smoking: PSOne LCD (can be used for MODs) for $30


[H]F Junkie
Aug 3, 2001
ordered one for my car computer. Should be a sweet deal if it works out...I've got a cable that came with my digicam which *should* work.

Crossing my fingers...
As I recall, the quality of these sucked the big one... do your research to be sure.
Originally posted by PrimusSucks
As I recall, the quality of these sucked the big one... do your research to be sure.
for $30, all it has to do is display text and I'll be pretty happy.
just to let yall know the resolution is reeeeeeally crappy on these....they will work for like winamp vis or what not but dont expect to really be able to read text too well.
I can't remember the link to that MP3 car forum. But these LCDS will also except VGA input! Try
Someone wrote an artical about it. It looked very good with VGA, other wise the quality is a joke.

That linked to a thread about the official Sony lcd

Ok peeps, this is the Intec lcd, otherwise known as a STN lcd. This is not the official Sony Psone lcd, which can also be found at select Targets for $32.25 clearanced. The differenced being that although both lcds utilize the same Multi A/V Playstation proprietary connector, chances are the Intec lcd does NOT support RGB in, while the Sony does. You also need to run the Sony lcd at 640x480i (interlaced) and turn on Composite Sync. I just finished wiring a Sony, pics below.
got mine today. One dead pixel, no biggie. It looks OK, should be good enough to watch movies on at least. One item of interest, this site gives directions for a VGA conversion using JUST the Playstation maybe even these cheap ones can do VGA...I'll have to see though.
well when I get my paycheck this week and somehow manage to acquire class books, Ill pick one up


Price: $99.99

originally when i saw the deal they were out of stock, i did the 'email me when in stock', got the email, was all excited...then went there, and its 99 now :eek:( suxxors
Yeah I received the same email, They are now going for 99.99. They are so not worth it for that price. :confused: