The Matrix Awakens: An Unreal Engine 5 Experience


Extremely [H]
Jan 28, 2014
A UE5 tech demo featuring The Matrix will go live this Thursday during The Game Awards. It only works on Xbox Series X|S or PlayStation 5. You may have to refresh the Xbox link to see it.

The Matrix Awakens is an unmissable next-gen showcase

Part of the vision of this demo is to emphasis that large, realistic open worlds can be generated by a relatively small team thanks to some impressive procedural generation fact, Epic included these stats with their press release, which apply to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X renditions of the demo:

-The city is 4,138 km wide and 4.968 km long, slightly larger than the size of downtown Los Angeles
-Almost 10 million unique and duplicated assets were created to make the city
-The entire world is lit by only the sun, sky and emissive materials on meshes. No light sources were placed for the tens of thousands of street lights and headlights. In night mode, nearly all lighting comes from the millions of emissive building windows
-35,000 simulated MetaHuman pedestrians
-Average polygon count? 7000k buildings made of 1000s of assets and each asset could be up to millions of polygons so we have several billions of polygons to make up just the buildings of the city
I'll have to play through it tomorrow. I need to get up early in the morning :cry:
Fun interview with Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss about the game and other topics. Keanu kind of goes off the rails talking about sex mods.

Just played it on PS5. I literally said "wow" a few times. Even while just free roaming around in the city looking into all the buildings. But the chase sequence is really begging for a full Matrix game now.

Would def be nice to try on PC too, but aside from the extra performance and RT if they enabled it (doesn't seem to be in the demo anyways), I'm not sure you would gain much better IQ here. I'm certainly happy with what I'm seeing here compared to any other currently existing game on any platform though and am pretty excited to see upcoming titles using this engine.
Just played it on PS5. I literally said "wow" a few times. Even while just free roaming around in the city looking into all the buildings. But the chase sequence is really begging for a full Matrix game now.

Would def be nice to try on PC too, but aside from the extra performance and RT if they enabled it (doesn't seem to be in the demo anyways), I'm not sure you would gain much better IQ here. I'm certainly happy with what I'm seeing here compared to any other currently existing game on any platform though and am pretty excited to see upcoming titles using this engine.
I'd gain being able to play it :D. I don't have a ps5 or Xbox series X. I have an rtx 3080 though!
I'd gain being able to play it :D. I don't have a ps5 or Xbox series X. I have an rtx 3080 though!
Ahh, yeah too bad for you then. Just another (albeit small) reason to not restrict yourself to only one platform. :p

You can experience it pretty well by watching a high-res video of it in the living room with a decent sound system or headphones, since there's not a lot of interactivity outside of shooting pre-designated targets that you lock onto automatically. Otherwise it's just free-roaming the city afterwards and messing with the applied color filter, sun position, traffic/pedestrian quantity, etc. I was blasting it and my wife had to come across the house to ask if I was deaf, lol. They captured the Matrix vibe perfectly with the greenish color filter, music, and sound effects.

I wonder how long they spent just making this demo though. The amount of detail in the city alone is crazy... though I did find a few buildings with hovering assets (HVAC equipment and ducts) on top of them instead of flush with the texture. Just seems like a lot of wasted time to put into this demo if they weren't going to make a full game out of it, but maybe they just used a lot of procedurally generated assets outside of a few key areas and was able to throw this together faster than it would otherwise seem.
It's possible a lot of the scenes in the new movie used this engine, so all the work was already done.
I just saw this on YouTube really impressed dont own a console though for a game like this I would pick one up.
Ahh, yeah too bad for you then. Just another (albeit small) reason to not restrict yourself to only one platform. :p

I "won" a ps5 into my cart on newegg shuffle but with tax and all it was over $900 scalped by newegg itself so i just let it expire. I'd rather have a pc box on my tv than a console in modern times, and use that $ for that if I was throwing it down.. regardless of exclusives. Just my personal taste.

I also don't like that sony is locking autoHDR to only their most modern bravia line of tvs with zero support for HDR10 displays at all afaik. Win11 and xbox autoHDR works on any HDR10 capable display, including sony's bravias.

Would def be nice to try on PC too, but aside from the extra performance and RT if they enabled it (doesn't seem to be in the demo anyways), I'm not sure you would gain much better IQ here.

