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  1. M

    Medium-Large Downloads & Streaming video stalling

    Comcast Internet. All connections are going through a WRT54G linksys router and, like the title says, downloads/streaming video tend to stall after a couple megs of data are downloaded. All speedtests run fine on wired and wireless. However streaming video will stall after a few seconds-few...
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    Security with Windows File Sharing

    I recently got a USB external HD for the office which we'd like to back up to regularly. Currently I shared the drive on the host machine, and within the windows firewall opened up the relevant ports to a whitelist of only the IPs that will be connecting to the drive. Also of note, our...
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    Issue with obtaining 3850 driver

    Not sure if this is the right subforum, but here it goes: So i'm about to reformat to get a clean slate on my system, and decided to set up a folder on my external HD of drivers/install files for everything i'll need to put on as soon as I re-install windows. Problem is, I can't get the 3850...
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    External Backup Drive Recommendations

    So I've been trying to find a good external drive to do some backups of my work & home PCs. Nothing fancy, just USB 2.0 interface and 750GB-1TB or so. This drive seems like a relatively good deal for a TB: though i'm at...
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    Sketchy Manhattan Electronics Shops

    I'm not sure if this is the right topic, but I figure it's as good a place as any. So a family friend is visiting from France, and she wants to get an iPod for her boyfriend since they're much cheaper here. She's been visiting NYC a lot while visiting and found some "iPods" there (I have no...
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    Brand new Opteron 180 showing only one core

    So I just installed an opteron 180 to replace my aging single core 3700+, and i'm trying to get the second core detected. Installation went by without a hitch, but task manager and CPUZ each show only one core. Device manager has 2 "Opteron dual core" listings, but I can't see any evidence of...
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    Best upgrade choices for SN25P?

    I'm currently debating on how to upgrade my shuttle SN25P (stats in sig) to keep it up to snuff for another couple of years. My main goals are to be able to get better gaming (at 1680x1050) as everything else seems to be just fine. So far I'm thinking of a geforce 8600GTS, though i'm afraid...
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    Danger running GPU with PSU under reqs?

    A friend of mine just got an 8600 GTS: only what was not listed in the spec sheet online was the fact that a 400w power supply is required.He's got a dell XPS 420 with a 375W PSU that he got about a year ago, and is afraid to...
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    cheap headset for skype/WoW?

    ***EDIT: after some searching I found all the compliaining about this being posted over and over. I'll look into the zalman clip on mic**** Hey guys, I'm looking for a decent headset that I can use at work for skype conference calls and WoW/other gaming. I have some decneet HD597s for music...
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    HL2: Ep 1 Running with no internet?

    I know this is probably something for the steam forums, but it won't give me permission to post there even though I made an account... Anyway, I just got a copy of HL2: episode one, but my desktop won't have internet for another few days. However, my laptop will still have internet until I...
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    Strange Tiling artifacts x800XL

    First off, machine has specs from my sig: So recently i've been getting very strange tiling artifacts popping up after gaming for a few hours straight. example: (this has only happened while playing wow, but it's pretty much all i've played since this started happening) Exiting...
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    Some audio and video runs in slow motion

    Didn't really know where to post this, so I thought here is as good as any. For some reason whenever I try playing certain movie files (all seem to be .wmv) they run in slow motion. If this hasn't pissed me off enough, I just realized that all the sounds in GTA: vice city do the same thing...
  13. M

    All I want is AIM!

    Why is it that every AIM client program has to have a few things I like, and a few things i loathe? All I want is a plain AIM client (don't care about other protocols) that can do HTML logging, tabbed browsing, and easy 2 click and/or hotkeyable away messages. I've used deadaim for years, but...
  14. M

    stupid web form question

    I basically have a section of a website i'm working on which has 7 forms, each submitting a different variable to a php script. I also have a check box above them, and here's what I want the checkbox to do. Basically, when the checkbox is clicked, I want to have whatever text is entered into the...
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    Size of northbridge fan on SN25P?

    The fan on my SN25P arrived DOA with my machine, and i've been afraid to keep the case on since i found this out (I currently have a room fan blowing onto the open case whenever I run the machine). Problem is, when i complained to shuttle about this, the only option was to ship it back to them...
  16. M

    Question on clearing POST array in HTML/PHP

    I've got a very simple table page wich displays 5 columns of dropdown menus which act as titles for whatever the contents of the column are. When the page first loads, 5 default values are used for columns, but the user can then change them as they wish. However, i'd like to have some sort of...
  17. M

    polarized picture with WMP

    I just got up and running on a fresh xp install, and 90% of any movies I try watching are polarized. I tried downloading ffdshow, divx, and xvid, but none have helped. media player classic, however, does play the files correctly, but i'd rather have all my players work. In the past, i've used...
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    SN25P northbridge cooler. is a replacement possible?

    I got my SN25P a few weeks ago, and after some stability problems early on, it's finally settling in. However, the main issue i have is that it seems my northbridge cooler is faulty since the fan does not spin. Because of this i've tried keeping the case off (especially since it's been hot in my...
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    Stupid javascript question

    I'm trying to set up a user form wihch will include a bunch of greyed out textbox that only beomce ungreyed when a certain radio button is checked. Like so: <input type="radio" name="antype" value="SINGLE" onclick="javascript:document.formname.textname.disabled=false"> This works all well...
  20. M

    issues with mkdir() function in php

    Hi, really new to PHP, so maybe you can see hte folleys in my code. I'm trying to set up a user database which will have directories housed on the server for each user. All the mysql queries work just fine, but the user directory is where i'm running into trouble. To do this, I tried entering a...
  21. M

    Right edge giving fubared colors, artifacting?

