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  1. S

    Once More, Art Mimics reality.

    Saw this cartoon on CAD the other day, and now I see this on the Blizzard forums. I swear, sometimes... (Here's hoping CAD doesn't mind me linking their image) EDIT: I don't know about CAD, but our policy is not to allow...
  2. S

    Anybody out there playing GC2?

    I picked up Ground Control 2 the other day from Best Buy, and I have to say, I'm loving it. It's a great game, avoids research and resource management, and just lets you play strategically. The AI is intelligent, on both sides of the ball, and the graphics are gourgeous. So, my question is...
  3. S

    Anyone willing to help a noob?

    I'm interested in sort of building a hobby around creating maps, I think I've got some ideas bouncing around in my head that could work really well, and I'm sick of complaining about maps that I dislike and not being able to build my own... On that note, I have absolutely no Hammer...
  4. S

    Come On, guys....

    Will everyone just get off steam for a bit so I can finish validating? We'll take turns...I'll go first, and then you guys can go as soon as I'm done. How does that sound?
  5. S

    Wow. I need help, bigtime.

    Ok, guys. I'm a bit of a security noob, and could really use some help, here. This morning, I woke up and logged into my hotmail account, to discover there were three messages there to a man named "cacf100". One from hotmail, saying that they were sorry that his account would have to be...
  6. S

    Was wondering if anyone could help me with this?

    I've got to give a speech next friday (a week), and I'm going to be speaking for a communications class on how to secure your computer. Before I make my request, I would like to point out that this isn't an attempt by me to weasel out of research. I already have my required number of sources...