Windows 11 24H2 will enable BitLocker encryption for everyone - happens on both clean installs and reinstalls

I have to head over to the FiL’s this weekend he had his audio recorder plugged into his desktop while it booted it kicked over Bitlocker and now he can’t get into his machine. And of course he doesn’t remember what his email account or password he had it registered to… I get to make the 2h drive to play data detective…
Yeah... an interesting era for sure. A year or two ago I dug up my old Dual AthlonMP 2800+ system and wanted to turn it into a novelty vintage rig. Somehow, I bumped one of the heatsinks while the system was turned on and this was apparently enough to upset it's delicate balance on that tiny little exposed core and seconds later it let out the magic smoke. It's just amazing how fragile things were back then. Simple things like heat-spreaders and thermal-throttling really do make life easier.
Ooof... A small bump is all it took with those things. Like with LGA pins in installing CPUs today, you really had to mind how you mounted your heatsink then after you locked that PGA socket lever. I certainly don't miss lifting up my heatsink to see a corner or two of the die was rounded off or chipped... I remember the wailing and gnashing of teeth over cracked dies very well haha
Well I hope their cat isn't driving.
Must be Toonces...
Sounds like user error to me... Like misplacing your cat keys and blaming the car manufacturer.
Well it’s on him and now that I’m here trying to fix it I blame Sony.
I’ve got his Bitlocker key, he’s old so he writes everything down in a notebook so it’s all here. It works but his old ass Sony recorder he uses tried installing something when plugged into the machine and it’s bricked the install.
So the only reason this wasn’t a simple fix was what I assume is some ancient Sony root kit.

But it’s a reminder of why auto enabling Bitlocker is a bad thing. And why old Sony stuff isn’t to be trusted no matter how well it works.