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  1. E

    Self Encrypting SSDs

    Good morning [H], I have a couple of questions regarding SE SSDs... 1. If I have a SED and encrypt it using one piece of drive management software (say, WinMagic), and then move it to another machine - am I able to decrypt it using another piece of drive management software (i.e. McAfee...
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    New USB Encryption Solution Protects At Risk Data, Prevents Data Breaches - WANT!
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    Question for all of the Chrome users

    So, I've decided to give Chrome another try... but I see that Google removed a feature a few years ago - the tool strip. Now instead of having something I could move around and show/hide, I'm stuck with all of my extension icons right next to the address bar. My issue though, is this: there...
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    Kernel Data Recovery/Nucleus Technologies

    Has anyone used any of the software from Kernel Data Recovery/Nucleus Technologies? I've never heard of them before and I was wondering if their software is worth the time to test, or if it's bug infested malware. In particular, I was wondering about their PST viewer, but I guess it the...
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    Discussion: Best mobile OS for privacy conscious consumers

    I am interested in what [H] has to say about what the best mobile OS (primarily for phones, not tablets or laptops) is for users who are more privacy conscious. For sake of brevity, I am only going to seek opinions on the big 3 - Android, iOS, and Windows Phone 7. Rim's BlackBerry OS isn't...
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    mac os

    I've had a similar experience. Glad to know I'm not the only one... :D
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    mac os

    I've been using OS X about half-time the last few months (my work laptop is a MBP, my home computer is a Win/Lin PC) and I have to say that I've come to respect it. Personally, I prefer Linux as my OS, but due to the corporate environment and my wife, I can't use Linux as my primary OS... My...
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    WTS/WTT Complete i7 System. Bring Macbook Pros!

    Free bump for a sexy machine! G/L with the sale - hope you get something!
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    Drupal MAMP to WAMP

    Good evening all: My team and I have been prototyping a new Drupal site on a Mac using the MAMP BitNami install and Drupal module (lazy, yes - but it sure saves a hell of a lot of time!) Background Information We're getting to the point where we are leaving prototyping and moving in to...
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    TRADE: Mint Moto Droid for N1

    Final bump...
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    TRADE: Mint Moto Droid for N1

    Bump... Did I mention that there is no contract?
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    TRADE: Mint Moto Droid for N1

    TTT Has the Droid really lost its luster?
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    TRADE: Mint Moto Droid for N1

    Anyone have a N1 that they would like to trade for a mint Moto Droid? Google gave me a Droid for having the DC developers conference canceled due to Snowpocalypse I, II, and III. While I greatly appreciate Google's generosity, I already have a Droid (the wife does too), so I don't have a...
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    IDE to USB 2.0 Cable for data recovery

    Not true - I've added drives containing data without having to format them again to systems many times. This time is slightly different because there is an extra adapter in the way. I haven't tried that - I don't think you can have an IDE master when you're also using SATA drives. It's worth...
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    IDE to USB 2.0 Cable for data recovery

    Good morning all, I've encountered quite the problem. I have an old IDE drive that I need to get data off of, so I hooked it up to one of those IDE to USB 2.0 adapters. I've connected all the hardware, Windows 7 recognizes that there is something new plugged in and installs a generic USB...
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    Advice: Building new rig, would like it to last for a couple years

    I am looking to build a Core i5 750 machine sometime after Christmas, but I face a little bit of confusion. I see that the Core i5's are LGA 1156 - just like some of the Core i7's. But I also see that the Core i7's run on LGA 1156 and LGA 1366. So my question is this: Which package does Intel...
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    Putting CFW on your PSP Slim - Having trouble figuring it out? Look inside for info

    Is Dark Alex releasing any newer versions of his CFW, or am I going to have to move to a new developer?
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    Running vmWare ESXi

    Ah, I did not know that. It just so happens that my processor does not support AMD-V... mine is the last of the 939's and AMD-V was introduced with the new socket... Bummer.
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    Running vmWare ESXi

