racing simulation

  1. Armenius

    RIDE 5

    The Gran Turismo-like motorcycle racing game is getting a sequel released on August 24, and it looks better than ever. If you haven't tried any of the games from the series, do yourself a favor and check them out. RIDE 4 is currently on sale from Steam for $10, or $25 for the complete edition...
  2. Armenius

    Project CARS 3

    Reveal trailer posted on PlayStation Europe's Youtube channel today. Looks like they are moving toward the Forza Motorsport/Gran Turismo formula with this one. Either that, or they're finally giving more attention to the career structure. Looks good, either way.
  3. Armenius

    Automobilista 2

    Came across these VR videos of vintage F1 in the Early Access release of Automobilista 2, and holy hell this is the best thing I've ever seen (aside from the lens flare :banghead:). The EA was just released a couple weeks ago. The first game flew under my radar, but this definitely has my...