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  1. N

    Microsoft Comments on Adam Orth’s Tweets

    I had that problem the other day playing the original Bioshock. The cable had some sort of issue (even the TV froze for a few seconds) and I was staring at the desktop. Only a reboot would even let Steam fix itself. Steam's offline mode isn't perfect sadly guys.
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    So I get a Dell P4 system...

    Find them a cheap something with Win7/8. It's just easier on you and P4s with 512 ram with XP SP3 is horrid.
  3. N

    Which OS to get. Windows 7 or 8

    Enterprise is it's own animal because by that logic Windows 7 must suck. I know my company is STILL rolling out Win 7 upgrades from old XP machines. They tend to only upgrade when they have to either because a) other programs they bought won't work with a newer OS (in in my case, IS told me...
  4. N

    Can MS survive without money?

    Of course they can survive as they are selling lots of Xboxs and Halos. Derp!
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    Charlie D. Comments on Microsoft's Failings and Win 8

    To close a Metro app you can either ALT-F4 it or if you move the mouse to the upper left screen corner the current running programs appear. Right click and close'em. You can't do that with the app you're in but I bet ALT-F4 would do it.
  6. N

    Windows 8 - keeping desktop?

    Move mouse to bottom left, right click, pick either My Computer or Control Panel.
  7. N

    Charlie D. Comments on Microsoft's Failings and Win 8

    The Desktop mouse moves the same in 8 as it did in 7. Clicking tiles is the same as icons. Maybe you guys need to change the sensitivity on your mouse a little because it's identical to how it movied in 7
  8. N

    Razer Game Booster - Snake Oil or Elixir of Life?

    I tried it for the same 'what the heck' feelings most here have. Somebody already said it, it's not snake oil but if you have something even somewhat modern with ram and don't have tons of startup bloat it's not really needed.
  9. N

    Windows 8 Is Too Complicated For You to Figure Out

    You click a shortcut to launch something or the tile that says 'Desktop' and you go about your merry way like it was Win7. Instead of a graphic down in the lower left it pops up when you put your mouse down there. How the eff is that complicated? It's business as usual.
  10. N

    Windows 8 Is Too Complicated For You to Figure Out

    Win8 too complicated? You can't call it "Fisher Price" and "complicated". After almost a month I'm comfortable with it like I was with XP/Vista/7 and the Start screen is just a thing that holds my favorite shortcuts and every other shortcut. Whoopteedoo. If you're still struggling to...
  11. N

    Belize PM says McAfee Is Bonkers

    If I've said it once I've said it a hundred times, "Never take your modified bath salts up your hoop" :confused: :eek: *barf*
  12. N

    Windows head Steven Sinofsky leaves Microsoft

    I JUST got Win7 here at work a week ago and along with that came Office 2010. EOL was the reason too. So basically whenever 7's EOL comes up then places like this (not a small place, probably shy of 1000 workstations) will slowly get whatever the newest is at that time which probably will be 9...
  13. N

    Windows head Steven Sinofsky leaves Microsoft

    I'll take Paul Thurrott's guess's and hunches over the, "I don't like the UI so that's why he's gone!" theories every day of the week. Sinofsky is probably more of an ass than Balmer is, so that must be one giant ass.
  14. N

    Windows 8 Remote Desktop Issues

    I have nothing useful to contribute to a fix but I RDP into another Win8Pro box and a Win7 Ult box without incident. I do it in the living room wirelessly. I'm doing it from my home network, no VPN. Maybe the issue is within the VPN somewhere?
  15. N

    Silicon Knights to Recall, Destroy Its Unreal Engine Games

    I used to pass by their office building every day until I moved recently. If this would of happened sooner I could of personally returned my $8 Too human I bought one day for shits and giggles at some EBGames store :D
  16. N

    window xp professional

    Depending how new those new PC parts are, I would stick with XP 32bit. Easier to find drivers and whatnot (I think) I know some parts never got XP drivers at all after Vista
  17. N

    NFS Most Wanted on Android, any good?

    It seems to be getting pretty decent reviews on the Play Store although that doesn't always mean anything. I have a Nexus 7, debating on getting a 'cheapie fix' as I haven't looked into getting this for my PC.
  18. N

    New Creative Drivers coming soon for Windows 8

    I remember Creative driver issues going from 98 to Win2k/XP and then again with Vista. I was debating on grabbing a cheap PCI-E SB of some sort but I think I'll just suffer with the Realtek for now...
  19. N

    A serious question on windows 8

    I remember this was possible in the CP but was it not disabled in RP and RTM?
  20. N

    Windows 8 start menu has become cluttered?

