Everyone needs to do this...

  • Thread starter Deleted member 88227
  • Start date

Deleted member 88227

Even if the computer is doing other things, the chances of getting tasks on these projects are super slim so it wouldn't negatively effect any production the computer is doing (such as mining)...

These projects have VERY rare work, so if you happen to get anything it's luck almost. Set these batch scripts to run all the time on ALL your Windows boxes that have BOINC installed. Make sure you're attached to the projects as well.

I will write up Linux scripts later tonight, but wanted to get this thread started. phoenicis has some others he can share for other "hardly any work" type projects as well. I just happened to have these two on hand right now.

for /l %%x in (1, 1, 10000) do (echo %%x
"c:\Program Files\Boinc\boinccmd.exe" --project http://casathome.ihep.ac.cn/ update
ping -n 180 > nul)

for /l %%x in (1, 1, 10000) do (echo %%x
"c:\Program Files\Boinc\boinccmd.exe" --project http://burp.renderfarming.net/ update
ping -n 140 > nul)

for /l %%x in (1, 1, 10000) do (echo %%x
"c:\Program Files\Boinc\boinccmd.exe" --project http://denis.usj.es/denisathome/ update
ping -n 180 > nul)

for /l %%x in (1, 1, 10000) do (echo %%x
"c:\Program Files\Boinc\boinccmd.exe" --project https://boinc.drugdiscoveryathome.com/ update
ping -n 180 > nul)

for /l %%x in (1, 1, 10000) do (echo %%x
"c:\Program Files\Boinc\boinccmd.exe" --project http://mindmodeling.org/ update
ping -n 180 > nul)

Linux Commands:

watch -n 180 boinccmd --project http://casathome.ihep.ac.cn/ update
watch -n 300 boinccmd --project http://burp.renderfarming.net/ update
watch -n 300 boinccmd --project http://denis.usj.es/denisathome/ update
watch -n 300 boinccmd --project https://boinc.drugdiscoveryathome.com/ update
watch -n 300 boinccmd --project http://mindmodeling.org/ update

There are more and I will get them added. I gotta run before things close tonight for some errands.
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Linux scripts of rare projects I'm running right now:

watch -n 180 boinccmd --project http://casathome.ihep.ac.cn/ update
watch -n 300 boinccmd --project http://burp.renderfarming.net/ update
watch -n 300 boinccmd --project http://denis.usj.es/denisathome/ update
watch -n 300 boinccmd --project https://boinc.drugdiscoveryathome.com/ update
watch -n 300 boinccmd --project http://mindmodeling.org/ update

I'm running most every 5 minutes so not to hammer the servers unnecessarily. The frequency of the updates can increase once work is underway.
Did you use virtualbox (CPU only) too like Sztaki assuming the task deadline is sufficient for completion? I know for CAS, I ended up with a few tasks that couldn't meet the deadline because of some weird and very short dateline allocation.
Thanks phoenicis

If you are on the team and helping out, even if you can't contribute 24/7 run these scripts 24/7 anyway. They will not put a strain on your system, nor will they interfere with it's normal work load. The chances of getting tasks with these projects are extremely slim so we need to get everything that trickles down from their servers. Xtremesystems is hitting these projects hard to overtake us.
I didn't have the time to explain last night but another rare project I run I script on is Xansons. I only run it every other Saturday when work appears reliably for 3 or 4 hours. It's me versus XS right now so the more the merrier. You can see the UTC timings of each release in the news section of the Xansons homepage. They announce how many tasks they have just released and again when it has all been sent to hosts.

watch -n 180 boinccmd --project http://xansons4cod.com/xansons4cod/ update

Did you use virtualbox (CPU only) too like Sztaki assuming the task deadline is sufficient for completion? I know for CAS, I ended up with a few tasks that couldn't meet the deadline because of some weird and very short dateline allocation.

For CAS only, I'm using 10 boinc instances per rig to poll for work with considerably more success than when I was using virtualbox. There must be some hidden requirement that the VMs didn't meet. Memory or disk space maybe?

I'm not experiencing any issues with deadlines but they are quite short, 36 hours I think.
Burp had tasks today. I got 30k points worth.
Shit you're right. Suppose to be mind modeling.

Also, got 100k on Burp today.

XS is trying hard to catch us in this project. Hopefully everyone is attached to it and running the batch script to pull as much work as possible.
It is typically blocked here at work. What makes you ask if it is hacked? It was taken down the same time both Goofy projects were taken down for maintenance. My guess he still doesn't have it back up and going yet.
it was doing some very strange things when i went to the site but it seems fine now...