Console 4k is still low frame rate and using dynamic rez and other tricks. They use lower # of entities on screen and cut out things like larger crowds, use lower view distances/fog of war etc. Most console games afaik still choose between lower non-native rez (e.g. 1080p) "performance mode" for 60fps or 4k 30 with dynamic lowering of rez and checkerboarding.

A modern console is equivalent to a pc from 4 or 5 years ago.
Gamers Nexus: PlayStation 5 120FPS Mode vs. PC 120FPS: Benchmarks & Graphics Quality Comparison

They use quasi-4k but they do have hdmi 2.1 if you could get over 60fpsHz or achieve 100fps+ on a console game at 4k on a 120hz display... and I don't think they all do VRR yet either, at least PS5 though it might "very soon" from recent news blurbs after not having it after more than a year. So for me consoles are still mehh. I could see getting one instead of a pc but for me I'm not into buying both anymore considering inflated pricing and the fact that I could run a hdmi 2.1 gpu on my 120hz VRR tv now instead of a console, and with way better results.

I'm not saying consoles look bad, but as long as the dev allows higher options, a pc will look better in graphics settings/eye-candy, view distances and # of entities on screen, as well as motion aesthetics (motion clarity/blur reduction, motion definition/articulation/pathing).
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I "won" a ps5 into my cart on newegg shuffle but with tax and all it was over $900 scalped by newegg itself so i just let it expire. I'd rather have a pc box on my tv than a console in modern times, and use that $ for that if I was throwing it down.. regardless of exclusives. Just my personal taste.

I also don't like that sony is locking autoHDR to only their most modern bravia line of tvs with zero support for HDR10 displays at all afaik. Win11 and xbox autoHDR works on any HDR10 capable display, including sony's bravias.

Console 4k is still low frame rate and using dynamic rez and other tricks. They use lower # of entities on screen and cut out things like larger crowds, use lower view distances/fog of war etc. Most console games afaik still choose between lower non-native rez (e.g. 1080p) "performance mode" for 60fps or 4k 30 with dynamic lowering of rez and checkerboarding.

A modern console is equivalent to a pc from 4 or 5 years ago.
Gamers Nexus: PlayStation 5 120FPS Mode vs. PC 120FPS: Benchmarks & Graphics Quality Comparison

They use quasi-4k but they do have hdmi 2.1 if you could get over 60fpsHz or achieve 100fps+ on a console game at 4k on a 120hz display... and I don't think they all do VRR yet either, at least PS5 though it might "very soon" from recent news blurbs after not having it after more than a year. So for me consoles are still mehh. I could see getting one instead of a pc but for me I'm not into buying both anymore considering inflated pricing and the fact that I could run a hdmi 2.1 gpu on my 120hz VRR tv now instead of a console, and with way better results.

I'm not saying consoles look bad, but as long as the dev allows higher options, a pc will look better in graphics settings/eye-candy, view distances and # of entities on screen, as well as motion aesthetics (motion clarity/blur reduction, motion definition/articulation/pathing).
Thanks, I think all of us here are aware of these common PCMR talking points though. I, and many here, still enjoy consoles very much in addition to our gaming PC that's considerably faster than any of them as well. It's rarely an either/or dilemma between consoles and PC too as to which platform you own. But I'm not sure how any of this is really relevant to the thread topic either.
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Some of it feel so photorealistic that it seem to put a lot of pressure on the human and other deformable to look as such to not look out of place.

Yes I know what you mean, that they might not "match" the LOD of the rest of the game world. You don't want to look like Eddie Valiant in Toon Town. It seems like the highest detail ones are in near shots though, confined areas, close ups from what I could see. That and the "training simulator" all white backdrop scenes where no environment or view distances were in play. That would make sense.

There is also the creepy thing when they get close to realistic but not close enough, often referred to as the "Uncanny Valley"

The Uncanny Valley: The Original Essay by Masahiro Mori


Figure 2. The presence of movement steepens the slopes of the uncanny valley. The arrow's path in the figure represents the sudden death of a healthy person.
[Translators' note: Noh is a traditional Japanese form of musical theater dating from the 14th century in which actors commonly wear masks. The yase otoko mask bears the face of an emaciated man and represents a ghost from hell. The okina mask represents an old man.]

