LAN Party Question


Jun 27, 2008
I've kicked around the idea of trying to do a LAN get-together at the local hotel in my very small town and advertising in the 2 neighboring cities. What I'm wondering is what do you think of requiring everyone to go wireless? I just don't want to have to deal with getting a bunch of switches and running wires. I couldn't see having more than 20 people there, if that. I don't have a wireless card in my gaming PC, but I wouldn't mind buying a cheap one to play some games with others. But performance-wise, do you think it would be a problem?

Edit: If anyone has any experience doing something like this I'd like to hear your advice. Also, I thought about going to the Gamestops and seeing if they would allow me to put some flyers up; does anyone know if Gamestop allows that? I know Gamestop may not be the ideal place to advertise for PC gaming, but around here (in southern VA) it's all we've got.
As kuyaglen succintly put it: No, it's not a good idea to have everyone go wireless. The lag would be a total PITFA. Not to mention the wireless networking issues that you'll run into with 20 different wireless NICs, AVs, and OSes. Wired networking would be a lot simpler.
I've ran into problems lan gaming at home on the wireless (using only 2 - 3 computers). I've had timeouts, I have a couple games that just won't find the server (delta force xtreme). If you can keep everyone wired, keep 'em wired.
Avoid wireless like the plague. The litany of issues that will present themselves make it not worth your time.
I think your second problem is you want to meet at a hotel, assuming your gonna leech their connection, your not going to get anywhere lol. Find a local internet Cafe, see if they'll host the event for you.
Some colleges have computer enthusiast clubs/organizations, you could try contacting them.
college is where its at, dont go to a hotel :/