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  1. D

    Sound card vs. USB DAC

    Yeah, in the past I ran into issues where the pots were garbage and didn't have even leveling through the range, my magni was like that for the first bit of its control. It's always been a bit of a plague IME and why some vendors go for digital controls instead.
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    Sound card vs. USB DAC

    In case the sys ends up being garbage there are a bunch of similar devices for studio monitors as well you could use.
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    Is it true that 7950X3D suffers from stutter on games?

    Have you tried dual CCD before? I'm curious. Also we're end users, not everyone has an ability to pull some data from their experiences or even knows how to describe what they feel. Even the people doing reviews are finding new limitations of what they do which leaves gaps so don't be quick to...
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    infinite loop no windows 11 pro

    Yeah, I always do the same especially since I'm used to doing firmware updates on production networks for businesses lol.
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    Best CPU upgrade options?

    AMD one uses less power and should be faster so I'd get that. Unless your light productivity includes using a lot of cores it won't really matter which you get for that. I've been using the 7900X in my work pc since release with some 6000 expo gskill ram and haven't had any issues. I don't...
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    Need 16x-8x configuration at same time. Are there any consumer boards?

    They also don't support bifurcation which defeats the purpose in a lot of cases. The last "consumer" board with ones was an X299 board I had which was neat but not being able to use the 4x m.2 cards was kind of a bummer. (supermicro also had a z490 board with 8888 capability but I didn't own one)
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    Is it true that 7950X3D suffers from stutter on games?

    They can but you'd run into the same issue which is the latency between the dies when they need to access information on the other one.
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    infinite loop no windows 11 pro

    That was common for AM4 boards that didn't have enough flash space on the board for the entire CPU firmware codebase lol. On AM5 this shouldn't be an issue.
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    Best CPU upgrade options?

    Intel will happily boot and run with unstable memory settings that slowly corrupt your system so it really depends on what you're doing. AMD is much less lenient on booting with unstable memory settings. Regarding waiting, if you're considering it then you may as well since we're so far into...
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    Who's using Karhu RAM test software?

    It's fine and I have a copy, it uses more CPU than other memory benches so is a decent addition and runs pretty quick compared to other ones. I just have mine on a usb stick.
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    Migration from pfSense to OPNSense: Thoughts?

    Their PA 400 series price/performance surely helped a lot there compared to their older models lol.
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    What Mouse and Keyboard Are You Using Right Now?

    Have been using my model f 77 at work after using it at home for a little while and even though I only am in the office 3 days a week the finish is already wearing off. Keep in mind this thing shipped to me in may last year, maybe the industrial grey colour just sucks.
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    Is it true that 7950X3D suffers from stutter on games?

    Reading more, seems more an asus problem since 2 users I just saw don't have issue with tachyon or dark, just their apex.
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    Is it true that 7950X3D suffers from stutter on games?

    the 14th gen do have vccsa bug, it doesn't impact all cpus though.
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    WTB: Top of the line Z590 WiFi Motherboard for 11900K

    I've got an apex 13 I can pull out of my old pc, how about 150 for it ? I can pull it out and take some pics if you want just let me know.
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    "Triangulation" infected dozens of iPhones belonging to employees of Moscow-based Kaspersky

    Not really, apple requires constant updates or things get delisted.
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    Thermalright Peerless Assassin 120 Mini

    probably won't see one, the low-height tower coolers are pretty niche and the older ones didn't get one either.
  18. D

    Did AM5 fix all the AM4 Memory issues?

    I'm running some Neo 6000c30 sticks at work since release with no issues with EXPO on the strix e-f board and at home I have a set of XMP sticks I run with custom timings and 6000 speed since they're old 6400 and don't have issues there either.
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    Any Beyerdynamic DT990-Pro users here? Are the new models worse?

    yeah it gets complicated with multi-tap transformers on tubes don't correspond the same way as a usual transformerless solidstate circuit and such as well. Plus how you wire the speakers can impact the way it sounds too. I've got a Rivera KR7 and the "focus" knob is basically just a damping...
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    Any Beyerdynamic DT990-Pro users here? Are the new models worse?

