John Carmack Is Leaving Meta


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
According to sources at Meta, John Carmack has decided to leave his post due to a lack of efficiency at the company. He implored the company to fill their products with "give a damn!" He has founded a new startup called Keen Technologies that is focused on AI tech.

"It pains me to hear people say that they don't even get their headset out to show off at the company because they know it's going to be a mess of charging and updating before they can make it do something cool," Carmack said at the time. "VR should be a delight to demo for your friends."

Found the entire memo.

I resigned from my position as an executive consultant for VR with Meta. My internal post to the company got leaked to the press, but that just results in them picking a few choice bits out of it. Here is the full post, just as the internal employees saw it:
This is the end of my decade in VR.

I have mixed feelings.

Quest 2 is almost exactly what I wanted to see from the beginning – mobile hardware, inside out tracking, optional PC streaming, 4k (ish) screen, cost effective. Despite all the complaints I have about our software, millions of people are still getting value out of it. We have a good product. It is successful, and successful products make the world a better place. It all could have happened a bit faster and been going better if different decisions had been made, but we built something pretty close to The Right Thing.

The issue is our efficiency.

Some will ask why I care how the progress is happening, as long as it is happening?

If I am trying to sway others, I would say that an org that has only known inefficiency is ill prepared for the inevitable competition and/or belt tightening, but really, it is the more personal pain of seeing a 5% GPU utilization number in production. I am offended by it.

[edit: I was being overly poetic here, as several people have missed the intention. As a systems optimization person, I care deeply about efficiency. When you work hard at optimization for most of your life, seeing something that is grossly inefficient hurts your soul. I was likening observing our organization's performance to seeing a tragically low number on a profiling tool.]

We have a ridiculous amount of people and resources, but we constantly self-sabotage and squander effort. There is no way to sugar coat this; I think our organization is operating at half the effectiveness that would make me happy. Some may scoff and contend we are doing just fine, but others will laugh and say “Half? Ha! I’m at quarter efficiency!”
It has been a struggle for me. I have a voice at the highest levels here, so it feels like I should be able to move things, but I’m evidently not persuasive enough. A good fraction of the things I complain about eventually turn my way after a year or two passes and evidence piles up, but I have never been able to kill stupid things before they cause damage, or set a direction and have a team actually stick to it. I think my influence at the margins has been positive, but it has never been a prime mover.

This was admittedly self-inflicted – I could have moved to Menlo Park after the Oculus acquisition and tried to wage battles with generations of leadership, but I was busy programming, and I assumed I would hate it, be bad at it, and probably lose anyway.

Enough complaining. I wearied of the fight and have my own startup to run, but the fight is still winnable! VR can bring value to most of the people in the world, and no company is better positioned to do it than Meta. Maybe it actually is possible to get there by just plowing ahead with current practices, but there is plenty of room for improvement.

Make better decisions and fill your products with “Give a Damn”!
This is the best news of all time. I hope he goes back to making the best engines ever and contributing to far better things than anything Facebook (Meta) is doing.
Screw Facebook. I always felt like Carmack had to compromise himself to stay with them. I get it, doing dev work requires money and Facebook has it. But he has money already, he can go do something more interesting and better.
A loss for Meta and VR in general, but not that surprising based on what he's said in the past at things like the Met Connect events.
And he did say he was going all in with AGI so not surprising he wants no distractions.

Interview where he talks about it 4 months ago. He thinks we'll have some form of AGI by 2030.
I was going to post this myself. Elon Musk is getting all the headlines lately but Carmack is a true genius imo. I hope this AI he’s working on now pushes the envelope. Whenever one of these big companies buy successful IP, it seems to always flush down the drain. Example Google and fitbit….
Wouldn't surprise me if Apple offers him big bucks to try and bring him in on their upcoming mixed reality device.
He's too bright to work on video games. Better fit working on foundational tech like he did with the ID engine.

It sounds like he's offended that people don't work as hard as he does to make a better and efficient product. Elon Musk does the same thing (but gets crucified in the media for doing it). If he wasn't in the position to do something about the programing and efficiency, then he was probably in the wrong seat to begin with.
It sounds like he's offended that people don't work as hard as he does to make a better and efficient product. Elon Musk does the same thing (but gets crucified in the media for doing it). If he wasn't in the position to do something about the programing and efficiency, then he was probably in the wrong seat to begin with.
Not always that extreme, but every team has the slackers who just barely get by, and always will, it is hard to find an entire team that all fit together and vibe on the same wave length. I see lazy all the time with people in areas of our company, who can not do something as simple as think outside the box for 2 seconds..or actually read the entire email, before responding to the first line....

