
  1. cageymaru

    A.I. Powered Self-Checkout System Identifies the Food on Your Plate

    Engineering students at Jiao Tong University in Shanghai have invented an artificial intelligence (A.I.) powered self-checkout system called AEYA-Go that scans and identifies the food on customer's plates. The A.I. accomplishes this task by distinguishing the unique color and pattern of various...
  2. cageymaru

    Sony 3D Camera Technology to Fuel Smartphone Upgrade Cycle in 2019

    Bloomberg is reporting that smartphone manufacturers such as Apple, Huawei, and Samsung have taken interest in 3D camera technology from Sony. The cameras can create 3D images of objects and faces that can be used for virtual shopping and gesture control. Sony is a major player in the camera...
  3. cageymaru

    Google Patents Data Mining Cameras in Bedroom and Listening Devices in Homes

    Google has created new, exciting patents to eavesdrop on your home environment. One patent will scan your home and identify items in your home. So if you have a shirt from a favorite artist in your closet, it will recommend tickets to see them live. It can scan your closet to learn your taste in...
  4. cageymaru

    Google Allows Apps to Scan Gmail Accounts and Freely Share Data with Others

    Google has admitted in a letter to Congress that it still allows apps to data mine Gmail accounts, read emails, and share user data freely with others by using tools provided by Google. These tools allow 3rd party companies to access data about purchases, travel, family and friendship...
  5. cageymaru

    Apple App Store Jewel "Adware Doctor" Pilfered Phone Data to Send to China

    The Adware Doctor app occupied the front page of the Apple App Store as the #4 highest rated app, but it had a dark secret. Instead of removing viruses and malware from iOS devices, it was collecting all browser history, app store purchases, and more to bundle into an encrypted file to be sent...
  6. R

    Brain Scans Can Reveal Who Your True Friends Are

    A new study finds that close friends' brains react similarly to spontaneous stimuli. Researchers at the Dartmouth College said they can predict how close two people are based solely on their brain activity in response to a series of unfamiliar video clips. To test the theory that people may...