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    Mt. Gox Sued Over Bitcoin Losses

    Haha me too. I couldn't believe this whole thing though. So insane. :confused:
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    Support Your Fellow [H] Reader By Kickstarting This Project!

    hey man, that's awesome that you made the rpg kit stretch goal. i was really looking forward to that one. I hope we can make the iOS goal too, cause I'd really like this game on my phone. :cool:
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    Path of Exile

    This game is fun, but haven't played it in about a month or so due to other things, but I'll have to get back into it!
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    South Park : The Stick of Truth

    I can't stand the show South Park, but man, this game looks so much fun and hilarious!
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    Support Your Fellow [H] Reader By Kickstarting This Project!

    Can't find a way to edit my post, sorry for double posting. Just wanted to say that I backed through paypal. I have a hard time with amazon payments. Good luck, it's looking awesome!
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    Support Your Fellow [H] Reader By Kickstarting This Project!

    Just found this and this looks so sweet! Something I've been looking for many years. Definitely going to be backing this.
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    Clash of Clans

    Took me awhile to get into this game. I'll check out your clan though
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    I couldn't stop laughing at this!
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    What are you nerds playing this weekend?

    Lots of Battlefield 4. All I been playing. And some DayZ
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    DIY Quick Guide: TIM replacement in 15 minutes. (excellent results)

    Nice work! I had to do something similar as well.