The Last of Us: Part II


Fully [H]
Oct 25, 2004
Sony closed out its PlayStation Experience keynote with the first trailer for The Last of Us: Part II, the sequel to Naughty Dog's breakout 2013 shooter...the stars of the original game, Joel and Ellie, return in Part II, older and apparently filled with a desire for vengeance...

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Just beat the game on PS4 Pro. The ending was raw but sort of unsettling. Definitely check the PS4 Pro version on a 4K TV if you haven't played it yet.
that was a great reveal trailer...seeing Ellie all battered and bloody playing the guitar with her bruised knuckles...great reveal Naughty Dog
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Fanboys or not... like it or not... Naughty Dog games are a big reason to own a Playstation system. I strongly suspect that trend will continue strongly and just fine with this.
Well I guess I need to hurry up and find time to play the first one.
my son and I finished the first one up on his ps3... I'm going through it again on my ps4..
great f'ing game...looking forward to the next chapter
Day 1 for me. In fact, it might be enough to get me to upgrade to a PS4 Pro.

You know ND is going to use whatever they can take advantage of with the upgraded hardware. I watched a dev diary type thing a little after TLoU came out where they were talking about how far they had pushed the ps3. They literally had the machine running at its limits. Lead dev was saying they had to add and remove things constantly because they were at the RAM limit. Literally another few bytes here or there would cause the ps3 to crash.
The Last of Us Part II- PGW 2017 Trailer...

this can't come soon enough...looks even more cinematic then the first...besides the amazing graphics I love the gritty gameplay...not many games would show a trailer of a young girl getting the bones in her arm broken...Part 1 may not have been the greatest game ever as many people have said but it was a solid title with excellent characters
The Last of Us Part II- PGW 2017 Trailer...

this can't come soon enough...looks even more cinematic then the first...besides the amazing graphics I love the gritty gameplay...not many games would show a trailer of a young girl getting the bones in her arm broken...Part 1 may not have been the greatest game ever as many people have said but it was a solid title with excellent characters

“We trust in our creators,” says Sony after revealing new levels of PlayStation violence"

I read this article and it got me thinking about The Last of Us, and was reminded after some thought of how brutal the violence was in that game. I remember that fact being a point of discussion at the time as well with people discussing why it was necessary. The violence in the new LofU Part 2 trailer is definitely intense and made me squirm during the hammer part, but so much of this world needs to be balanced. Joel was a terrible person over the years as he would admit, and it shows through the way he dispatches enemies during the whole game. I always imagined Joel softening over the years now that he has been with Ellie for so long and can relive the lost years he missed out with his daughter, but the world in which they live shows no mercy as seen in the latest trailer. It appears to be even more brutal than before, with the people in this one adding some sort of religious mania to the mix. Perhaps there are a group of people who have formed over the years that have become solitary in the woods who are religious nutjobs, and those are the people who are the enemies in the new game (other than the infected).

The first game was gut-wrenching on many levels, and the visceral violence added to it... it communicated just how out of control and merciless nature (and human nature) can be. I am sure Part 2 will be an emotional roller-coaster like the first, and I am ready for it. The only confusion I have is what your motivation will be in this one. What will be the end goal? In the first game, it was to deliver Ellie to the Fireflies so a cure can be made from her blood, but now that Ellie is grown it's obvious that is not a active goal anymore otherwise they would have done it already. So what the driving force will be behind the new game is a mystery. It's also a mystery why Joel hasn't shown up once in anything we've seen. Only his voice briefly in the first trailer. And these people in the new trailer are all new as well. I hope they stick close to Joel throughout the game, because as much as I like Ellie I wasn't a fan of playing as her in the first game.

P.S. I couldn't help but be amazed at the graphics which is nothing new and should be expected from Naughty Dog, but I wanted to point out at the end that they very specifically mentioned that the footage was shown using a PS4 Pro. I am sure the regular PS4 version will look fine too, but just thought i'd point that detail out. And since all Naughty Dog's cut-scenes are always in-game, it's safe to say that what we saw in the trailer although dark, were the in-game graphics for LOU Part 2.

P.P.S. Here come the liberals...

"Stop using extreme violence to sell your game"
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Bloodborne got me to buy a PS4 (which I later sold after playing Uncharted 4)...also played Last of Us 1 and the Uncharted trilogy...Last of Us 2 might be the game that gets me to buy a PS4 Pro...if Bloodborne 2 is ever announced that'll seal the deal
“We trust in our creators,” says Sony after revealing new levels of PlayStation violence"

I read this article and it got me thinking about The Last of Us, and was reminded after some thought of how brutal the violence was in that game. I remember that fact being a point of discussion at the time as well with people discussing why it was necessary. The violence in the new LofU Part 2 trailer is definitely intense and made me squirm during the hammer part, but so much of this world needs to be balanced.

Indeed, I guess people have already forgotten about the part where Ellie (a 14 year old girl) is almost raped and murdered by a cannibal (David). Or where Joel is interrogating one of the cannibals to get to Ellie and he jams a knife into the guy's knee and is twisting it to get info out of him. Or probably the worst for me was still at the beginning where Joel's daughter (Sarah) gets shot and bleeds out in his arms.. as a father that really got to me at least.

