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  1. dgingeri

    Linux Gaming Is on a Life-Support System Called Steam

    Windows had a lag for a bit, but is recovering now with Server 2016. As a Cloud Support Tech for about 2 months now, I have seen 5 companies move off Linux web and database servers to Windows specifically because they had stability and support issues. First off, they had major problems getting...
  2. dgingeri

    Linux Gaming Is on a Life-Support System Called Steam

    1. It's easy to install Ubuntu and Mint, and use the things built into it, mostly. There are still a few things that it takes some text file editing to do things that are built in. Adding any additional programs is nearly impossible unless you go to the command line and run some "apt-get...
  3. dgingeri

    Linux Gaming Is on a Life-Support System Called Steam

    For the most basic stuff, like installing some apps from the apps center and running basic office or web apps, it's usable, but that is only a minor segment to what a computer is used for. If that's all a user is doing, they're better off with an iPad these days.
  4. dgingeri

    Intel Gen11 Reportedly Takes iGPU Performance to Another Level

    Yeah, we've seen the hype of that Iris Plus/ Iris Pro stuff before, and then it never makes it out to anything nearly affordable. I remember the Core i7 5775C. It sounded great: much faster integrated graphics, more efficient processor on a new production process, and eDRAM that would act like...
  5. dgingeri

    Linux Gaming Is on a Life-Support System Called Steam

    Flat out, Linux doesn't have a decent gaming or a decent market share because it is hard to use. Sure, there have been improvements in the basic UI and usability, but there is ALWAYS something that has to be done from the command line, and that is EXACTLY what makes it hard to use. A gui...
  6. dgingeri

    Vox Media Goes After YouTubers That Mocked The Verge PC Build Video

    I warned that would happen. I warned that companies would use DMCA to go after critics and competition through shutdown notices. I warned that government was overstepping its bounds with DMCA, and it would favor big corps with lots of lawyers. So may people told me I was overreacting. This...
  7. dgingeri

    AMD vs NVIDIA Drivers....FIGHT!

    It could have been the way the driver installed, too. I have had DPC issues with nvidia drivers before where I just uninstalled the driver, used a driver cleaner to make sure everything was gone, and then reinstalled the exact same driver from the exact same files, and the issue went away...
  8. dgingeri

    Your Privacy and Data are Different Things

    Sounds a lot like Hydra's little setup in The Winter Soldier, doesn't it? The movie is becoming more and more prophetic as the years go by. Well, except for the shield wielding superhero and giant flying carriers parts. We're on our own for preventing or fighting this, and it isn't going to...
  9. dgingeri

    AI Creates a Deep Fake of Steve Buscemi's Face on Jennifer Lawrence's Body

    Wasn't there a scene in Johnny Mnemonic where a guy faked being some other character talking through a holographic phone using his hand?
  10. dgingeri

    CBS Offers "Star Trek: Discovery" Season 2 Premiere for Free on YouTube

    True, but there would probably be tons of eyes rolling. Same basic effect. At least with that version, it wouldn't be making a political statement.
  11. dgingeri

    AI Creates a Deep Fake of Steve Buscemi's Face on Jennifer Lawrence's Body

    Perhaps they'll give us a Wizard of Oz where Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner is every single character.
  12. dgingeri

    CBS Offers "Star Trek: Discovery" Season 2 Premiere for Free on YouTube

    No, you don't get it. It isn't that a character might be a woman. I had no problems at all with the doctors in TNG, for example. It's the constant barrage of making note of being proud of getting to that level as a woman. It isn't that a character is gay. It's because it is constantly noted...
  13. dgingeri

    Tesla Supercharger Sabotaged: The Latest in a Series of Weird Anti-Tesla Incidents

    FBI about these guys: "It got national attention and the FBI even called them a “top domestic terror threat.”" FBI doesn't even get involved in the green movement activists burning a Hummer, about 3-4 times the dollar value in damages. How is it the FBI isn't political?
  14. dgingeri

    CBS Offers "Star Trek: Discovery" Season 2 Premiere for Free on YouTube

    That's not the preachy part about it. Just having a female lead isn't a big deal. I had no problems with Captain Janeway. I had no problems with Commander Ivanova in B5, either. Strong woman have been in strong positions for a long time, and that's just where they should be. Not to be...
  15. dgingeri

    CBS Offers "Star Trek: Discovery" Season 2 Premiere for Free on YouTube

    You can catch a lot of clips on Youtube from various sources, mostly CBS, and believe me, they're the best STD has to offer.
  16. dgingeri

    AMD Can't Shake Off US Class-Action Lawsuit over Bulldozer "8-Core" Advertising

    "Can"?? It most certainly DID slow the processor.
  17. dgingeri

    CBS Offers "Star Trek: Discovery" Season 2 Premiere for Free on YouTube

    I don't like being preached at, and that was exactly what we got from several episodes of the first season. Their SJW propaganda was front and center right from the beginning, shoved down viewers' throats like the old penicillin pills before science reduced their size. It's a blunt instrument...
  18. dgingeri

    Automation Will Change Every Job, but Only 25% Are on the Chopping Block

    They'll likely be automatically cleaned, like many newer public washrooms are now, with completely sealed plastic seats. They'll likely be equipped with sensors to detect certain... emissions... and automatically be sent to a cleaning station before picking someone up again. It will take a bit...
  19. dgingeri

    Automation Will Change Every Job, but Only 25% Are on the Chopping Block

    I'm 46 and have been in IT for over 20 years. I know exactly where this is going. Automation in our arena isn't going to be robots. It will be AI, scripting, and automated management in cloud services. The effect will be the same, though. For systems administration, cloud services and...
  20. dgingeri

