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  1. F

    Old school [H]ardgaming people sound off

    i'm too old to remember the hate... but im sure it was justified right? I can however remember [H]G servers/gaming community/tournaments and scrims were some of the most fun I had gaming... that being said can we even still play cs 1.6 anymore?
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    Old school [H]ardgaming people sound off

    I HAVE RISEN. is it too late to be active?
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    What are you nerds playing this weekend?

    hadn't played League of Legends since launch and now i find myself insanely addicted to it. so..... League... oh. and Knighthood on mobile (don't flame me!)
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    Call Of Juarez: Bound in Blood Released

    just finished the game as thomas.. i have to admit i really enjoyed the singleplayer story and plan on playing again through as ray.. though its not really my playstyle.. i do enjoy the fact they made the game adaptive to different players styles.. ex. someone who likes using rifles/sniper vs...
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    Massive AoC update released 6/24

    how exactly did you use your existing account! please explain!
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    ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 Drawing

    this would an epic win :)
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    Halo 3* - Any Midnight Monday Madness planned?

    :D can i sleep on your lap?
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    SN25P + Opteron 165?

    using the stock cooler?
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    SN25P + Opteron 165?

    has anyone done this? should i do more research? are there any shuttles that support the opteron? total noob sry :/
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    The King is GREAT! $4.00 xbox 360 games

    i expect all of you to get all 600 points.
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    The King is GREAT! $4.00 xbox 360 games

    i cant believe no one has pointed out how great the fact there are ACHIEVEMENTS! is.. haha. i guess im a sucker for having all my friends know i indeed AM the SNEAK KING!
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    Gears Emergance Day

    waaaaah i cant play GOW on my day off waaaaaaah j/p hehe.
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    Gears Emergance Day

    my NAT is wide open like a nickel whore and im still having connection issues. ;( still getting lost connections.
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    Gears of War has ZERO innovation-- says EA

    how did you know?
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    Xbox 360 Stars in....

    i know what the 360 uses... im talking about an actual set of headphones/mic combo that can be used with live and to hear actual gameplay.. example being these ... but they dont get good reviews and i cannot find another solution that is...
  16. F

    Xbox 360 Stars in....

    the missing headphone extravaganza! so.. what are my options here.. i found -one- headphone/mic combo for the 360 that gets not so good reviews... cmon.. are you kidding me? im used to my headphone/mic for the PC so i can actually hear footsteps.. is there any other solution?
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    Gears Emergance Day

    this seems to be an ongoing issue.. WTF .. i love this game.. but LET US PLAY in ranked matches damnit!
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    Gears of War has ZERO innovation-- says EA

    ZOMG! powerpuff girls: relish rampage?! that game changed my life.
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    Gears of War has ZERO innovation-- says EA

    you must be jealous that GOW isnt coming out for ps3 :D or you're just too "great" to buy and play the game yourself to see how fun the game is.
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    Gears of War has ZERO innovation-- says EA

    i think its great that EA has the balls of steel to make such purely insane accusations when their last "innovative" game was BF1942... and look at the buggy garbage theyve put out since... kudos to you EA... keep the scene alive!
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    Gears Emergance Day

    zomg cant wait! the fahmine COMETH!
  22. F

    Do you guys even know there is an [H]|Gaming?

    oh i can believe it.. thats why im all for a more ACTIVE gaming community.. with resources like sponsered servers for [H] back then the CS community was huge.. i can possibly see why the BF42 was overlooked.. but im all for a multigame/platform you know it.. community.. there should only be...
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    Do you guys even know there is an [H]|Gaming?

    this isnt the point.. i want OUR forum to be included in HARDforum.. if we are "representing" [H] then we should be one community not two split.
  24. F

    Do you guys even know there is an [H]|Gaming?

    so.. i posted a little thread over at [H]|Gaming.. did you guys know there was one in existence? did you guys notice the little button on the frontpage? would you guys have known without reading this post? this is basically my...
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    safety of cutting wires?

    oooo GREAT idea. im gonna get to working on it tonight.
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    safety of cutting wires?

    is there a way to discharge the capacitors?
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    safety of cutting wires?

    i figure this an appropriate place to post this.. i just put together the machine i plan on using for awhile and im curious about cutting short the cables im not using or dont plan on ever using. if it ever came down to needing more 4 pin connections after cutting i'll just go ahead and buy a...
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    Opty 165. first dual. total noob

    sorry :| was just frustrated.
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    Opty 165. first dual. total noob

    bios update. thanks you guys are so helpful. /end sarcasm.
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    Opty 165. first dual. total noob

    wow... 28 views.. no replies.. thanks for the help guys.
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    Opty 165. first dual. total noob

    so what do i do now? i dont plan on overclocking till i read more about what i should be doing.. im using a dfi lanparty nf4 ultra-d and have an sp-120 ... im also running win xp corp so now.. do i need to load any special drivers to get this bad boy to show up as a dual core? it shows its...
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    AMD Super HOT Coupons!!

  33. F

    laptop window mod

    its a common mod? wish i could find one.. links please! anything to help give me more ideas. as for whats going to be seen.. there is a *foil* between the casing and the backside of the LCD. i was thinking of getting an etching for the plexi or figuring out a way to get a backlight up...
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    laptop window mod

    yeah i said it. impossible? maybe. i just purchased a replacement "lid" for my Toshiba Satellite A75-S209. plans are to modify the lid so a window mod can grace its presence in all its plexi-wonder. Pros? Cons? has anyone tried this before.. i did a forum search and came up with...
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    Project *NoName Yet* 1st Mod

    ok ok ok i updated pics! no more negative comments please k thx :]
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    Project *NoName Yet* 1st Mod

    i understand the rules now. i guess i overlooked that the *first* post needed pictures. i should have them tonight :] thanks for the heads up on the motherboard part.. maybe i can mask tape the back off. g4 mods?! where! i must be blind and have horrible internet researching skills.. i...
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    Project *NoName Yet* 1st Mod

    omg am i already getting flamed. thanks for the warm welcome. digital camera is at gfs :|
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    Project *NoName Yet* 1st Mod

    Okay guys ive been lurking on these forums for almost an entire year and now here i am about to do my first pc mod ( unless you count the time i tried to put a window in side of my antec case ) I recently purchased a PowerMac G4 (Mirrored front) case off ebay for $1.25 ( pics to come..) Im...