Recommend Linux Distro for USB utility drive


Jun 10, 2015
I've been building and maintaining a Linux boot utility USB drive for our Helpdesk office for a couple of years, using Ubuntu as a base. I really don't like Ubuntu for multiple reasons, and would like to find a good alternative. We use the utility drive primarily for data recovery, drive erasing, partition management, and verifying hardware issues (as opposed to driver issues in Windows. If it works in Linux, it's not a hardware issue, etc.). What would you recommend that could fit my needs?

My basic requirements are:

1. Natively boot with secure boot (built in signing, shim, or whatever. If I have to load certificates into the system BIOS, that won't work)
2. Have an easy path for customization of the live environment (ubuntu has Cubic, something like that would be preferable)
3. Be able to automatically detect and configure for DHCP Ethernet adapters in a system at boot time.
4. Simple package management, as I will need to be able to quickly and simply install various programs.
5. Be light-weight, as it will be booted from USB drive

I've looked into some of the major distributions (Fedora, Arch, SUSE) but have failed to find a good process for customizing a live boot environment that comes remotely close to Cubic. A tool for these may exist, but I haven't been able to find it, so if you know of one or some good documentation for the process, I'm very open to that.