Do I deserve this treatment?

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also, ickywu, the reason we never posted pics in the beginning is because we do not own a digital camera.

the reason we wanted proof from you in the beginning is because you started off with a claim that we said there were detachable cables, which we clearly did not. We were as worried about getting shafted by a troll buyer as you were of a troll seller. Thats why we wanted to see the picture, to see if we indeed made the mistake, so we could work to correct it.
ickywu said:
Ok, there Ruhk. I have refunded your refund, minus the paypal fees. I have now bought a good quality 350 watt power supply for the price of the 500 watt power supply you advertised. Presumably, you will now understand why you get no heat. I obviously don't think much of you Ruhk; I don't know why you wanted positive heat from me, anyway.

As to the rest of your questions:
-You are a worm because you threatened me, because you started all this AFTER we resolved the issue. (Or so I thought) And because you nagged and nagged and nagged about an issue as trivial as heat.
-You are a liar because you advertised one thing and sold (at least to me) another.
-I never called you a cheat
-I apologize for calling you a troll (I didn't really call you a troll, I said you were right next door.) Since you actually sent something, I don't think you meet the definition of a troll.

Moreover, I actually do apologize for cursing at you. As much as I dislike your actions and as offended as I was by your threats, there was no need for me to be crude.

You know, as a person who has been in a couple situations similar to this one(I have sent a couple people the wrong item a time or two) I have never recieved treatment like you gave this guy.

I dont see what your problem is/was. He was polite to you, he did everything he could have done, all he wanted was a picture of what he sent you so he could be sure he was sending the wrong items. Is that so hard? All you gave him in return was name calling and a hard time.

You dont necessarily have to leave positive heat to someone when they mess up. But you know what, if the situation was taken care of like he says it was within a matter of hours, you could at least have the common courtesy to leave a decent feedback of some sort.

You got your item, you got your refund. You also got your digs in on this guy all because of a simple mistake. You acted like a complete ass. What more do you want? Leave the guy a neutral feedback and be done with it. You are not the first person, nor the last, to ever be sent the wrong item. Get over it.
ickywu, there is such a thing as an honest mistake :rolleyes: if the PMs posted are accurate then basically it looks like you came completely unfuckingglued right offf the bat. It looks like ruhk really wanted to try to take care of things, but you were too busy freaking out. just chill dude..........

and misanthorpes' right, this thread needs to die.......
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