Bloodborne got me to buy a PS4 (which I later sold after playing Uncharted 4)...also played Last of Us 1 and the Uncharted trilogy...Last of Us 2 might be the game that gets me to buy a PS4 Pro...if Bloodborne 2 is ever announced that'll seal the deal

Were you that hard up for cash? Shoulda kept the PS4 at least for the Uncharted 4 expansion or other nice exclusives. I pretty much got my PS4 only for Uncharted 4 when it launched, but was planning to play all other Naughty Dog games on it as well. Then after I graduated school and had some more time to catch up on some games, I sold my PS4 towards a PS4 Pro after seeing the stellar reviews Horizon was getting and proceeded to dump 150+ hours into that game playing through it twice and doing everything possible in it. Can't wait for its DLC to drop next week (on the 7th). I haven't played Bloodborne yet, but it looks cool.

The Last of Us Part II- PGW 2017 Trailer...

So the consensus is that the jacked women in this scene is Ellie's mom, who apparently has just conceived Ellie at this time, as inferred by the woman poking her knife into her lower abdomen and making some vague reference to it. There's definitely a likeness between Ellie and this women in their appearance and voices (she initially sounded like Ashley Johnson - Ellie's voice actress - but a bit different the more she talked).

Therefore it seems as though they will be jumping around in the time line, since their first teaser shows Ellie a few years after the first game and this trailer is from before she's born.

There's another theory though that this is Ellie's mom long after Ellie is born and she's somehow still alive. I doubt ND would go that way though; it just doesn't fit the game's theme to be bringing characters back from the grave IMO.
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There's another theory though that this is Ellie's mom long after Ellie is born and she's somehow still alive. I doubt ND would go that way though; it just doesn't fit the game's theme to be bringing characters back from the grave IMO.

You may have something there. Remember Uncharted 4? They jumped around time a lot in that game from showing Drake and his brother in their younger years, and then at the end years later when you play as Drake and Elena's daughter. If they did that with TLOU 2 then I would be really happy. It would give a lot of context to the first game and add additional depth to the characters. TLOU also started off with you playing as Joel's daughter before the outbreak. Even the DLC for The Last of Us showed how Ellie got bit, so Naughty Dog does like to jump around timelines a bit.
You may have something there. Remember Uncharted 4? They jumped around time a lot in that game from showing Drake and his brother in their younger years, and then at the end years later when you play as Drake and Elena's daughter. If they did that with TLOU 2 then I would be really happy. It would give a lot of context to the first game and add additional depth to the characters. TLOU also started off with you playing as Joel's daughter before the outbreak. Even the DLC for The Last of Us showed how Ellie got bit, so Naughty Dog does like to jump around timelines a bit.

Yeah, I could definitely see them going back to before Ellie was born to show her mom's story. But I don't think they would have Ellie's mom be alive in the game's current time line after they made multiple references to her death in the first game. That's all I'm saying.

ND went back to Drake's childhood in Uncharted 3 as well, so they were doing that even before TLOU was made.
Were you that hard up for cash? Shoulda kept the PS4 at least for the Uncharted 4 expansion or other nice exclusives. I pretty much got my PS4 only for Uncharted 4 when it launched, but was planning to play all other Naughty Dog games on it as well. Then after I graduated school and had some more time to catch up on some games, I sold my PS4 towards a PS4 Pro after seeing the stellar reviews Horizon was getting and proceeded to dump 150+ hours into that game playing through it twice and doing everything possible in it. Can't wait for its DLC to drop next week (on the 7th). I haven't played Bloodborne yet, but it looks cool.

I played all the games I wanted to (at the time) and decided to sell while the resale value was still high (before the Pro came out)...I'm 98% happy with selling it...the games I wanted to play (and did play) were Bloodborne + Old Hunters DLC, Uncharted remastered trilogy, Uncharted 4 and Last of Us remastered...of course now in 2017 after Horizon Zero Dawn was released I wish I could play that but overall I'm glad I sold it otherwise it would just be collecting dust (I'm a PC gamer)
Horizon Zero Dawn says hi.

that came very close to tempting me to buy a PS4 Pro...but since they never had a Pro Horizon Zero Dawn bundle deal here in the USA it made my decision not to buy easier...I guess Sony feels they don't need to bundle the game because it's selling so well on its own (plus got amazing reviews) but I wouldn't be surprised to see it this Black Friday...if so I'll get really tempted but I'd rather only buy the Pro knowing that Bloodborne 2 and/or Last of Us 2 have been released (or are coming out soon)
that came very close to tempting me to buy a PS4 Pro...but since they never had a Pro Horizon Zero Dawn bundle deal here in the USA it made my decision not to buy easier...I guess Sony feels they don't need to bundle the game because it's selling so well on its own (plus got amazing reviews) but I wouldn't be surprised to see it this Black Friday...if so I'll get really tempted but I'd rather only buy the Pro knowing that Bloodborne 2 and/or Last of Us 2 have been released (or are coming out soon)
thanks for the link...but why no PS4 Pro bundle?...when did this start? it a Costco exclusive?

This is the Pro. I just randomly googled. I thought I've seen Pro Bundles other places but must have just the basic PS4.
I thought he was joking at first, but then I noticed it was Azureth. I haven't seen his trolling feminist side in a while.. I thought he was done with that, lol.
Well if he's trolling, he's joking. Right???
I am surprised no brought up the sjw shit yet cause Ellie is gay and making out with another girl!
I am surprised no brought up the sjw shit yet cause Ellie is gay and making out with another girl!

You must not have played the DLC Last of Us: Left Behind. It's been known for some time (2014) Ellie is gay. Even got high praise for its depiction of LGBT characters.