC in "frunk" for standalone capabilities
  • Swappable headstrap, modular to alternate between WiGig or higher end computing unit
  • AR capabilities
  • May announce/release soon - manufacturing facilities for lenses and display are ready
  • Evidence in software that it will interop with Steam Deck for split rendering
    • There's also mention of a "tablet"
    • It could be used with Valve's alleged future console
  • Updated controllers with same joysticks as Steam Deck, no more drifting
  • Updated sensors for finger tracking
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This is the headset I am so looking forward to if even half of the rumors are true and not just prototypes and ideas that have come and gone.
I'll wait until closer to release. Remember before the Valve Index launched, sites were producing leaks showing amazing specs. When the Index was actually released the actual specs were very modest and a lot of so called "confirmed" leaks weren't true at all.

I do hope it's as good as it sounds though.
I'll wait until closer to release. Remember before the Valve Index launched, sites were producing leaks showing amazing specs. When the Index was actually released the actual specs were very modest and a lot of so called "confirmed" leaks weren't true at all.

I do hope it's as good as it sounds though.

This. A lot of things are possible today and prototypes are being made and tested but a lot of them are not comercially viable. Valve is not going to make a Varjo headset with the best stuff available for 5000 bucks.
All I want is an upgrade to my wireless OG Vive with a new wireless headset, NOT made by HTC or FB.
All I want is an upgrade to my wireless OG Vive with a new wireless headset, NOT made by HTC or FB.

The rumor is it will have WiGig 2, or at least one of the headstraps/versions will.

This guy has done a lot of research and has the best info on it:

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A wireless high end VR HMD?


probably still won't buy it though just for what 3 games I'd want to play lol (not knocking VR just the current landscape - might be a chicken and egg problem but doesn't really change anything)
All I want is an upgrade to my wireless OG Vive with a new wireless headset, NOT made by HTC or FB.
This, but for the Index - there were a lot of rumors about a wireless module for the Index, but more and more it seems like it's not happening, which kinda pisses me off.
VR is still on the leading edge of tech maturation. No one should expect to buy any VR hardware and not feel the early adopter sting eventually. Any rumors about headsets getting upgraded or supported with new features after release are just that.

If Deckard drops support for lighthouses, will I be pissed that I bought 4? Yes. Will I probably appreciate that Deckard does not need them? Yes. Just using this as an example, no idea if the RUMORED new headset still uses excellent outside-in tracking.
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VR is still on the leading edge of tech maturation. No one should expect to by any VR hardware and not feel the early adopter sting eventually. Any rumors about headsets getting upgraded or support are just that.

If Deckard drops support for lighthouses, will I be pissed that I bought 4? Yes. Will I probably appreciate that Deckard does not need them? Yes. Just using this as an example, no idea if the RUMORED new headset still uses excellent outside-in tracking.

The rumor is it won't need them but will still support using them.
no idea if the RUMORED new headset still uses excellent outside-in tracking.
Well referenced all over SteamVR code apparently, so it definitely seems like a real thing being worked on, but whether it sees a commercial release is of course a different story.

The Steam Deck has shaken things up, IMO, where any rumors or leaks before the official announcement would've been hard to believe as a device they would ever release, since it's so concept/prototype by its nature, and wouldnt have fit what anyone would've expected from Valve in any sense.
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The rumor is it will have WiGig 2, or at least one of the headstraps/versions will.

This guy has done a lot of research and has the best info on it:

Yep this is the guy I sourced the OP bulletpoints from. What's strange is people actually bashing him on reddit, but then reddit gonna reddit.
Can we not pay for stand alone capabilities, and just get the wigig version for PC usage? That's all i want. Wireless PCVR(steamVR) from a company not name FB or HTC.
Can we not pay for stand alone capabilities, and just get the wigig version for PC usage? That's all i want. Wireless PCVR(steamVR) from a company not name FB or HTC.
They'll supposedly have different versions and a modular design so you'll basically be able to do that and upgrade later if you want.
I would love a higher res valve headset to slot in, and take advantage of newer gpus and games.

Valve planning a plugged-in VR Console :



South Korea’s National Radio Research Agency has certified a “low power wireless device” from Valve with the designation “RC-V1V-1030,” as spotted by @dxpl at Arca.live (via Brad Lynch).

There are other hints in Valve’s own code, however — Phoronix’s Michael Larabel spotted that Valve has added new changes around the Steam Deck’s Van Gogh APU, including the mysterious product name “Galileo” and product family “Sephiroth.” (Aerith, closely connected to Sephiroth in Final Fantasy VII, is another name for the Deck’s APU.)
While Larabel initially suggests it might just be a Steam Deck refresh reference board, Valve’s Greg Coomer told me in 2021 that the Steam Deck’s existing APU might make sense in a standalone VR headset.

A standalone VR headset codenamed Deckard was at least being prototyped inside Valve, sources confirmed to YouTuber Brad Lynch and Ars Technica back in 2021, and some patent images made the rounds last June.

I look at the lower prices of Meta products as an attempted lock-in for a proprietary platform. The Quest 2 was focused on selling on its store platform (Resident Evil 4 VR "classic" was a good example of such exclusivity) and the "wireless" features were an Android console they controlled (complete with metrics and all the data Facebook loves to slurp) strapped to your face. That wasn't something I felt comfortable supporting no matter how good a deal on the headset they were trying to offer.

VR is an area that is in general loaded with proprietary components, drivers, utilities and the like. SteamVR/OpenVR is one bright spot in all of this and one of the reasons I bought the Valve Index to support not just the great features of the hardware at the time but for a more open path forward without having to hack, jailbreak, etc.. or use some Windows only driver. Even with a lot of accessories and the like there's the concern about proprietary, often Windows only drivers and that's annoying. I'm hoping that Valve continues to move forward on their Deckard successor, watching the emergence of the Meta Quest Pro (if I was going to buy any Quest, it would likely be that one), Varjo, whatever Apple is coming up with that everyone will term revolutionary for one reason or another, and other high end offerings because the last thing VR needs is yet another scramble to set up proprietary fiefdoms and if I'm going to invest at all it will be in those few companies demonstrating their intent to make things more user focused and open.
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Would like to know more.

I do hope for an announcement during apples “magic” show tomorrow. Need a break from the marketing BS.