group parties/coop games


Limp Gawd
Aug 1, 2004
I've got a close group of friends and we usually hang out once a week playing card/board/console games that are 4+ players.

Does anybody know of any co-op games (console, pc, whatever). Fighting each other is fun, but we'd really like a game we can all play together. We've all played Diablo II to the point of overkill (maybe similar games, not sure), and don't even mention MMORPG's (we've got better things to do than spend hours and hours killing the same goblins over and over again, just to level up and fight goblins that have different names but the same sprites:p)

We were thinking guild wars might be good, seeing that supposedly there is little "xping"
Play Carcassonne.

It's a board game. 4+ players is a bit too random for my liking, but it will do. Theres a lot of strategy when playing 2-3 players though.
Myth 2 soulblighter is RTS, but their coop levels + coop mods are probably the best in RTS's

you can also try Sven coop, a mod for halflife that has literally hundreds of levels out there.