And Twitter yes, it was FULL of slackers and bloat, Twitter ran on far less staff and had more traffic years ago than it did now.
He should work on the Linux or FreeBSD kernel. Good for everybody to make them more efficient.
It sounds like he's offended that people don't work as hard as he does to make a better and efficient product. Elon Musk does the same thing (but gets crucified in the media for doing it). If he wasn't in the position to do something about the programing and efficiency, then he was probably in the wrong seat to begin with.
It sounds more like garbled corporate direction. Anyone who's ever worked with large, highly corporatized teams will know it can be like fighting against the tide to try to get everyone have the same goals and direction.

It sounds like there are a lot of ideas and decisions that just get lost in the corporate soup of meetings, pivots, reimaginations. It sounds like hell, to be honest. reminds me of this comic:

He's too bright to work on video games. Better fit working on foundational tech like he did with the ID engine.
I wouldn't be so sure what he's working on won't end up in video games. Keen AI is a general AI start-up rather than a task specific one, so they're trying to make an AI that can handle any task a person can. It's regarded as being a very ambitious goal. What happens if they come up with something cool but fall short of the goal? In other words impressive but not good enough for real-world use? Well they could still make better bots in video games. Like maybe future 1st person RPGs will have bots that you can talk to, make sense most of the time, and don't constantly walk in front of my gun/bow/sword/spell/etc.

I've worked for a couple tech companies that ended up in that sort of situation. The first company I worked for out of college back in 1998-2001 started out in the media and marketing business and ended up in corporate security. We were making remote controlled web cams and the founders' original idea was to put the real world on the Internet. But the numbers didn't work out, the company was sold a couple times and eventually ended up as an internet security camera management product in some other company's portfolio. Then my current company started out as a general purpose FPGA accelerated data processing company that ended up specializing in processing market data from financial exchanges. That company ended up in the finance business because that's where their CEO and main investor made is money. General purpose AI scares me a bit, so I'm actually kind of hoping he "fails", goes back to what worked before, and ends up with a successful video game AI company.
He should work on the Linux or FreeBSD kernel. Good for everybody to make them more efficient.
I agree whole-heartedly! But, Carmack's type secretly enjoys those nauseating environments like he had at Meta where they sit around speculating on AI nonsense rather than build companies that are focused on more mundane tech areas, at least mundane in their opinion, such as your Linux or FreeBSD kernels. Linux and FreeBSD kernels have lots of room for improvement simply in the area of efficiency let alone all the technical growth and implentations of that growth that are possible with these two particular operating systems. I doubt Carmack's desire to advance the silly and soap opera field of AI will lead to anything more than another "speculative" discussion with Lex Fridman or another media host, let's name him Morton Poppenheim, in the future. Take care.
I’m in software development and anyone at his level who wastes time coding is shooting himself in the foot when the visionary and leadership stuff is a much bigger opportunity to move the needle in an organization the size of Facebook. It sounds like they offered him a higher level than he actually ended up working at. Reading through his message I get the vibe he was never fond of Facebook in the first place and this was kind of inevitable. No shame in that, Facebook is a fvcking dumpster fire.
This is the best news of all time. I hope he goes back to making the best engines ever and contributing to far better things than anything Facebook (Meta) is doing.
Screw Facebook. I always felt like Carmack had to compromise himself to stay with them. I get it, doing dev work requires money and Facebook has it. But he has money already, he can go do something more interesting and better.
He's working on AGI now, I do believe. He's done with game development, I think.
I agree whole-heartedly! But, Carmack's type secretly enjoys those nauseating environments like he had at Meta where they sit around speculating on AI nonsense rather than build companies that are focused on more mundane tech areas, at least mundane in their opinion, such as your Linux or FreeBSD kernels. Linux and FreeBSD kernels have lots of room for improvement simply in the area of efficiency let alone all the technical growth and implentations of that growth that are possible with these two particular operating systems. I doubt Carmack's desire to advance the silly and soap opera field of AI will lead to anything more than another "speculative" discussion with Lex Fridman or another media host, let's name him Morton Poppenheim, in the future. Take care.
Sounds like you know very little about Carmack - he is an astonishing ly hard worker who hates unnecessary meetings and uses his time on flights to learn how to program to the metal on an an iPad as a side project. He is an engineer and while he has big ideas he always keeps it grounded in actual engineering and work done. - very far off from your characterization of “his type”.
I think he has the equivalent of color blindness when it comes to geometry. He was probably a jellyfish in his previous life, and not even really round.
Sounds like you know very little about Carmack - he is an astonishing ly hard worker who hates unnecessary meetings and uses his time on flights to learn how to program to the metal on an an iPad as a side project. He is an engineer and while he has big ideas he always keeps it grounded in actual engineering and work done. - very far off from your characterization of “his type”.
Nice try, Carmack!
When one intolerable nerd can't work for another. Hate Zuck more then anyone but Carmacks band-camp vocalizations are truly cringe.