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    Russia Says It's Assembled a Lithography Machine, Will Make 350nm Chips

    Russia has to start somewhere. Regardless of politics, I think anybody trying (or advancing) in this area of technology is welcome.
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    Should I use Windows 7?

    I absolutely hear where you are coming from in that regard. That is one of my main complaints about Linux as well now that I've dug into it a bit. Every version seems to have different places things go, every distro has different programs to do the same things with or different locations as...
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    Ashes of Creation Intrepid Studios MMO

    I wish them the best, but in my opinion this gameplay looks absolutely terrible. This is the opposite of what I'm looking for in an MMO. It reminds me of a MMO version of torchlight.
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    Should I use Windows 7?

    I've been a windows guys my whole life. 100% Microsoft. I decided to try to start a small business and went into programming at home. Still with Microsoft Development tools using Blazor etc. I didn't want to have to pay for server os, and especially not paying for a Microsoft SQL Server...
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    Where are the next gen MMO's?

    I enjoyed my hour in Pax Dei this morning before server crashed. The only problem is there seems to be a lack of mobs roaming around. You have to run for awhile to find something. There are camps of bad guys but they are too tough for my lvl 1 guy. You have to group to kill them I'm...
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    Where are the next gen MMO's?

    Awesome! I got one too.
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    Battlefield VII (In Development)

    Battlefield seems to have lost what made it fun back in the day. The main thing I'm referring to is static assets near bases, such as anti aircraft guns, artillery guns, etc to help you hold off the enemy. The latest battlefield, with flares on aircraft you have to pick a support guy that has...
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    Where are the next gen MMO's?

    EQ2 was completely different than EQ1 though. Most people who went into EQ2 was thinking it would just be EQ1 with a better engine/streamlined experience but it was radically different. It was a button mashing, instant recovery (no downtime), crawl through dungeon experience. EQ was known for...
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    Linux Suggestion

    I just tried elementary os last weekend on a virtual machine. You can "custom" buy it for $0 and just download it. Its very user friendly --- much like an android or chrome os, but there isn't many apps for it. But if all you wanna do it email, web browser then it would...
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    Haven - New MMO by Unleashed Games

    Wow. What a waste of money and effort. Since it will be DOA with their attitude.
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    Ashes of Creation Intrepid Studios MMO

    Looks a lot like Rift. A game that failed horribly. What is different in this game compared to Rift?
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    Why OLED for PC use?

    It's been about 5 months or so now and I still don't notice any burn in.
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    Where are the next gen MMO's?

    I am still playing EVE Online. Waiting for the next big thing, but EVE Online is still very viable these days. It's been updated a lot with DirectX12, new UI, etc. The gameplay is probably still the same as the past. But I'm still enjoying it.
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    Ratings Burn-in test comparison video
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    Cities Skylines 2

    Looks just like CS1... What is new in this one? I felt that the first game was hollow. I also hated the "level up" mechanics of the city. Like I can't build a school until my population is 10,000? Why not? Why can't I just build a school if I want to? Is there more to it this time around...
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    Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

    Easy Anti Cheat is made by Epic Games. It's as safe as the Epic Store, or anything that uses the Unreal Engine. Most cheats are done by putting in system .dll files in the game directory with modifications to it (such as a direct x .dll where you can turn on transparency in walls etc)...
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    Battlefield 2042

    It seems most games on conquest (the only mode I've played so far) seem to start within 30 seconds. My step son bought the game too. He says he doesn't like it as much as the other battlefields (he has them all) but he likes the aspect that you can use any gun with any loadout. (IE: You...
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    Battlefield 2042

    I loaded this up with the Steam free weekend and ended up buying it. It's a good game at this point. Similar to BF3 for me.
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    Why OLED for PC use?

