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  1. R

    Critique my setup PLEASE

    Getting ready to set up a new machine and these are the parts I have. (2x) XSPC RS240 (1x) FluidXP+ Magnum Pump (1x) XSPC Raystorm CPU Block (4770k) (1x) EKWB-Acetal+EN (Nickel) (GTX680) (1x) Innovatek Fass-o-Matic reservoir PrimoChilll 1/2in. Rigid Tubing I was thinking.. Res ->...
  2. R

    How does this website know my address?

    Ironically my main email shows 4 entries for people that are not me and the email I used to use about 15 years ago shows my mother's home address and my mother's name..
  3. R

    New U.S. Tax Bill Singles Out Video Game Studios

    tax spending, not income
  4. R

    New U.S. Tax Bill Singles Out Video Game Studios

    No income tax, instead tax spending. That way the rich that don't claim an income, can't dodge taxes.
  5. R

    New U.S. Tax Bill Singles Out Video Game Studios

    This kind of stuff pisses me off. Why just violent videogames? Why not porn, violent movies, gun makers or any other "evil" business. The fact that our tax dollars goes to these people infuriates me. This shit on top of the fact that New York state now wants to pass a bill that would give...
  6. R

    NSA Uses The Internet To 'Manipulate And Destroy Reputations'

    I would really like to know the narrative for some of the slides that were just pictures.
  7. R

    NSA Uses The Internet To 'Manipulate And Destroy Reputations'

    The title should have been "How to be a professional troll"
  8. R

    Steve Jobs Statue Unveiled

    That thing is hideous! I've seen kindergarten art projects that look better than that.
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    I think people who pirate fall into 3 categories: A. Too poor to buy the game in the first place and never will B. Want to try the game and would not pay for it even if it wasn't available to pirate C. Need to pirate just to play the game because of DRM issues (exp. No-CD crack) Either way the...
  10. R

    quitting another mmo and its not burnout

    I would recommend Eve if you hate catering to the casual gamer. Eve is brutal
  11. R

    Support Your Fellow [H] Reader By Kickstarting This Project!

    Pledged $15 either way. Didn't see it listed so I figured I would suggest it. Keep up the good work! P.S. We need to get to 7k!
  12. R

    Support Your Fellow [H] Reader By Kickstarting This Project!

    I'm definitely going to back it but you should make 1 of the stretch goals and voice server. I didn't see this mentioned anywhere and I think it's really important for this type of game.. Also, we need to get to 7K because the RPG mode is a must.
  13. R

    Half Life Movie

    It says on the kickstarter that his will be free. They can't make it for profit as they don't even have the OK from Valve..
  14. R

    Steam Dev Days Videos

    So maybe Valve has conditioned me to look for easter eggs and I'm just being crazy but... What flashes on the screen between 2:48 and 2:49
  15. R

    Gaming (Online and/or Offline)

    Same. I thought it was trying to equate the 2. Also I used to game like it was a job. 5+ hours nightly. Now it's more like a hobby.
  16. R

    Gaming (Online and/or Offline)

    Done. Hope it helps. Edit: I didn't think it was that long.. took me about 5 minutes.
  17. R

    Car Mechanic Simulator 2014 Demo

    Every time I see a simulator game like this I think it's a joke and then realize that people actually play them... :confused:
  18. R

    The Return of Sonic the Hedgehog

    PC or gtfo
  19. R

    Panasonic Working On Actual Alien Power Loader

    I am offended by the lack of yellow.
  20. R

    GTA V Has Sold Over 32.5M Copies

    What annoys me the most about Rockstar and the GTA series is that it was started on PC. Don't forget your roots!
  21. R

    Game Dev Says Sales Screw Your Fans

    100% agree. I have 187 games in my steam account. I haven't played AT LEAST half and the game I play the most right now is LoL... which isn't even a steam game lol... and it's free to play. This is why the F2P model and DLCs are working. Pay little to nothing at a time and you feel like you...
  22. R

    Game Dev Sick Of The Hatred From Gamers

    Ironically I am try to be more civil online than in real life. I often tell people to shut the fuck up in real life when they are being retarded. My wife says I'm an asshole to people. Who knew?
  23. R

    Game Dev Sick Of The Hatred From Gamers

    The whole thing is that you don't have to read the hate. If you don't like it, just ignore them. All the really bad stuff is on forums and comment sections. Those are just for comic relief.
  24. R

    [MOD] Quad Damage Project

    Please tell me that when you turn this on it says "quad damage" in the deep Quake voice. It will make my year!
  25. R

    Gamers Who Play For Hours Are Prone To Hallucinations

    I dunno, I asked the alien sitting next to me if he's ever had this happen. He said no..
  26. R

    Teen Reported to Police After Finding Security Hole in Website

    Doing the "right" thing becomes more gray every day.
  27. R

    Razer's Modular Desktop PC Concept

    Different strokes for different folks..
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    Razer's Modular Desktop PC Concept

    Also, why hasn't anyone mentioned that Christine is the name of a car that kills everyone...
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    Razer's Modular Desktop PC Concept
  30. R

    Gaming Table ???
  31. R

    Xbox One Sold Over 3M Units Worldwide In 2013

    You sir are far to unbiased for this forum. The trolls will have their way with you shortly.
  32. R

    Gabe Newell On What Makes Valve Tick

    Half-Life 3 or GTFO
  33. R

    Steam, Origin DDoSed?
  34. R

    Isaac Asimov's 1964 Predictions For 2014

    I'm surprised at how much he got right. Very insightful.
  35. R

    A Google Patent To Help You Be Funny on Facebook

    The government should fine you if you try to patent retard shit like this.
  36. R

    Snipers Confirmed For Titanfall

    The gameplay is fast paced in the game just like many others in the genre. I don't see how you would want to be a sniper if you can't quick scope. Camping waiting for someone to come up behind you is not a fun game mechanic. Also for those bitching about the lack of realism in...