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    Program optimization, prioritization.

    Under Vista, I have an audio program which processes audio for Room correction then head to my amp and to my speakers. Currently there is about a 300ms delay in the time it takes for the source to execute the sound and then for it to end up playing. I would like to know what can I do to...
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    XBOX ->AVR -> Sound card -> AVR -> speakers.

    I would like to play a CD on my Xbox360 which goes to my AVR, then send the sub out to my sound card, which then will apply some EQ then send it back to my speakers. What am I looking for in a sound card to do this? Any Ideas?
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    Resistance 2. 60 man MP, 8 player coop, 2 campaigns

    -One campaign focusing on Nathan Hale across USA -One separate story based -campaign supporting 2 players offline, 8 players Online -Online Multiplayer (dedicated servers) supporting 60 people, lobbies for individual squads -Classes for online, templates include Heavy, Special Ops, Medic...
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    With Warner going Blu-ray exclusive.

    I hope that BD drives will pick up in manufacturers and prices will go down.
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    6 million ps3s sold? hmmm the previously announced figures which were apparently old had the ps3 at 4.5 million. These figures state 6million which would seem off if it is a shipped number as i was under the impression that the...
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    MGS4 gameplay trailer.

    AWESOME!!!!!!!!! tons of awesome view modes, movements, and a lot of attention to detail in terms of emotions and animations.
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    Pa rapper 2 and loco roco2 for psp confirmed :D

    confirmed on sony Europe's site. WOOT
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    PS3 upscaling thread (pics)

    These are not my pics but I can attest to the update being hotness and things looking this good. :cool: FFXII 480p no scaling. 1080p and filter on. God Of War II 480p no scaling 1080p with scaling and filter on. Smothing is the key option here, people say...
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    DVD/PS/PS2 upscaling tomorrow + DLNA in 1.8 :D

    not sure if its real but heres the link and a quote: I wonder how the 1080p upscaling would look if it is implemented, also interesting to compair it to the 720p of the xbox upscaling. I feel 1080p upscaled will look pretty bad, but i havent...
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    PS3 firmware 2.0 list.

    The new PlayStation 3 firmware update is upon us and PSU has the latest details of all the updates. The new features/changes are as follows: * Users - You can now password-protect user accounts. * Settings - [Dynamic Normalizer] has been added as an option under [Sound Settings]. -...
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    Calling All Cars, first PSN must have.

    IGN has a new video review. And gave it an 8.5 Supports 4 split screen local play, 2 split screen online play = must buy. They said its a great fun party game and a first AAA online PSN game.
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    Odin Sphere = 2D = Must buy.

    I will say one thing about the PS2 in its Seventh year after God of War II I now look forward to this game. Trailer, Pics Must buy for me Day one.
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    LIVE for PC and cross console gaming.

    As I think shadowrun will be the first cross Pc -> console (xbox360) game they have stated that users will meet up via LIVE. As it states there PC users will have to pay, I do not know how this will intergrate with the PC community as they are used to free multiplayer. On the other hand...
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    PSP crisis core pics. (56k safe)

    These may be old but they look good. A must buy for me.
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    God of war PSP

    read at kotaku god of war comming is a great thing. Its a good read, the 300% sales increase pr stuff excluded at the bottom the major announcement could be a new hardware revision. I want my white psp.
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    Guitar Hero 2 DLC on market place

    500pts = $6.25 GH II: Song Packs Name: Guitar Hero Track Pack 1 Price: 500 Points Availability: Not available in Asia Dash Details: Bark at the Moon as made famous by Ozzy Osbourne, Hey You as made famous by The Exies, Ace of Spades as made famous by Motorhead, For all song credits...
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    MKII online confirmed.