    I purchased the Alienware QD-OLED AW3423DW last week from Best Buy while it was on sale. I use it mainly for work and some gaming. So far with cleartype, the text isn't that bad. It just looks a bit blurry to me. I may try that MacType. After 20 hours, no burn in. :) I hope it lasts. The...
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    Build Issues

    When I've had these issues it was related to a bad hard drive. It throws you off because you think its RAM or CPU.... Which is actually related to the problem. Since Windows swaps (virtual memory) between the hard drive and RAM everything is fine until it swaps. It writes to disk and with...
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    Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen ~ Challenging Epic Planar High Fantasy MMORPG

    What is M&M? Never heard of it. It's a shame about Pantheon, I'm not sure who their target audience is then? WoW players are not going to play... EQ players are not going to play...
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    Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen ~ Challenging Epic Planar High Fantasy MMORPG

    From what I'm seeing is that pantheon is not even following an eq gameplay style. Watching the direlord overview. You have an ability that silences a caster for 2 seconds. Big deal. Seems to be the button mashing nonsense. Not like eqs gameplay where buffs and debuffs last minutes (or hours)
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    Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen ~ Challenging Epic Planar High Fantasy MMORPG

    You can tell it's a unity engine game. Looks very similar to project gorgon
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    Are we sort of in a drought or something? (bit of rambling here)

    I was just going to post this. Element TD2 is really good. The kingdom rush games are pretty good too but not as flexible. Way easier but fun for a few hours....(they are short) buy em on sale.
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    Enlisted - Now in Open Beta

    My biggest gripe is that the ai of the squad is having a harder time doing anything but get themselves killed, revealing your location, standing in front of you so you can't fire and being a pain in the butt. A lot of the maps also seem to have some serious choke points where you are constantly...
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    Enlisted - Now in Open Beta

    I have tried the game about 4 times recently (I played it a lot a few years ago) and it seems to get worse as time goes on. Unfortunately...
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    Current state of drivers AMD/nVidia?

    I have 2 machines (I dual box MMORPGS) one with Nvidia and another with AMD. Nvidia gives me more problems than the AMD. I think the AMD driver issue is largely over-exaggerated. But that's just my opinion.
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    Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

    How much ram do you have? I know I needed about 32 gigabytes of ram when I ran the game at release.
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    Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

    Unless I can shoot down mig-28s I'm not interested.
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    What game have you put the most time into?

    Eq1 Eve online Asherons call Falcon 4 War thunder Civilization 2 Master of Orion 2 Borderlands 2
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    Error 43 on GPU has me completely clueless

    I had the same problems. From my understanding reading the internet it's related to PCI express 4 changing from a high power to a low power state and back again. It confuses the computer, video card, or driver. I never found a fix. That said things that would cause the error no longer happened...
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    Review the game you finished recently.

    Element TD 2 I just beat the game and to my surprise, I actually liked the game quite a bit. It's a pretty standard tower defense game. It's graphics are too bright and bland. It's sound effects are not that great either and border on obnoxious. What it lacks in technical skill they make up...
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    New World Amazon Studios MMORPG

    Nah... Back when Everquest had population numbers, the highest servers were hitting about 2500 players. The difference is that EQ was designed with long respawns (30 minutes usually back with the original EQ) so having many people in an area didn't work so those 2500 had to spread out over all...
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    IGN Best Video Game of All Time Tournament

    This would be my worst video game list.
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    Outdated game mechanics.

    I also am tired of minimaps in every game, be it rpg, fps, strategy, etc.
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    Outdated game mechanics.

    I love rpg mechanics and stats ONLY if they are hidden from the player. Assume Skyrim without seeing the skill page or the lvl up screen etc. As you played you just got better without knowing you were getting better (stat wise). I know some people hate this idea but the number crunching is...
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    Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

    I hate to say it but even with the free week they just gave I couldn't find the desire to even try to log in and play. I tried twice to get into a ship and exit the hanger but was never able to because I couldn't find the keystrokes quick enough to tell the operator to open the hanger doors...
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    Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

    I started because the free event. Interesting experience. I loved the train ride to the star port. But spawned my ship then went out the airlock and ran to the garage to get my ship but no way to get there, the garage door wouldn't open. Logged out to read help... Logged back in and was in...
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    Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

    Can you even do anything in the game yet? Or do you just fly around and site see? Can you mine, build ships, sell them, etc? (I don't pay close attention to this progress of this game)
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    Orcs must Die 3

    I liked 1 & 2. Then they made Orcs Unchained... Which I didn't play. #3 looks ok, but I was watching a live stream, and I didn't like some of the new traps (lasers from the ceiling that are always on and I assume always damage the orcs) rather than the big mace swinging back and forth that...