anyone playing Brave Frontier?


Supreme [H]ardness
May 23, 2012
im loving it so far, i'm around level 20ish and a few 3-4 star monster things. I get the sense that im missing something though. I feel like im going the real long way to level. Anyone else play?
Some, without spending cash on it so far.

The trick is learning which summons are best for what. Metal summons are great for leveling and not much else. The Jewel summons are pretty much just good for selling. Spirits/Idols/Totems/Pots/Chests are used for Evolving your units to next rank - save a few of them when you get them. The normal summons you get in dungeons mostly are only good to sell or to rank up your Brave Burst (you'll see the BB Up! when you go to fuse with them).

It took me a while to figure out that much, and once I did it started going much faster.

Apart from that, taking advantage of the daily Vortex dungeons can help a lot (weekends are usually cash, weekdays cycle between Karma, etc). Grab your free keys from Randall - especially the metal key - as that gives you specific metal summons for whatever unit you want to level up. I burn energy on the main quest only if there isn't a vortex dungeon that has stuff I need.

I didn't worry about leveling your BB ranks up until you get your summon up to max rank (5 or 6 star). That part just involves getting lucky getting Burst Frogs (not common, mostly just obtained for running special events), or spam fusing low level units that have BB Up for the particular summon you want to work on (which gets expensive fast, in terms of both money and energy)

The game gives you a good deal of the cash currency (Gems) - early on it benefits you to use them to get the Rare Summons (costs 5 per) - these are much better than anything you'll find dropped in the course of doing the quest runs. Once you've got enough to put together a good team, they are good when you use keys to restore energy (particularly if you time it with a level up event, which restores your energy for free - pop key when your last run would level you up, run through again, then burn gem to restore again - getting nearly 3 full runs under one key and one gem is nice)

I would recommend against using gems them to continue in the event you fail a dungeon, unless it's a special event dungeon or something with a nice reward, it's not really worth the continue.

Leverage Friends - sent out invites to people who compliment your team, so you can utilize their leadership skill along with your own. The two most common builds I see are either Rainbow/Solid color builds (i.e. leader skill of 50% attack to all units if you have at least 5 colors or 50% attack increase to all Dark units, etc), or accelerated Bursts (leader skills Boost to BB fill rate, Boost to BC drop rate), and these two compliment each other very well. Defensive builds are less common, but can come in handy in specific events. If you lack a particular unit (a good healing unit early on is very valuable, they aren't so important later on), then befriending people with those units is a good way to patch in holes in your own build as well apart from leadership skills.

Arena - I haven't hit upon the magic formula here. It seems that if you try to cycle through to pick fights with people who have more losses than yourself it seems to up your odds (apart from the obvious having stronger units increases your odds), and Arena very much emphasizes first strike tactics. I found it very difficult early on to get much success, but you can get some nice items through this as you rank up/
The vortex fights look insanely hard... and HOLY FUCK!!! i just got a thunder crystal and water crystal off honor summons :O they sell for like 250,000 each. I have 250,000 atm so im not strapped for cash. The xp gain is 227,286.... holy shit... I dont know what to do with them haha.
Money is a non issue you can always make more level your dudes with them also if you match elements there is a bonus to exp the crystals give

Im level 155 i have beat most of the vortex missions and if you think those are hard try getting maxwell...

the new vortex one is giving me some issues...

Also i have about 30 6 star units...

Arena - I haven't hit upon the magic formula here. It seems that if you try to cycle through to pick fights with people who have more losses than yourself it seems to up your odds (apart from the obvious having stronger units increases your odds), and Arena very much emphasizes first strike tactics. I found it very difficult early on to get much success, but you can get some nice items through this as you rank up/

magic formula there is none it is a matter of RNG use dark or light units or high hit units if you have any use someone with burst crystal generation or burst limit up leader skill. someone who deals status effects works well i like the dark holloween event chick. Im finishing my arena matches in 2 rounds first round to get bb then the 2nd round i launch my BB and annihilate my enemy
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