It seems like the engine is using/benefiting from a lot of virtual cinematography in the highest detail character scenes but most modern games do with LOD. In CGI films they often use a higher poly model for close shots compared to larger area shots so that may have been what the end result was in the demo in places like inside of the car and other close up dialogues. They could also be benefiting from the map design using buildings in the 3rd person walking segments to limit view distances in order to get higher graphics fidelity vs frame rates (like a corridor shooter). The parts under the overpass had some view limitations also. In watching the analysis video they say there is an invisible 3D box around the camera and that anything outside of that box is updated less frequently. Also that there is a "streaming zone" that is the focus, with things outside of that. However they mention that in this demo things remain consistent when you pan the stream back to an area/camera angle you'd looked at before so it is very effective. The long shots of animated objects/entities in the distance are very impressive. Whatever virtual cinematography LOD style tricks and instancing they used or benefit from fidelity wise in the stream with the nanite unreal tech engine, it definitely looks great. I'd be very interested in seeing the actual resolutions reported dynamically along with the frame rates, and hopefully see a pc version. Eventually we should see a lot of that UE5 engine in other games on pc though anyway.

I still remember this one.. "Enter the Matrix" (2003) :cool:



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The Matrix Awakens Tech Analysis + PS5 vs Xbox Series S/X Performance Analysis
The xbox fanboys ripped me when i said the series S was a horrible idea. Wait 3 or 4 years, it's going to hold back the whole generation, thank god for PS exclusives.
Thanks, I think all of us here are aware of these common PCMR talking points though. I, and many here, still enjoy consoles very much in addition to our gaming PC that's considerably faster than any of them as well. It's rarely an either/or dilemma between consoles and PC too as to which platform you own. But I'm not sure how any of this is really relevant to the thread topic either.
I mostly skimmed it, but I believe he was trying to convey "Consoles are cool, but stay in your fucking lane. Giving these cockroaches the run of multimilliondollar next gen Matrix technology before it's really time, it raises moral, ethical and probably even legal questions that may eventually become hard to ignore".

And, devil's advocate, maybe he has a point. There are those with considerable investments in PC hardware and the latest Nvidia 3000's, and maybe don't want to see what's rightfully theirs just handed out to anyone like candy.

"The whole better-than-everyone-else thing stops working the moment you can't be better than everyone else." --Jensen Huang
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I mostly skimmed it, but I believe he was trying to convey "Consoles are cool, but stay in your fucking lane. Giving these cockroaches the run of multimilliondollar next gen Matrix technology before it's really time, it raises moral, ethical and probably even legal questions that may eventually become hard to ignore".

And, devil's advocate, maybe he has a point. There are those with considerable investments in PC hardware and the latest Nvidia 3000's, and maybe don't want to see what's rightfully theirs just handed out to anyone like candy.

"The whole better-than-everyone-else thing stops working the moment you can't be better than everyone else." --Jensen Huang
Not sure this helps his argument. Just sounds like more condescending PCMR talk to me.

"Stay in your fucking lane... Cockroaches... What's rightfully theirs..." 🙄

The likely reality is that it's a legal issue with PC being susceptible to mods and they don't want people taking liberties with Keanu and Carrie-Anne Moss like they did in CP2077 by modding the ability to romance Keanu (and CDPR had to shut it down). Which are exactly the kind of moral, ethical, and legal issues they're trying to avoid here by keeping it on consoles only. DF alluded to this as well in their analysis of it.
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Appreciate you reading and commenting but don't put words into my mouth.

I replied to two comments:
Ahh, yeah too bad for you then. Just another (albeit small) reason to not restrict yourself to only one platform. :p

I gave a few modern reasons *to* "restrict" yourself to one platform as a counterpoint.

Would def be nice to try on PC too, but aside from the extra performance and RT if they enabled it (doesn't seem to be in the demo anyways), I'm not sure you would gain much better IQ here.