    4.99 Online vs mode. I buy fo sho.
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    Quake wars screen (56k = no)

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    Microtransations and Live (gears related)

    For a while now the worst thing about live are the microtransations. I wanted to change something small in my xbox live tag, it would cost about $4 bucks to change anything on my Tag. the various icons, themes etc all cost points. Some may disagree and say that name changing and Icons aren’t...
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    Ratchet Screens (56k = no)

    These screen looks amazing. Will be a must buy for me. Here is the 1up video about this claiming it looks as good or better inperson. Here is a thread discussing if these are "bullshots" in relation to if there is more than 4x AA applied to the...
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    This gen vs 3 gens ago marketing. Speaks for it self, hours of entertaining fun!
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    120GB 360 HD explained Good read.
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    Info about Xbox360's elite.

    After reading gizmodo the xbox elite is HDMI 1.2 and will not pass dolby true =HD nor DTS- HD I do not know why microsoft would change to the HDMI spec with out any of the benefits it offers. Perhaps for the sake of a digital connection or one cord through out the system, but in my mind if they...
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    3 red lights + info thread (360)

    When my xbox360 died (twice) this thread was a great help. it explains a lot of info, if you xbox is underwarranty send it back, if not I know more than a few people personally who just added a small fan from their computer case and...
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    Quite case?

    Are there any cases that are more quite than others? perhaps with sound proofing or something? Or maybe a brand of quite fans?
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    Multitasking and browsing with HDDs.

    Quick question. I often install programs, copy things from networks, and delete various gigs of files. While waiting for these tasks to get finished they system lags while browsing the net or doing other tasks, this is due to the hard drive maxing out correct? Would buying a dedicated hard...
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    Best 5.1/7.1 speakers $1300

    So I want to buy speakers that I can play my PS3/xbox360 and listen to my music from my PC. I do not have much room in my apartment so that is a factor as I do not need to fill a whole house, Basically for my ears only :). Thanks.
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    Near-field system ideas.

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    Waterclox critique

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    a better ps3 Pic

    Piano Gloss > you.
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    Trying to get positional audio with receiver

    For using EAX in games i know i cannot use optical, and i need RCA to to minijack cables. But how do i connect em? on the back of my dvd/receiver i see this. Left/Right (White - Red) AUX (White - Red) VCR (White - Red) TV...
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    Halflife 2 finished? whats this mean?

    btw thats not my arm ;)
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    Umm i got lucky with good audio stuffs. need help with install.

    HI all When it comes to pc audio or audio in general im a noob. So my roomate got a job making 100k and moved out. as a parting gift he let me keep this home theater setup. It's really nice and it sounds great. Because I listen to ALL of my music on my computer, and watch my DVDs on it i...
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    Self repairs

    hi everyone. I upgraded someones hard drive and while we were there everything was working with both plugged in. He then for some reason wanted to only boot up from his old hard drive. So he went on his own ( i was not there ) and switched the cables and power cables. he turned it on and...
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    Review at pc perspective, Seems fair. (IQ pics for both cards)

    After looking at the review it seems to be somewhat more fair in the results. Not a terrible 40% increase for ATI over nVidia, but a more believeable 20% ish or so. Also some IQ shots. I wonder if this is the 3dc difference. notice the cave wall in the background. don't hotlink images
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    3dc support mean more IQ for HL2 on ATI cards

    I found these while at R3D. I heard 3dc is a better form of compression for textures which means more IQ and a bit more preformance. NO 3dc With 3dc Pics from here Nvidia does not support 3dc so I assume out of the box Half life will look better and play a bit faster on ati...
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    Driverheaven HL2 bench shows ATI > nvida by alot weird stuff me thinks
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    mythical computer chair

    I always wanted a 5.1 surround sound system. but i have no where to mount my speakers. is there a computer chair. or any chair that has speaker mounts?
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    Enermax PSUs killing x800's

    After floating aroud the web and hearing horror stories about x800s dying left and right There was one thing in common most users had a enermax PSU. And a Day ago my brother had and enermax 550 and got a x800 pro and it died first thing. It gets "connect power cord" issue which means its dead...
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    75 refresh bad for lcds?

    I got my 12 ms sony lcd. Its locked at 60Hz If i turn it up to 75 will it hurt my monitor? I only ask because i play games with vsync and i want more frames. Thanks :)