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  1. S

    Something i should know

    Alright so in bios theres a option to set the cores at 12% threw -12% for advanced CPU config i was wondering which is the best? ive tried both and still no Clue, I'll leave this up for a bit..if not ill look threw my manual...if i can find it in my parts bin..I gotta make me a desk/workbench...
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    Where to buy Haf932 front fan cover

    As the title suggests im looking to buy another front fan cover for the haf932, planning on doing a mod to my case that ill show here for you guys, Once i find the dang fan cover that is. So if someone could point me in the right direction that would be the best thing that could happen today to...
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    An idea to boost cooling

    Would spraying liquid Co2, aka a can of duster upsidedown onto your radiator, would it be a good idea yes/no? if so why
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    More fans then the biebs

    (Not a Justin Bieber fan in anyway, just thought the title would be funny) Here is the my gaming computer rig i just built in the last week. it has 15 fans inside 8 intake and 7 exhaust, I have a amd 955 running at 3.9 stable(though it can run at 4.1 stable aswell). The case Im using is a...
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    Gaming computer build amd

    1) What will you be doing with this PC? Gaming? Photoshop? Web browsing? etc Gaming such as WoW and others like crysis/counter strike, At high or maxed settings if possible Gimping photos for teh lulz, and standard internet use 2) What's your budget? Are tax and shipping included? around...