I showed how a console is ~ a pc from 4 or 5 years ago, so if the devs designed a high enough ceiling a PC would definitely have higher graphics and motion compared games in the last and current console gens.
Besides that, PC has the potential for true 4k native rez and much higher motion aesthetics (motion clarity/blur reduction, motion definition) from higher fpsHz with a huge library of titles at higher than 1080p/1500p/1800p resolutions. That alone is huge aesthetically. Consoles are usually 1080p ~> 1500p performance mode and turn down other graphic settings alongside the resolution decrease for the performance mode.. for either a 60fpsHz baseline smearing blur and low motion definition or there are some games capable of up to 120fpsHz at 1080/1500/1800.


I focused on the PS5 since most people get that for the exclusives in my experience, but the xbox x has a lot more. Again, that is at a non-native lower 1080p/1500/1800 resolutions (though the console 4k Fidelity mode is still quasi-4k resolutions that use dynamic resolution and checkerboarding, etc).
Performance mode reduces the amount of detail and density that fills up a particular scene, which means that the game's world will be slightly less immersive than it would be in Fidelity Mode. This mode also removes ray tracing from scenes, which is used by PS5 game developers to create more realistic lighting effects (though it's not a feature of every game).

The PS5's Performance mode offers at least a 1080p resolution with the increased framerate. Some titles like The Last of Us Part 2 can even reach a dynamic 4K resolution with their Performance modes, drawing the graphics closer. It's worth noting that the resolution in Performance Mode is completely dependent on how graphically demanding a title is, but 60 FPS will always be the top priority.
Quality Mode sees Kena: Bridge of Spirits clocking in at 2160p/30 FPS, while the game’s Performance Mode runs at 60 FPS with the resolution hitting 1800p – 2160p, although it mostly sticks closer to 1800p.

Meanwhile, the PS4 Pro version of the game hits 1152p – 1440p at 30 FPS, while the standard PS4 edition of Kena: Bridge of Spirits clocks in at 810p – 1080p/30 FPS.

(December 8, 2021)
While the PS5 doesn’t include 120fps support for quite as many games as Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S, its library of titles is growing slowly. Check out all the PS5 games with 120fps support below.
The Xbox Series X has far more games with 120fps support compared to PS5, with Microsoft’s backwards compatibility feature, FPS Boost, also helping increase the framerate of older Xbox One games. Check out all the Xbox Series X games with 120fps support below.

  • A Plague Tale: Innocence
  • Alien Isolation (via FPS Boost)
  • Battle Chasers: Nightwar (via FPS Boost)
  • Battlefield 1 (via FPS Boost)
  • Battlefield 4 (via FPS Boost)
  • Battlefield 5 (via FPS Boost
  • Battlefield Hardline (via FPS Boost)
  • Borderlands 3
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
  • Call of Duty: Vanguard
  • Call of Duty: Warzone
  • CrossCode
  • Descenders
  • Destiny 2 (Crucible)
  • Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition
  • Dirt 4 (via FPS Boost)
  • Dirt 5
  • Doom Eternal
  • Don't Starve: Giant Edition (via FPS Boost)
  • ExoMecha
  • F1 2021
  • Fortnite
  • Gears 5 (multiplayer)
  • Ghostrunner
  • Golf with your Friends (via FPS Boost)
  • Halo Infinite
  • Halo: The Master Chief Collection
  • Halo: Spartan Assault (via FPS Boost)
  • Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
  • Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (via FPS Boost)
  • Hyperscape (via FPS Boost)
  • Island Saver (via FPS Boost)
  • Jydge
  • King Oddball
  • Knockout City
  • LEGO Marvel Superheroes (via FPS Boost)
  • LEGO Marvel's Avengers (via FPS Boost)
  • LEGO The Hobbit (via FPS Boost)
  • Mad Max (via FPS Boost)
  • Mass Effect Legendary Edition
  • Metro 2033 Redux (via FPS Boost)
  • Metro: Last Light Redux (via FPS Boost)
  • Moving Out (via FPS Boost)
  • My Friend Pedro (via FPS Boost)
  • Metal: Hellsinger
  • Minecraft Dungeons
  • Mirror's Edge Catalyst (via FPS Boost)
  • Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom
  • New Super Lucky's Tale (via FPS Boost)
  • Ori and the Will of the Wisps
  • Orphan of the Machine
  • Overcooked 2! (via FPS Boost)
  • Overwatch
  • Paladins (via FPS Boost)
  • Plants vs Zombies: Battle for Neighborville (via FPS Boost)
  • Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare (via FPS Boost)
  • Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 (via FPS Boost)
  • Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid (via FPS Boost)
  • Psychonauts 2
  • Quake
  • Rainbow Six Siege
  • Realm Royale (via FPS Boost)
  • Rocket League
  • Rogue Company
  • Samurai Shodown
  • Sea of Thieves
  • Second Extinction
  • Star Wars Battlefront (via FPS Boost)
  • Star Wars Battlefront 2 (via FPS Boost)
  • Star Wars: Squadrons
  • SMITE (via FPS Boost)
  • Superhot (via FPS Boost)
  • Superhot: Mind Control Delete
  • Super Lucky's Tale (via FPS Boost)
  • The Gardens Between (via FPS Boost)
  • The Falconeer
  • The LEGO Movie Videogame (via FPS Boost)
  • The Touryst
  • Titanfall (via FPS Boost)
  • Titanfall 2 (via FPS Boost)
  • Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2
  • Totally Reliable Delivery Service (via FPS Boost)
  • Unravel 2 (via FPS Boost)
  • Unruly Heroes (via FPS Boost)
  • Untitled Goose Game (via FPS Boost)
  • WRC 9
  • Zombie Army 4

