Cushion Lab memory foam


Fully [H]
Jun 7, 2008
Has anyone tried one of these they seem nice but might be unnecessary.
Not sure to what you are referring, but generally, memory foam is a nice material for anywhere that you need some soft but supportive padding....

I've been using various brands & thicknesses of memory foam mattresses for many years, as well as car seat cushions, and I also used to have a long narrow pad that rolled up, for use under a sleeping bag for camping, and have always been happy with the comfort they provide vs. other materials :)
I picked up the Cushion lab lumbar which is shaped like a Heart but the Seat Cushion has me question it people say it's too hard or it raises the chair too much for your setup. Plus if you sit on it it's going to be hard to clean unlike a leather chair. I have a lumbar cushion currently but it's too short.
The Lumbar cushion should be here today or tomorrow then I don't think I'll like the seat cushion so I didn't buy one. plus it raises your chair 4-5 inches higher.
I got it way cheaper on ebay....
Update: I like it alot the lumbar cushion it's higher up the back than my previous one plus there is a cutout on the bottom so it doesn't pinch your tailbone.
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This cushion is a God Send makes my chair less deep "Just the Lumbar cushion" you can tell it working. I won't get the seat cushion I read a review where somone says it slips off leather chairs. I totally recommend the Lumbar cushion it's not too soft and not too hard. If I got the seat cushion it adds 5" of heigh which is something I don't really want plus it might move.

Update: picked up an 2nd Lumbar cushion a cobalt blue off their site the color is dark enough alot of them are way to bright like Neon Yellow and Green.
My biggest fear of these lumbar cusihion they would cause constipation but it actually helps in that section by relaxing your lower back.
If feel better at work too not sure if it's the cushion but it could be. I'm on my phone more than my PC for the most part anyway.
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I got a Large Cushion in the Mail should be here Wed. the Lumbar cushion in excellent I bought x3 of them got one cheap off ebay alot less stressed at work. Going to see if the seat cushion is any good my biggest worry it might be too hard of memory foam. Or the height of the 5" cushion will be too much for my Desk. I got a Amazon gift card for X-Mas so I bought a extra Lumbar Cushion and the Laptop Bed table which I really like alot for drawing =)
These things are not bad at all the only drawback its a few inches higher than I want it to be and I can't lower my chair so I'm not sure I'll use it for gaming.
I picked up the foot rest should be here tomorrow. Then have a complete set.

Update: Don't buy the foot rest sprained my ankle on it will never use it again going to Goodwill. I had to call into work even it was so bad the lumbar and the Seat cushion are good.
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