EPDM Tubing Question


Apr 20, 2017
Hey there, just asked questions about reservoirs I've never worked with recently, now it's time for tubing. For a long time I've been using stuff like Primochill LRT, 1/2"x3/4" tubing. I just switched cases, and am redoing how I do watercooling along with it. I found the tubing hard to work and changed it out with barbs/clamps/and 7/16"x5/8" vinyl tubing as a placeholder.

So looking around, I see the EK ZMT stuff and like the idea of rubber tubing. Except I'm not going to pay EK prices so I go looking around for EPDM tubing and come across this:

Down in the EPDM section I'm interested in 1/2" ID tubing. Now for the questions:

1) I'm assuming "bend radius" is the minimum bend that can be achieved before kinking? If so, is it correct that the 1/2"x5/8" tubing can bend better than 1/2"x3/4" tubing? I always thought thicker walls resist kinking better.

2) Has anyone here used this type of tubing? Does it actually bend well? Is it easy to work with? Any other experiences?

3) PPCS actually has the EK 1/2"x3/4" tubing for cheaper @ 3m/$27. My only issue is EK does not have a bend radius rating for their tubing, so I cannot compare it. Has anyone seen this information, or has 1st hand experience using it?
EK Tubing

4)Anything I should note/be wary about?

Any information would be appreciated, thanks!
I have used the the 8mm thin wall stuff from McMaster for a use outside of PC water cooling. That stuff was soft, supple and easy to work with, for it's intended purpose, in this case Dot 4 brake fluid from a reservoir to the master cylinder. The thin wall stuff would kink if bent too tight. It also had a ton of printing on it that Lacquer thinner wipes off readily.

I'd have no qualms about using it for a loop
1) I'm assuming "bend radius" is the minimum bend that can be achieved before kinking? If so, is it correct that the 1/2"x5/8" tubing can bend better than 1/2"x3/4" tubing? I always thought thicker walls resist kinking better.

I've never worked with EPDM tubing, but if it's stiff enough the thicker version might become too difficult to force into a bend before the thinner version kinks.
Seconded on McMaster is good, I'd stay away from the EK ZMT- it seems often to be dirty and my batch was out of size (OD small).