    Hasn't that been true for EVERY version of an MS OS? :D
  21. N

    steam games crashing after upgrade

    I had to reinstall Origin on top of itself. Also, Origin protip if you don't want to redownload your games (and have them already copied as backups somewhere) -Move your installed games to a temp dir -Install Origin, setup your dirs and settings -show 'All Games' and click Download on...
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    A serious question on windows 8

    Nah, we'll be waving to Kinnect 3000's as they watch us 24/7...
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    A serious question on windows 8

    Microsoft's slogan for years has been, "Windows everywhere" as in they want some form of Windows on everything. WinCE stuffs been the 'everything' until now. Now they can squish the same kernal on x86 and ARM devices and decided to make the same UI... I personally don't see them moving away...
  24. N

    Windows 8 question. Intergrated apps.

    Move the mouse to the top left and a strip will appear going downwards. Here all the metro apps (and Desktop) are shown. Left click to tab to it, right click and close to close them. And Alt F4 too
  25. N

    Has Microsoft Pulled Off Its Biggest Reinvention Ever?

    Apple isn't arrogant? Sure buddy... You can dare say that but you are not correct. Win7's Desktop to Win8's Desktop is the same. Before you can say,"Metro" I will say when you boot up a Win8 computer, click the tile of what you want to load (let's say Word) and there it is, looking the...
  26. N

    windows 8 media center - email?

    Can the MC key be used on different Win8 Pro machines? I assume no. I got an email this morning for one MC key but I sent two requests using the same email as I have two registered Win 8 Pro's with the account... Try another email or hang tight?
  27. N

    Has Microsoft Pulled Off Its Biggest Reinvention Ever?

    This is retarded. So they decided taking time to learn Thing A was a waste of money, so they went with learning Thing B which takes time as well yet it's ok? Why is that, because it's called 'Apple'? Just because it says Apple doesn't mean you magically know it! Either way they are making...
  28. N

    Has Microsoft Pulled Off Its Biggest Reinvention Ever?

    I don't get this. Why do people dispise such an easy change to learn with Win8 with such dread...but they will willingly learn a much larger change with MacOSX? Not to mention the costs. I bet they'll be happy when their Mac becomes an 'iPad Pro' in the future too.
  29. N

    Using Unsigned Drivers in Win8 for 3D?

    Thanks for the info! I tried the little checkbox for that driver but it just came back an error. The other stuff I have to try later on.
  30. N

    Using Unsigned Drivers in Win8 for 3D?

    I'm having an issue with my 3D monitor and Win8. I have the Sony PS3 3D monitor hooked up straight to my 570 GTX and before with Win7 I was able to get it to realize the monitor was 3D and I could enable it with at least Crysis 2 without any of that other stuff Nvidia makes you buy. Was neat...
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    Windows 8 Tips & Tricks

    Right click on a file in File Explorer. It should be there and it's still in the properties.
  32. N

    Windows 8 Tips & Tricks

    You can right cicky the bottom left no matter the screen and you get that shortcut list. Also you don't have to fart around uninstalling anything as well. All the Win7 viewers and whatnot are still there, just change your Open With and go hunt for the program in Program Files.
  33. N

    Nice to see the same bugs still happen in 8 pro...

    I believe you, I remember your issue from way back when. Just...we all remember your "eff Win8" replies and threads in vast numbers so we're surprised you went out and got Win8 at all, even before making sure that your issue was fixed with a driver or whatever. Well, good luck. Besides...
  34. N

    Over 9,000 Windows 8 Apps for Launch Day

    OVER 9000?!? Sorry, old meme from the dead. Anyway, You can find your fart apps in the MS Store app on Win8.
  35. N

    Should I upgrade my old laptop for Windows 8 or not? I saw this link earlier in the min req page. Did the beta versions have this req because I shoved Win8 on an older laptop that I don't think could do a couple of those functions
  36. N

    How are you guys liking Windows 8 so far?

    I never found the Start Menu any better than icons all over your screen, the ONLY advantages was it could be all done with just the keyboard and assuming all of your installed programs made a shortcut to the Start Menu you could eventually find them all if you peeked into every level. For...
  37. N

    How are you guys liking Windows 8 so far?

    That's the part the 'pro' camp gets their panties in a bunch over. You just made a rant how the 'pro' camp cannot consider how people don't like Win 8, yet you just did the same thing in how you said that. 'Convinced'. I'm in that camp and not 'convinced.' I have zero issues getting around...
  38. N

    Webcast: Windows 8 Launch

    It does but you're still stuck with RT's limitations...aka no x86. However you can stick a USB drive in there and in the desktop copy stuff to the RT thing's drive that way so that's neat.
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    Ballmer: The Whole Screen Is A Start Button

    My favorite was, "People like to put their shortcuts in the lower left, how will they get at them with that Start menu in the way?!"
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    I delete store from win 8 by accident - how to reinstall it?

    All the stuff from Win7 to add/remove features or to change things are still in there. fact... Go to the bottom left corner where the Start normally pops up, right click.