    Actually, thats exactly what I want. I'm really more concerned with how the whole system will run... I want to be able to run both Linux and Server 2k3 at the same time without a large hit to performance to wither VM (system specs in sig).
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    Running vmWare ESXi

    I am just trying to learn the technology... there's not really a reason for it other than curiosity. I don't do much on my home box other than internet and e-mail. Every now and then I take a MS IT course that is flash based... that's probably about the most intensive task my computer handles.
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    Running vmWare ESXi

    I am fairly new to virtualization (I have been messing around with it for less than a year) and was wondering if it would be worth my time to install vmWare ESXi. I currently boot Fedora 10 and then use virtualbox for my virtualization needs. I only virtualize Windows Server products and...
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    USB HDD mounts in read only mode

    Background: I have a WD MyBook external USB HDD that I want to use for extra storage. Today, I mounted the drive and it came up in read only mode - I could not copy any new files to it. Before today, I was able to mount it and read and write to the same drive. Hardware/Software: I am...
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    802.1x and MAC Filtering

    802.1x is port based authentication and works on wired networks too :) We have a pretty sophisticated enterprise network and are already running a few VLANS, but all of the ports at a users desk run on the same VLAN - its not really an option to segregate the ports into more VLANs.
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    VirtualBox Question

    I have been wondering the same thing. I know its possible using vmWare... but am not sure with Vbox.
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    802.1x and MAC Filtering

    Is it possible to combine 802.1x and some form of MAC filtering to allow specific devices to connect to specific ports? For example, I am encountering a problem where users are moving devices (workstations, printers, etc...) from their current locations to new (supposedly more convenient)...
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    How does software verify a CD-Key is valid?

    Is there anywhere else I might read up on the subject?
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    Windows Server 2003 books...

    I wonder if they are the same labs that come in the academic edition's lab manual.
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    How does software verify a CD-Key is valid?

    I'm more curious about software that doesn't verify via online methods (i.e. MS Products), but rather software such as games. Does it use a hashing algorithm and verify it with list of valid hashes on the installation media?
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    Windows Server 2003 books...

    This may strike some as an odd question, but it is one that I have had for a while... What is the difference between the Microsoft Official Academic Course Series books and the MCSA/MCSE Self-Paced Training Kit books? I don't think they could be all that different... they cover the exact...
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    Virtualized computing under Fedora 10 with a dual core processor

    Oh, and go with the 9-cell battery for your Aspire One. It adds a little bit of weight and makes it a little bulkier on the backend, but it works wonderfully. Personally, I think the 6-cell will just be a waste of your time and money - all of those mods will present quite the battery drain and...
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    Virtualized computing under Fedora 10 with a dual core processor

    sabregen, When I installed Fedora, I installed an optional package called Virtual Machine Manager... does this have any relation to Xen? If so, what is the relation and how would I go about taking advantage of it? I'll definitely have to do some more research into virtualized computing -...
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    Virtualized computing under Fedora 10 with a dual core processor

    I have no idea if I am running a Xen Kernel or not... how do I tell? I continue to run VirtualBox under Linux... I am most familiar with VirtualBox and VirtualPC... but I dislike VirtualPC, and it also does not run natively under Linux. I am runing an x64 implementation of Fedora, and the...
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    Virtualized computing under Fedora 10 with a dual core processor

    I recently ditched Windows in favor of Fedora 10 - mostly because I am tired of the Windows bloat factor, but also because I want to run something more secure. With that being said, it seems to me that when I would run VirtualBox under WinXP, I could run multiple virtual machines (Server 2K3...
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    Linux software and assorted plugins...

    Where is the firefox plugin folder located? I'm still pretty new to Linux and where applications are installed/located in the directory structure.
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    Linux software and assorted plugins...

    Actually, nevermind, still not working! Ideas?
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    Linux software and assorted plugins...

    It was just as simple as removing it from the package manager and re-adding it...