    With it being 90+ degrees out these days, and not having ac in my apt, i've been trying to keep my system use to a minimum (especially due to a faulty NB fan on my brand new shuttle...but that's a different story). I've got the case off and a fan on my desk pointed right at it (going in the same...
  22. M

    php help needed

    so i'm trying to build an experiment database where I work on a machien that's going to be a dedicated server solely for this purpose. My problem is, i'm getting tired of sshing into the machine each day and having 20+ emacs windows open trying to organize all this code. Is there some sort of...
  23. M

    SUSE 9.3 reboot wi-fi->nowifi issue

    Summary: computer freezes on bootup when setting up wlan0 interface, using suse CDs to repair install gives errors that "tpconfig" package is missing, never installs properly. Help? ***EDIT***: This thing has kept going on for days, and now it seems to not care if I was connected to wireless...
  24. M

    SN25P envy sound, overhyped, or broken?

    I'm wondering whether this is just due to some new found audiphileness i've aquired, or if there's something seriously wrong/not configured correctly on my shuttle. To put it into perspective, my old comp has a 5ish year old SB Live! card which, although dated, was MILES ahead of the crappy...
  25. M

    setting up apache on fresh RH ES 4.0 build

    i'm a complete n00b when it comes to linux, but I have been slowly getting used to it while at work. Problem i'm running into now though, is my apache server doesn't wanna work with home directories. I've changed the httpd.conf file to allow /~user directories to link to /home/user/public_html...
  26. M

    SN25P early death

    so I just got my brand new SN25P last weekend, and had everything working fine...UNTIL, just yesterday...I turned it on after work...loaded windows, on desktop for 30s, insta-reboot....this had happened about twice before during the week so i figured I'd check it out online...load back into...
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    IBM T30 woes

    I got an IBM T30 from school back in the fall of '02, and ever since i've gotten it it's been a downhill fall. Just recently, I had my second ram bay burn out on me (the second time this has happened!) and my hard drive getting the click of death. Since my warranty was almost up (expires in...
  28. M

    SN25P temps

    Just got my brand new SN25P along with 2GB corsair xms ram, 7200.8 250GB seagate, x800xl, and an A64 3700+. What's been worrying me are my proc temps that i've been getting since putting everything together. Last night once i had everything built, I had the computer on for about 2 hours...ran...
  29. M

    Best HD ~250GB for <$150

    Hey folks, i'm about to order a full fledged system this weekend (using a shuttle SN25P as a starter) and am curious as to what HD is the best fit for my system. This will mainly be for gaming as well as scientific computation. At first, I was sure i'd get the WD Caviar SE 250GB...
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    x800xl brand name differences?

    With all the brands of x800xl cards floating around...
  31. M

    My SFF plan, suggestions?

    Here's my plan for a SFF which i'm probably going to order this weekend: right now i basically have 3 hesitations though: 1) Video card: I'm pretty sure an x800XL is a great compliment to...
  32. M

    Searching for GTK+ RPMs

    I'm trying to get Eclipse (Java IDE) working on an old redhat system, though i'm getting an error saying my GTK package is too old (requires 2.0.6 and tells me i have 2.0.2). I've tried searching for a newer rpm but I can't find one anywhere. Anyone know where I should look (other than...
  33. M

    SFF noob suggestions?

    Right now i've got an old 1.4ghz athlon along with a geforce 3 ti-500 running and I think I need an upgrade. Since i'm still in school and will probably be going to grad school, I want something that's easy to move around with me, so I figure SFF will be my best bet. I want something that can...
  34. M

    Cheap replacements for old laptop screen?

    A friend of mine's got a really old gateway solo 3100 laptop (PII 366, not sure on other specs) that he wants to turn into a linux box. Problem is, after a couple years on a shelf, the lcd backlight seems to have died. Does anyone know how hard/expensive it would be to try and replace or fix the...
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    $50 Limit Headphone suggestions?

    I'm looking for a pair of cans that can give me the best bang/buck for me needs. Right now i've been thinking about the HD 497 as the "standard" $50 can to get, but i'm wondering what other options I might have. Basically i'll be using these at my desk while either playing WoW or composing stuff...
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    $50 upgrade...possibility?

    I got a $50 rebate card from a cell phone deal a while back which expires by the end of this month...basically this is a HARD $50 cap I have to work with. From the specs you can see in my sig, there's definitely a lot I need to upgrade. Enough so that i'm probably putting together a whole new...
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    Java GUI Question...editing a JTextArea

    I've got a simple address book program set up which has editable fields for each person's information. For the simple one line fields, all i've been doing is setting up a JOptionPane.showInputDialog() that updates them just fine. I arrive at a problem, however, once I try updating address. Since...
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    Anyone know about MIDI keyboard controllers?

    I guess this is a bit of an unusual question for this forum, but i'm curious if anyone knows where I could find some good deals/information on keyboard controllers. I'm taking some music theory classes at school for a minor, and would be able to work on compositions etc. MUCH easier with some...