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  1. L

    How do I unlock my case?

    I need to dust the inside of my computer and the case lock magically locked itself last time I opened the panel. Now I'm unable to open the case as I don't have the keys.. How do I get in? :( EDIT: Problem solved. Key found.
  2. L

    MacBook external hard-drive won't mount

    I built a 320Gb external hard-drive this afternoon by putting a SATA Seagate drive in an i-rocks external cradle. Both had really good reviews on Newegg. When I plug it into my MacBook, I get a series of problems. Either: 1) The drive will function normally for a few minutes and then stop...
  3. L

    Cold Heat Soldering Tool

  4. L

    Fastest CD-RW rewrite speed?

  5. L

    Any diagnostics on a non-boot MSI K9N Neo-F?

    I tried that. I did some rewiring, and now it doesn't even stay on. It is on for a few seconds, and then the video card and drives power down slowly and the only thing left on is the CPU fan and the PSU fans. I have no clue what the problem is. edit: I cycled the power supply, and it...
  6. L

    Any diagnostics on a non-boot MSI K9N Neo-F?

    I build a system yesterday for my little brother's birthday. It consisted of the following brand-new parts. It is important to note that the last chipset I worked with was an NForce 2 (two years ago almost to the day), so I'm a little out of the loop here. Socket AM2 AMD X2 4200+ (with a...
  7. L

    Fastest CD-RW rewrite speed?

    I find it a waste. I go through CDRs like water, though. By using CDRWs for stuff like this, I've probably saved at least 2 spindles worth. Also, look what I found at Walmart... :D
  8. L

    Fastest CD-RW rewrite speed?

    I burn a recurring internet program (RvB, for the curious) for a friend who only has dial-up. However, it takes me forever to burn the damn things because the rewrite speed is only 4x. My CD-burner (Sony something) is 52x24x52. I just looked on newegg, and I can only find 4x for 700Mb CDRWs...
  9. L

    Wireless headphones: any good?

    Thanks for the advice guys, it backs up what I originally thought. I think I'll ask him about it, and then I'll get HD497s or something.
  10. L

    Wireless headphones: any good?

    I was talking to my brother, and he says he wants wireless headphones. I think they'll mainly be connected to the laptop in his dorm room, and he can just walk around without worrying about cables. Anyone have any experience with them? What about interference? I've always heard that wireless...
  11. L

    $200 Upgrades?

    That's my fear as well, about the R9000 v 6100. It would be an awful Christmas present if it was actually a step backwards. I can't find any benchmarks between them, either.
  12. L

    $200 Upgrades?

    The only issue with getting the Bio-star mobo, is that I don't currently have a PCI-E graphics card; that doesn't have AGP or onboard video. How about getting the best Socket A processor I can, buying a R9800 Pro here, and then another 512Mb stick? I might run a bit over, but that seems like...
  13. L

    $200 Upgrades?

    Thanks for noticing that, because I completely missed it. :D
  14. L

    $200 Upgrades?

    See, playable settings are all relative. I just did a bit of Gun on his computer to see how it plays, and it looks awful. The motion is really jerky as well. :( B&W2 stutters like a moron. What? Where did I mention your 3200+? Wrong thread? I saw this today at Fatwallet, and I was...
  15. L

    $200 Upgrades?

    My brother wants his computer upgrading for Christmas. However, I don't know where to put the money (<$200) for the most effective upgrades. You guys have any clue? Here's the specs: CPU - AMD AXP 2100+ @ stock (I don't really want to overclock) Mobo - Shuttle MN31N (nForce 2) RAM - Mushkin...
  16. L

    Show off your best pics!

    1/8. I was feeling daring, and it was happening every few seconds anyway. Btw, that picture over the sea looks great. I've always wondered what happens to lightning out at sea.
  17. L

    Look what summer santa brought me :p

    Beautiful shots, but how the hell can you take pictures with that, without a tripod? It seems that the camera would droop because of the length and weight.
  18. L

    Show off your best pics!

    I just took this one tonight and, honestly, this is (IMHO) the best picture I have taken. Ever. What do you guys think?
  19. L

    Anyone Got Pics Of Beaches Or Palm Trees?

    Those are nice pictures, Null.
  20. L

    Color Enhancement

    That looks bunches better. Did you up the saturation on everything, and then tone down the rusted truck in the background? What program did you use?
  21. L

    Anyone Got Pics Of Beaches Or Palm Trees?

