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    Call of Duty Headset

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    Feedback on GeForce 6800U Preview

    quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by cornelious0_0 I do really appreciate the different approach that [H]ard|OCP is taking with video card reviews but I can honestly say (without TRYING to be an ass) that I really did...
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    nv40 or r420, which will be better?[nt]

    i think the graphics card will be better.
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    5900SE Users: What do you get in 3dMark03?

    yes its slightly overclocked. I think at stock I got 4800, my card didn't overclock to well, my best score was at about 440/750. Higher than that I got artifacts and lower scores. My computer is pretty old so memory, pcu probably isn't helping (ino, ino 3dmark03 is all gpu :)
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    One grand to blow

    I have a dell and I love it. Haven't had one problem with it and the prices for Dells are great.
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    My raedon 9200 wont start

    I know Nuke, the problem two fold, first he don't have enough power to run the radeon on a crappy 300w psu. Second, and where we need the help is, after taking the radeon out and putting back in the old nvidia card, now the nvidia doesn't work. He sent me a screenshot and it is all...
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    Finally Nvidia comes back

    no- both are marketing hype
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    my brother died 10 years ago.

    I live in Racine...
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    just curious, is there a way to upgrade a laptop's vid card

    the dell 5100, 5150, 8600's are definetly upgradeable but I think the 1100 has integrated video so you'd be out of luck there.
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    FX5900 vs. FX5900XT

    well the 5900nu is faster but the 5900xt is cheaper.
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    AMD upgrade 2500 vs A64

    I've been wanting to upgrade this computer for some time now. I use it mainly for gaming and it does ok for most games but Call of Duty and some of the more intense FPS games seem to bog it down. I had been considering the XP2500, NF7-S, 3200 or 3500 memory upgrade but now I'm wondering if I...
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    ATI 9600XT or 5900SE

    The best I've been able to hit on my 5900SE is about 450/800. I usually run it at 420/770. It runs Call of Duty nicely at either 1280x1024 (no aa or af) or 1024x768 with 2AA and 4AF so I'm happy. p.s. i'm running stock heatsink
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    ATI 9600XT or 5900SE

    I know I've posted this before but to me right now its a no brainer: <$200 = FX5900SE >$200 = R9800Pro (can be found for $250)
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    Bad new machine

    I think you have one kick ass machine that will be faster than 90% of computers for a few years. You just made one problem: telling these guys what you spent your money on.
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    Anyone see the stalker benchmarks

    I came to this forum a month ago to figure out what card I wanted to buy. I read reviews from numerous sites and made my choice. At the time I found it very interesting listening to everyone argue about this card vs that card but now its quite annoying. For every review saying one thing...
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    Call of Duty Headset

    I bought the plantronics 90 from newegg = $23. Thanks for the advice. I look forward to killing you on the battlefield now :)
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    9600XT or 5900LX

    If midrange cards are what your looking at then get the 5900SE from newegg with Call of Duty. If you want higher performance get the 9800Pro for $250 (either find in on sale for that price or trade in a crappy vid card to ATI).
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    My new 3DMark03 score. 7044... on my 128meg FX5900 non-ultra.

    Last night I got to the end of the internet. It just stopped, it was done. Nice score - some may say its not legit but its still fast as %@#$.
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    I bought a FX5900Se... good deal?

    5900SE = good
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    Call of Duty Headset

    Can anyone recommend a good headset for Call of Duty and other similar games?
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    goodbye Nvidia ..Hello Ati

    I think your wasting your money if you don't go for at least a 9700Pro. A 9800Pro can be found for $250, wait and save up for that if you want ATI. <200 = 5900SE with CoD while supplies last >200 = 9800Pro (best value high end card)
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    Anyone see the stalker benchmarks

    What I find interesting is that the 5600 played fine. Maybe everyone should go buy a 9800 series card before any other Direct x9 games come out, sheesh. And about Nvidia's software/optimizing and whatever else bullshit people spout off: per article that was referenced: "We still remember...
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    Any benchmarks showing all new ATI vs Nvidia cards?

    I'm not going to swap cards out to test these cards on the same system, but my FX5900SE on a 19" Orion CRT is soooo much cleaner and clearer than my roomates 9600Pro on a 17" Dell CRT that its ridiculous.
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    Any benchmarks showing all new ATI vs Nvidia cards?

    Depending on what reviews you read my FX5900SE is very comparable to a 9700Pro, and with Call of Duty factored in its about $100 cheaper.
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    Horrible 3dmark03 results

    quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by merlin704 If your games play fine, why bother with 3DMark? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Because I'm wondering if...
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    Horrible 3dmark03 results

    I'm at 5052 on my SE version of the 5900; I'd say something isn't right with your setup, you should be 5500-6000 (just my guess).
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    Best Nvidia Video Card for up to $200?

    SE = shitty edition in Radeon cards, not nvidia. FX5900SE beats the 5700 significantly in every benchmark I've seen.
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    eVGA FX5900SE overclockable?

    I dunno this has been weird. This is my first overclocking experience so who knows what I'm screwing up. Several people have recommended upgrading the power supply because I have a generic 300W unit, so I ordered an Antec True480 a day or two ago from new egg so we'll see if that helps...