Outside of sony locking autoHDR of their PS5 to their most modern line of bravia tvs which I find abhorrent as a practice (xbox and win11 autoHDR work with *any* HDR10 capable display incl sony tvs), and their long overdue support of VRR (on both the PS5 and their TVs), and of course vendor scalped pricing, there's not much wrong with consoles for what they are and the games do look very good - just not as great. (Games look very good on a pc from 4 - 5 years ago too with some settings turned down and at a lower resolution/frame rates balance).

I'm not saying don't buy a console...
I was arguing reasons against being strong armed or lured into owning both a modern 3000 series gpu based gaming rig and a PS5 for an (to quote "albeit small reason to not restrict yourself to one platform" harr harr). With modern hdmi 2.1 VRR tv's there is less reason to own a console in adddition to a pc... there are the obvious up front modern scarcity/availability/costs- less in effect if you didn't buy both platforms-, consoles have more portability (though there are smaller form factor PCs if you want that or there are fiber HDMI 2.1 cables + fiber usb3.1/usb-c cable to hub for long up to ~100' runs if your living space allows you to do it), and mainly the artificial restriction of exclusives.. since a pc with a hdmi 2.1 gpu can do 4k 120Hz vrr on a hdmi 2.1 TV and can use gamepads (in addition to key+mouse couchmaster type setups). I understand why consoles do exclusives though - like would nintendo sell that many underpowerd consoles if their exclusive games were available on all platforms?

Again, I'm not saying that modern console games don't look good, and this demo/engine especially..
Still - without artificially capping the PC ceiling (eyecandy~complexity/FX/view distance/# of entities on screen/ #of animated objects in distance/texture sizes~resolutions/lighting/shadows) let alone the aesthetics of higher motion clarity(blur reduction) and higher motion definition (pathing - more dots per dotted line curve, 2x - 4x more unique animation state pages in an animation flip book flipping 2x - 4x as fast) + VRR across the board -- a modern pc will have much better aesthetic quality than a console on a game/engine in all facets. The only thing some PC game titles are worse on for some games currently is the HDR implementation (due to some devs dropping the ball on it on the PC version and the fact that real HDR screen adoption is still relatively "new", esp for PCs), and the lock down of exclusivity. There are some great PC HDR titles already though and autoHDR should also get better for a lot more quasi-HDR ~ "medium" HDR, titles.

Otherwise it's like comparing a ~ 5 yr old pc with a dynamic rez games to a modern pc but the 5 year old pc doesn't have VRR enabled at all and bug free yet (ps5), has a much smaller game library (than someone who's owned a pc for years), can't do 120fpsHz ceiling/ >60fps at 4k on most titles (utilizing VRR), and practically no mods.