    FDA Chief Threatens to Take E-cigarettes off the Market

    EXACTLY. It's not the adult users that are the problem, but they'll bear the weight of any further regulations. It's just like many other things that are "regulated". High capacity magazines, AR rifles, and bumb stocks get banned or further regulated because of mass shootings, yet in the...
  21. dgingeri

    CBS Offers "Star Trek: Discovery" Season 2 Premiere for Free on YouTube

    I don't care if it's free now. I'm still not watching it. It isn't true Star Trek, and never will be.
  22. dgingeri

    FDA Chief Threatens to Take E-cigarettes off the Market

    Unfortunately, that's who the US hipsters like to emulate, France. They think it's some center of "culture", whatever they mean by that. Perhaps they equate "culture" to daily riots and burning cars, with half the city inaccessible to all but a minority religious sect, and a third of the...
  23. dgingeri

    FDA Chief Threatens to Take E-cigarettes off the Market

    Then they'll just "regulate" the ingredients. Whatever gives them more power. They know it won't work, but it will give them additional power, and that is the real intent.
  24. dgingeri

    Blizzard Hiring Spree Suggests Diablo 4 Is Being Fast-Tracked

    The Diablo series is already an RPG, and with recently added multiplayer support. Making it into an MMORPG is just the next logical step. I think it would make a great one, and Blizzard is the master as game lore, which is the bread and butter for most MMORPGs.
  25. dgingeri

    FDA Chief Threatens to Take E-cigarettes off the Market

    The tobacco farmers are already switching crops because the smoking market is collapsing and that nicotine isn't coming from tobacco. The nicotine in vape pens comes from tomato plants. The farmers are already adapting, like humans do. Those that don't adapt will go out of business, like...
  26. dgingeri

    FDA Chief Threatens to Take E-cigarettes off the Market

    Bureaucrats like this just can't help themselves. They want to control everything. They need to keep their noses out of the lives of law abiding citizens.
  27. dgingeri

    Blizzard Hiring Spree Suggests Diablo 4 Is Being Fast-Tracked

    What I hope to see from the next Diablo: 1. Starts with 100 years after Reaper of Souls ends, with an age of the reawakening of the nephilim and most new humans born being nephilim and having nephilim powers. 2. Suddenly, after a century of peace, a resurgence of demonic invasions starts...
  28. dgingeri

    FS: OnePlus 6T and 7 Pro unlocked, DDR3, HDDs

    Doesn't Conductonaut do bad things to bare copper over time?
  29. dgingeri

    Palmer Luckey Details His Vision of Reshaping National Security During Interview

    If we could get this technology in the hands of CBP, it could be more effective than a wall.
  30. dgingeri

    AMD Cinebench Benchmark Demo at CES 2019 Buries the Current Intel Lineup

    I still take anything with AMD with a grain of salt because I believed them when they said Bulldozer would be great, and then learned how horribly wrong that was. Ever since then, I've only believed what AMD was selling when I saw it. That being said, this demo says a LOT about the new...
  31. dgingeri

    Multiple Carriers Pledge to Stop Selling Geolocation Data

    I like the idea of bounty hunters getting that location data, as it takes criminals off the streets. I don't care about that side. It's when I get advertisements shoved in my face when I go somewhere that I dislike it.
  32. dgingeri

    Elmnator Overclocks Intel Core i9-9900K to 5.44GHz with Custom Copper Loop

    I've always loved the look of metallic copper. It's so unique. No other metal compares to it. Awesome looking system, and awesome overclock.
  33. dgingeri

    AMD Cinebench Benchmark Demo at CES 2019 Buries the Current Intel Lineup

    I'll tell you exactly what came to pass with that demo: AMD demonstrated that they can match the performance with the 9900k, at half the power, and likely half the price. Intel is indeed in trouble on this one. They don't have another card to pull from their deck to counter this, yet. They're...
  34. dgingeri

    Denuvo's Negative Impact on Performance, Loading Times Revealed in Benchmarks

    If they'd been willing to pay a decent wage, they'd be very different people, and likely would have produced a decent product that did what it was supposed to with far less impact on performance. So, then I'd be fine with working for them.
  35. dgingeri

    Denuvo's Negative Impact on Performance, Loading Times Revealed in Benchmarks

    The DMCA makes it illegal to attempt to bypass copy protection of any kind. It's technically not a criminal offense unless the person who bypasses it attempts to sell it for profit, but it still could cost the offender from $2000-10,000 in civil penalties, of course payable to the maker of the...
  36. dgingeri

    Denuvo's Negative Impact on Performance, Loading Times Revealed in Benchmarks

    I was given an option to pursue a job as a jr sysadmin for Denuvo in Boulder, Colorado back in September. I opted not to pursue the job because the pay rate was incredibly low, not even being high enough to cover rent for an apartment in the area. Their problems extend far more than just...
  37. dgingeri

    Amazon Patent Melds Facial Recognition Technology with Ring Doorbell Cameras

    It's better than being bombarded by advertisements.
  38. dgingeri

    Amazon Patent Melds Facial Recognition Technology with Ring Doorbell Cameras

    The Chinese and UK government don't advertise. I'd be fine there.
  39. dgingeri

    Amazon Patent Melds Facial Recognition Technology with Ring Doorbell Cameras

    This is scary, like Minority Report scary. I do NOT want machines to recognize me wherever I go, not because I do anything wrong, but because I don't want to be bothered with constant marketing. Being marketed to 24/7 would be more horrible than being in jail.
  40. dgingeri

    Yandex Maps Blurs Military Installations Which Brings Attention to Secret Facilities

    Well, from the one pic, I can say that Turkey is violating the Geneva Convention with putting a military facility in the middle of a civilian residential area like that, using civilians as shields.