    Typically higher impedance = tighter bass. This is because of the damping factor being higher which gives more motor control to the driver/amplifier circuit. Another thing to keep in mind is when the voice coil is changed on a speaker it...
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    Speakers broke, i've not looked at pc speakers in 10 years, need recommendations.

    The scandyna podspeakers are pretty neat looking.
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    What were your favorite Speakers?

    For PC speakers these were great: I've got some Yamaha HS8 now which are way better than the KRK Rokits I had before.
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    Any Beyerdynamic DT990-Pro users here? Are the new models worse?

    There is variance between the drivers but most likely the difference is just the pads, switch them from one to the other and they should sound fairly similar.
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    evga p55 classified 200

    Check the pins in the CPU socket, could be some dust or something in there preventing contact, clean the cpu with some rubbing alcohol and try reinserting the cpu and see if it helps.
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    Cheap but decent 120mm fans for upside down mounting?

    These are a cheap ball-bearing fan too, not used them except for testing though: Keep in mind that ball bearing fans have their own sound which is why most pc fans are "fluid dynamic".
  26. D going out of business sale 50% off

    directron used to have great combo deals, got one to build my parents a bc ages ago. geeks also used to have really weird stuff but was useful as well.
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    New Metal Alpacool Apex Stealth Fan with some Impressive Numbers

    If they're mounted so the airflow is vertical then the bearing may be wearing down, used to have that more with sleeves but they're generally more reliable now than ages ago.
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    Probably buying base MacBook Pro 14"

    No, but my M1 Pro has issues actually starting on reboots and I have to power it off manually and turn it back on for it to boot up properly. I do use egnyte app though which has a kernel module maybe that causes the issue.
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    Any soldering experts here? Need help.

    I would heat up the board before attempting again, it's likely the board itself is just absorbing all of the heat. Especially since it's an ITX they'll have a lot of metal layers.
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    AMD Ryzen Threadripper 7000 Series Lineup Revealed

    For 25GB I haven't had issues with the BCM957414A4142CC I've used and they're cheap as dirt but I'm not actually pushing them at all (running 10GB at the moment). Same broadcom chips are in my Dells too.
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    AMD Ryzen Threadripper 7000 Series Lineup Revealed

    I'm sure Nick at Asrock was playing around with it lol, he did get lrdimms to work on x299.
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    Probably buying base MacBook Pro 14"

    Mac ram usage isn't any differen than on windows, it depends entirely on what you're running. If you use a ton of browsers and a million tabs like me then they both use a ton of ram lol. For example I have 16GB on my personal MBP and it's using 13,6GB, work M1 Pro has 32 using 21,4GB and my...
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    What Mouse and Keyboard Are You Using Right Now?

    model Fs don't have the membrane and use flappers so the feel is still different, the sound is also more pingy
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    What Mouse and Keyboard Are You Using Right Now?

    It's still much heavier and not as crispy, it's better but the F is still another tier above but if you like model Ms then it's great. I would say if I hadn't gotten the new model F I'd be perfectly happy with it.
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    Do you use a mouse with your MacBook?

    At a desk using the trackpad is extremely inconvenient so yes, also I use mos to fix the horrible scrolling. If you're addicted to safari just keep in mind they don't implement native support for back and forward side buttons while they work fine in other browsers.
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    32" 4K, or 27" 4K - Can't decide

    I've got the original Acer Predator X27 at home and the Gigabyte FI32U at work and use them at native resolution, both are great and don't have issues with text on either one. Mine I keep about the same distance (I keep my 13" apple laptop in between my KB and the monitor) but if you have space...
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    What Mouse and Keyboard Are You Using Right Now?

    I've got the original F77 from there, it does feel like my XT keyboard with a nicer layout. I would like one of the "model m case" style ones since I didn't think I would but did end up having problems with the raised sides when playing games but not when typing so I took it to work and use it...
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    [Dead] EVGA Z690 Dark K|NGP|N - $350

    curious about this as well, kingpin seemed to believe they were all going somewher else.
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    Gamers Nexus vs LinusTechTips: Smackdown

    lol plan your exit after getting a bunch of free shit, good stuff haha