    Thanks. I got blisters on my feet from the heat of the sand that day, because smart me decided to forget my sandals. :rolleyes:
  22. L

    Color Enhancement

    I'm usually a purist when it comes to taking shots, but I've noticed that they my pictures aren't as vibrant as I'd like them to be. I think the more vibrant the colors are, the more eye-catching (the exception here is black and white photography, which has it's own value). Here's a picture I...
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    Anyone Got Pics Of Beaches Or Palm Trees?

    Alicante, Southern Spain. Don't live there, but just got back from a vacation there a few weeks back.
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    College Headphone Recommendations? (Digital?)

    Sennheiser HD497s (my pair was $50 refurbished about 13 months ago) are a great first good pair of headphones, but the fact that they are open (the sound leaks) may bother those near you. They are amazingly comfy which, to me, is the most important aspect I look for in a pair of headphones.
  25. L

    Computer trouble, nothing on screen

    Did you install the motherboard on little metal shunts to keep it off the surface? If the motherboard is directly touching the case, it isn't going to work. That's why you put in these little pieces of metal into the case, and then screw your motherboard into that. It stops the motherboard...
  26. L

    Photo's from canada - need help w/ 1st one

    Part of the reason why the shots seem so noisy and off-colored is because you are looking at them at the resolution the camera gave you. If you resize them using just about any picture editing tool, you will notice that they look a lot cleaner. By the way, on the first shot in your post, the...
  27. L

    Speed up boot time in Car PC

    I'm sure you could find an ultra-light linux build that is set up just to play mp3s. Windows is always going to have a bunch of services that run. The main issue is going to be finding the Remote Wonder drivers for Linux. edit: here's a guide I found, for using the remote in Linux: link.
  28. L

    Is this section for digi cams only?

    Being part of a computer forum, you'd expect a lot of the discussions to be pertaining to digital cameras. But, most of us are general photography geeks, so I bet we'd be able to answer your questions, whether they are film-related or digital-related.
  29. L

    Digi Cam Poll: What Digital Camera do you use?

    Same here. Memory sticks are the only reason I will never own a Sony camera. Bastards should get off the proprietary format bandwagon and use something readily available, like SD or CF. It's kind of like having a Canon printer that only works with Canon brand paper. :rolleyes:
  30. L

    Show off your best pics!

    WOW. That's a lotta pop. :D Quick calculation: ~15 caps per row X 18 rows = ~$288 worth of soda. Where did you get all the bottlecaps from? The trash?
  31. L

    Idea: Automatically remove [img] tags when quoting

    Good idea, but have the img tags replaced with linked url tags, so you can see what image they are quoting. Just for convenience's sake.
  32. L

    Arial Photos

    Holy hell. That goes straight from farm lands to a city. Maybe I've been living in a rural area too much, but that's a really odd picture.
  33. L

    Radio through speakers

    The unshielded cables comment is correct. An antenna is just a bare copper wire. What are audio cables? That's right, bare copper wire. There's a good chance that the coating of your speaker wire is stripped off somewhere. That's the problem. The only solutions are fix it or buy new speakers.
  34. L

    Post your HeadPhones!

    This, along with consideration for the people that I live with, is my reason.
  35. L

    Critique me....

    I like the 7th street station pictures, though I think the blue like reflecting from the windows detracts, somewhat (well, for something natural anyway). Damn, you have some nice architecture there. :)
  36. L

    Critique me....

    Ooh, I'm a huge fan of architecture, especially modern-architecture. :cool: All the pictures are nice and vivid, which is always a plus (especially on the flowers). The photoshopped background for the second image gets rid of the awful white glare in the first one. However, there's some...
  37. L

    Show off your best pics!

    That's a really nice wide shot, Rabid Yellow Dog. :) Here's a picture I took last week. I love the lizard's face.
  38. L

    Post your "Which games never get old?"

    Worms World Party Civ III Transport Tycoon or Locomotion UT and UT2004 Super Mario on the SNES Tetris C&C: Generals I can find a game out of that list I want to play 100% of the time. Which game depends on my mood.
  39. L

    Optimum Desktop Resolution

    Really? That's very low. I would have thought it could do at least 12x10.
  40. L

    Optimum Desktop Resolution

    Holy thread revival! :D