I mostly skimmed it, but I believe he was trying to convey

Perhaps you didn't read it then. It's got nothing to do with "whats rightfully theirs". That is reading a lot of personal emotion into a tech comparison after someone claimed a modern pc wouldn't be capable of much higher quality on this demo/engine.
If you release a new game engine with performance features and you run it on a ~ 4 to 5 year old pc compared to a modern pc, as long as you don't artificially cap the modern pc's graphics/setting ceiling dev wise, you are going to get much higher levels of balanced graphics + aesthetics of higher motion clarity and motion definition on the much more powerful rig and at higher (native for modern 4k) resolutions.

I applauded this tech. It's good for every system whether you own one or the other, or both/all. 👏

This demo on a console is not the ceiling though, far from it. Dev's whittle games down to "fit" real-time. They can always go higher and a pc is 4 - 5 years more advanced than current console power so is capable of much higher aesthetics. I'll call that out any time I see it.
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It's a bit misleading to keep saying these current consoles are equivalent to PCs from 5 years ago when GPUs then didn't have hardware RT support, HDMI 2.1 support and the features it entails, and other games and metrics I've seen on other Digital Foundry analysis vids put them on par with an RTX 2080 or so. I'm walking around in mobile right now, or I'd look them up and post them.
VRR would be a big one if you have the console that has it, but power wise yes.

First, as stated in the conclusion, there's a place for both PCs and consoles and it's not as simple as a price-for-price comparison.

Still, as an exercise in understanding the graphics capabilities of a modern game console (the PlayStation 5 was used here), we set forth on matching the Sony PlayStation 5's 120FPS Mode graphics settings against a PC, the latter of which has individual controls for various in-game options.

Once we matched the settings to be roughly equal, we ran benchmarks against GPUs (and one CPU) until we found a performance threshold roughly equal to the average FPS / frametime performance of the PlayStation 5. This gives us a relatively like-for-like comparison to better understand what the PS5 is comparable to -- it's about a GTX 1060, 1070, and 1080, depending on game, when not running ray tracing. Ray tracing would be something we need to test once more games support it on the consoles. Testing includes a grouping of three games, but the overall concept extrapolates to other games as well. We've established a range of performance to estimate rasterization performance at equal graphics quality (roughly) between the devices. Again, we think the PlayStation 5 and other consoles fill an important role in the market that can't be simply replaced by a PC, and likewise, a PC offers a lot of extensibility not given by a console. They both have an important place and thus this is more of an academic exercise in determining the performance and quality equivalence.

Ray tracing would likely tank the already limited frame rates anyway.
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All current consoles and previous gen Xbox One supports VRR. The caveat here being the PS5 is still hasn't received the software update enabling it.

Again, limiting the scope of your metrics to only a few launch games at 120 Hz only and before they've been patched to further improve performance is misleading. DF has posted update videos for some of those games and for other games matched the XSX and PS5 with the likes of a RTX 2070-2080 in both IQ and performance, some of those metrics were with RT enabled too if I remember right. If I care enough to look them up later, I'll post them.
Hasn't had vrr for year means doesn't have vrr support, at least not yet. You don't have it if you cant use it.:p

Maybe because they haven't made it work on most of their tvs yet, idk?. You'd have vrr and would have to buy a non Sony TV in order to use it lol. They are starting to roll out VRR on a few of their tvs but if I recall it was bugged at least at first. It might happen soon across the board on their most modern lines though, hopefully without extended buggy periods.

Yes all as compared to a roughly equally powered pc from 4 - 5 years ago. You'd be at a gtx 1060 or 1080 - or limit a 3060 enough to match that I'd guess as they are around the frame rates of a 1080 or so to start with.
120hz and with comparable detail, resolution (though in some cases the console maintained performance by dropping resolution dynamically where some pc games they compared can't), graphics/ fx, screen entity population/density, view distance, objects viewable in distance, crowds,etc. They were very thorough.

Once we matched the settings to be roughly equal,

Edit: I just want to be clear that I am in no way saying "consoles suck". I just recently upgraded from a 1080ti a few months ago which had limited me to 60fpsHz max and no VRR on my 4k LG CX for awhile. A "top end pc from 4 - 5 years ago" is by no means a bad rig. A more modern 3080/3080ti / 3090 rig just has a lot higher performance and graphics/motion ceiling than this demo/the ue5 engine would have on a modern console, assuming that it wasn't artificially limited setting wise by the devs.
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The demo will be removed tomorrow, so this is your last chance to download it.