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  1. D

    Please help!! Light sensitivity

    Thank you so much Bitnick, you have spoke more sense than any doctor in 11 years of having this unbelievably horrible & painful disease. I never used to be like this, completely normal now I'm hypersensitive to a crisp, a mint, a fizzy drink, a Chinese meal, a kfc All make me violently ill MSG...
  2. D

    Please help!! Light sensitivity

    Hi there, Thanks for your reply, even my optician looked confused when I told him?? Im lost...Think I'll be forever Roy Orbison clone because everything is LED. Fortunately I got about 100 old skool incandescent bulbs in supply
  3. D

    Please help!! Light sensitivity

    Hi there, yes my wifey has had iPhones but they do the same even with the eyestrain on.
  4. D

    Please help!! Light sensitivity

    Hi there, yes the TFT or LCD tv (pre LEd) I'm fine with....not sure about plasma tvs, never come across them. I've never meet anyone who understands the condition that understands different lights that are emitted by tvs and smartphones. So here I am Thanks mate I appreciate your time Steve👍👍
  5. D

    Please help!! Light sensitivity

    Thank you all for reaching out, all good info. Turning the brightness down doesn't help so it must be in the light like the pulse/ flicker?? I nearly died because of fluorescent lighting in a older hospital, it made my blood pressure go through the roof 230s. Think it does something to my...
  6. D

    Please help!! Light sensitivity

    Hi, I got very ill about 11 years ago which left me with a rubbish disease called Fibromyalgia. One of the many symptoms is light sensitivity, I can't look at anything LED so no newer tvs, laptops and newer smartphones, so if I go to the shops I have to wear Stevie wonders blackout...